Chapter 34: You Saved Me *Finale*

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Diggy got me after he busted the door down. He carried me to a room that I'm thinking is his room. He set me down on the bed and I was squirming and scooting away from him but he pinned my legs down so it was a little difficult to move.

"Why are you running away from me, huh?" He started kissing my neck but I managed to scoot away from him. It, of course, backfired since he dragged me back by my legs. 

"If you squirm, it'll only hurt more." He purred.

"Leave me alone! Please, please don't rape me..." I begged.

"Aww baby it's not raping if you like it." He cooed, stroking my hair.

What the....? I squirmed more and as a result, he slapped my legs. 

"Ow!" I squealed in pain.

"You're squirming!"

"And you're a psychopath!" I retorted as I continued squirming.

"You wanna do that? Fine, you've forced me to this." 

He got out of the room. It was my chance to run or hide. I ran to the closet and hid. He had so many clothes and it was perfect. I hid behind a long coat so he couldn't see me. Good thing I closed the door. I turned off the light and I heard the room door open and it sounded like Diggy was looking for me.

"Lucky? Lucky? You have got to be kidding me. Lucky, come out now and you won't be hurt.......that much." I felt him smirk

Do you really think that I would come out? 

"Lucky, I have the tracker to your ankle bracelet so come out now..." He chirped.

I'm still going to hide. I have to hide farther. I carefully slip through the clothes, without taking them off the bars and go hide between some treasure boxes he has. 

"Lucky.....come out, come out wherever you are......" He sang.

Cmon Ray, where are you!?


We're still on the plane and I'm next to this lady and she was going on and on about how her baby daddy ain't giving her child support.

"Tyrell is such a bitch! He only care about giving money to the less fortunate and shit! Like the fuck! You can give shit to the less fortunate but you can't give it to yo' damn kid! Yeah, the kid don't look like him but we still fucked." She was clicking her tongue and patting her weave. She is so stupid, immature, and selfish, "Like he could give me some money for a child that might not be his but we still fucked. He is so motherfucking----"

"You know what, please shut the hell up!!! Like you are so ratchet! You don't even know who the baby daddy is! I wouldn't even give you child support! You're just gonna get some designer clothes and demand more and more money. Look at you! You're wearing gucci and you got a Michael Kors bag! How do you get that kind of money! Bitch please, I can go on and on about your ratchet ass but I don't got the time to be hearing yo' ass or talk about you because yo' ass is irrelevant! So please for the remainder of the flight, can you shut yo' ass up! Thank you!!" I blew up. She was so.....ughhhh!!

The whole plane went silent then applauded. 

"Well damn, if you is gon' talk to me like that then I can just go." She rolled her eyes.

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