Day 5

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"Don't do this." Nandini cried as she held onto him. He closed his eyes and clenched his jaws, trying to hold himself back from hugging her.

"Let's end this." Manik pushed her away and took a step back. "We really are toxic together. We aren't meant to be."

"You can't do this to me." Nandini shouted, this time with a little anger. She fisted her fist, trying to control her frustration level. "I can't be an option. I am your compulsion."

Nandini grabbed his collar and pulled him towards him, their faces just inches apart. For a moment she got lost and so did he. Their face softened.

"Cut." The director's voice brought them back to their senses. Nandini left his collar and stepped back.

"Your face shouldn't soften. You have to be aggressive. Okay let's take this shot once again from compulsion."

"Okay." Manik and Nandini said in unison.

"Rolling, Lights, camera and action."

"I can't be an option. I am your compulsion."

Nandini grabbed his collar and pulled him towards her. "You can't leave me. You don't have a choice. You have to stay with me." Nandini pulled him closer, aggressively. She was more conscious this time.

"Show a little more aggression." The director said.

Nandini fisted his collar even more and clenched her jaws, looking at him. He too looked at her, hurt clearly evident in his eyes. "You are mine and only mine." She said, emphasizing each and every world.
Although it was just an act but deep down her heart shivered at this words of hers.

He pushed her away and she stumbled two steps back. "Cut." The director said with a satisfactory smile. "Good job."

Nandini heaved a slow breath and adjusted her skirt a bit. "You were good, actually too good." Manik praised as he came by her side.

Nandini smiled. "You were good too."

Nandini wore her coat and sat on the chair, waiting for the next shot. She looked around and the crew was busy adjusting the position of the camera and lights.

Manik sat beside her and she pouted. "I told you yesterday too that people might misunderstand us."

Manik chuckled and pulled her cheeks a bit, making her eyes go wide. "You are cute."

"What was that?" Nandini said when he withdrew his hand from her cheek.

"You really are cute." Manik ruffled her hair a bit, surprising her once again. She couldn't comprehend him but it did make her feel good.

She smiled and ruffled his hair a bit and this time it was his turn to be surprised. "You aren't less."

Manik gave her his big goofy smile. "I know right."

Nandini smiled even wider as she looked at her script. "Wanna practice saying the dialogues?"

"Yup that sounds great." Manik gave in. He took his script.

"We were never meant to be." Manik said, looking at the script.

"You are not the one to decide that. You don't have a choice. You simply don't."

"I have a choice to be with you or not to be with you. You you-" Manik bit his lower lips as he forgot one dialogue. "I forgot one dialogue."

"Happens." Nandini smiled. They practised the script for five more minutes before they were called to take the shot.

"Stand a little back." The director adjusted their position a bit. "Let's finish this in one shot." The director cheered.

"Light, camera and action."

"We aren't meant to be." Manik said, his voice broken. He looked at her with hurt totally evident in his eyes.

"You are not the one to decide." Nandini threw the vase that had been placed on the table. "You don't have a choice. You simply don't." Nandini said aggressively.
"I am human too. You can't treat me like your slave." Manik said, this time his voice was louder.

Nandini let out a painful chuckle. "I ordered you around to do this and not to do this because I cared." Nandini took a step in front and pulled him by his collar. "I care." She shouted.

"A little more agression." The director said.

"I care. I do." Nandini said with aggression. "Whatever happens you can't leave me. You don't have a choice."

"I do have a choice to be with you or not to be with you." Manik pushed her and accidentally her foot landed on the broken vase pieces, making her wail in pain.

"Nandini." Manik immediately held her. "I am sorry." Manik kneeled down and looked at her foot which had been bleeding.

"It's okay Manik." Nandini tried contradicting when he scooped her in his arms and led her to the chair.

"That wasn't a part of the scene, was it?" The director asked. "Why are you shooting that scene? Cut."

"That's for the day. Let's pack up." The director looked at Manik for a brief second before leaving.

"I am sorry Nandini." Manik apologized as he slowly applied medicine on her foot.

"It's fine Manik. This kind of accidents happen."

"Take a break for tomorrow."

"Manik it's such a small wound and a small wound like this can't stop me from acting."

"You love acting, don't you?" Manik said as he bandaged her foot slowly.

"I do."

"Then why can't you make acting your fifth reason?" Manik looked at her. "Reason number five Nandini, acting."

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