Day 8

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A better tomorrow

"I guess today is the last day of my role." Nandini whispered, leaning against the chair. Manik looked at her and smiled sadly.

"But trust me you did a good job." He said as he squeezed her shoulder a bit, giving her a kind of assurance.

Nandini raised her head and looked at him with a small smile. "Thank you for telling me that. It kind of gives me assurance and hope that I can do better." Manik was taken aback by her answer. She had become hopeful, just like he had wanted. His hopes had been wining.

"The shot is ready." One of the crew member called.

Nandini took off her overcoat while Manik spared a last glance at his script before going.

"Stand a little back." The director adjusted their position a bit. "Nandini a little more." The director said and Nandini did as said.

"Let's finish this in one shot." The director cheered.

"Light, camera and action."

"I guess we really weren't meant to be." Nandini heaved a slow breath, looking at Manik. Her eyes softened and a small smile formed on her lips. "I know I don't deserve to say this but still if you can then please forgive me."

Manik too smiled a bit. "I hope you get your perfect one." Manik bit his lower lips and his forehead scrunched a little when he realized he had forgotten one dialogue.

"Cut." The director said. "Whatever you did wasn't totally your fault. You forgot this dialogue." The director reminded.

Manik smiled, apologetically. "Sorry." He mumbled.

"Okay ones more." The director said.

"Rolling, lights, camera and action."

"I know I don't deserve to say this but still if you can then please forgive me." Nandini said with a small apologetic smile.

"Soften your emotion." The director said.

Manik too smiled a bit. "Whatever happened wasn't totally your fault." Manik held her shoulders slightly and squeezed it a bit."I hope you get your perfect one."

"I don't know if I will get mine but I guess you got yours. Whatever happens just be happy."

"And cut." The director said with a satisfactory smile. "You guys did well."

Manik and Nandini smiled and they were about to leave to change when Nandini was stopped by the director.

"Let me get straight to the point."The director paused for a second, looking at Nandini. "The big star entertainment company wants to sign you for their next movie. They think you will be perfect for the role. And they want to meet you this afternoon for script reading and for making the agreement."

This was like a big bomb to Nandini. It had been almost six months she had been wandering here and there trying to find roles for her and all she got were side characters role. But to her surprise a renowned entertainment company wanted to sign her up. It could be her comeback.

"Thank you so much director. I will do my best." Nandini thanked him and excused herself. She almost ran to the vanity van of Manik and not hers.

She knocked on the door, a couple of times and then he opened the door. As soon as he opened the door Nandini almost jumped on him, taking him into a bear hug.

"Woahh woahh." Manik too hugged her back supporting her. "I guess something very good happened."

"Can you believe it?" Nandini said excitedly, hugging him tightly. "Big Star wants to sign me for their upcoming movie."

Manik smiled, hugging her tighter."I know you will do your best." He ruffled her hair lightly and that was when some senses knocked into her head.

She was in his arms. She suddenly felt conscious and slowly tried to back off but this time Manik held her tightly, not letting her go.

"Who cares about the past when you can make your tomorrow better." Manik said softly. "Learn from your past but never make it your reason to ruin you.You have a bright future Nandini and I know you will do your best to make your tomorrow better."

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