Chapter 5: Bria's Plan

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The doorbell rang. I got up and saw that it was Bria, Tawnee, Mia, China, and Dana.

"I don't want what you're selling!" I slammed the door in their face. I turned on my heel and continued walking, regardless if they were ringing on the doorbell and banging the door. 

"Who's at the door?" Prince asked as he went to the door. 

"DON'T---" It was too late. He already opened the door. In came the six jezebels that are going to ruin my life. 

"Hey girls." Prince greeted, hugging them all. "Didn't Ray open the door for you guys?" 

"He did but then he slammed it in our faces!" Dana glared at me. 

"How did you know where we lived anyway?" 

"We used to come here all the time when we were dating." Bria said in a duh tone. 

"What are you doing here?!" I spat.

"We wanted to pay our respects to your girlfriend." Tawnee smiled. 

"Well thank you." I gave them a small smile. "Now get out!" 

"Ray!" Prince exclaimed. 

"What?!" I crossed my arms. "They've given me a hard time ever since I broke up with Bria. They act like I don't have a good reason. She didn't seem like she wanted to be in a relationship! Bria is lying about the nudes thing because I never asked for nudes. In fact, she sent me nudes a couple of weeks ago for no reason. I deleted her number and blocked her." 

"That's a lie!" Bria stammered. 

"Really Bria? I have the proof." I said matter-of-factly. "I knew that one day it was going to come in handy so I screens hotted it. Give it up." 

"It's fine Ray, we don't have to see anything." Mia shook her head, glaring at Bria.

"Sorry about all of that." Tawnee gave me a small smile. "And I'm sorry for the loss of your girlfriend." 

"Thank you. I much appreciate it." I mirrored her smile, ushering them to the door. They left out of the door and I started dancing. Prince shook his head. 

"You know she was wrong for that." 

"Duh! That's why I'm dancing! She's finally exposed." 

"Who was at the door?" Moni asked. 

"Your god sister and her friends. Did you not hear them?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Boy did I..." She let out an exasperated sigh. "Why did she do that to you?!? I mean come on, that's not the Bria that I know."

"The Bria that you knew probably died a long time ago." 


"Are you kidding me Bria?!?" China yelled at me. "Why would you lie against him like that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I was pissed and I wanting him to suffer for breaking up with me." I said bitterly. 

"Bria, it's your fault that he broke up with you!! Why didn't you act like you want to be in a relationship with him? He even talked to you about it several times!" Mia exclaimed before starting the car. 

"I wasn't ready but then once he broke up with me, I was." I shrugged. 

"Bria, you're my girl and everything, but that's dumb as hell." China shook her head. 

"Real dumb." Tawnee added.

"Forget y'all! You're supposed to be my friends!" I cried. 

"Duh, we are. That's why we're telling you all of this. Because of you, we were attacking a guy that really didn't need to be attacked. If that's not friendship, I don't know what is." Mia scoffed. 

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes as we rode away. 

Hey...since his girlfriend is out of the picture, why not give this relationship a shot again? I mean if he sees that I can be his shoulder to cry on and help him through this heartbreak, we probably can date again! It may take time because Ray is very stubborn but eventually, I will get my man back. 

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