Then You Look At Me - Part Three

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A/N - this story is now it's own story! Enjoy all!

Adelaide's POV


"If you just stop squirming, I would be able to heal you a lot faster, but because you're moving, it's making it a lot difficult. You know, I could just call George and have him go all mother hen on you."

Tasha glared at me as I tended to her wounds that she had gotten from the Winter Soldier, aka Bucky Barnes. I smiled, then sighed as I waved my wand over the opened cut on her wrist, allowing magic to heal the wound before scanning her neck, and wincing as I saw the purplish bruises around her neck.

In our pursuit of trying to catch Bucky, we had failed...tremendously. Somehow, someone had triggered the Winter Soldier side of Bucky, and he went on a rampage, taking down everyone and anything in his sight. He managed to knock Tony out, injure Sharon and Natasha, one up T'Challa by knocking him out and even managed to get pass my magic, almost breaking my wrist as he grabbed it, ripping my wand out of my hand and chucking it away, before knocking me out.

When I had come to, T'Challa was standing over me in the medical bay, along with a bruised Natasha, and Tony, who had an ice patch over his eye. After using magic to heal most of my wounds which consisted of a cut, bruised wrist and bruised ribs, I had started to heal the others. Sharon didn't have as many injuries, but Tony and Natasha needed more healing. Bucky had choked Natasha, causing bruises around her neck, and she also suffered a majored head injury, as well as the cut on her wrist. Tony just had his bruised eye, cuts along his face and bruised ribs. I had healed him, but his eye was a bit tricky, and so I left it, telling him I would be back to heal it. He replied by asking for an ice patch to put over his eye.

"If that's the way you want to play it, then I will call Molly."

I smirked. "You could do that, but really, who would she fuss over more? Her daughter through marriage or adopted daughter?"

She tilted her head before sighing, allowing me to continue my healing. I swayed a little, the overuse of my magic making me tired and I cursed as T'Challa held me steady.

"Perhaps that is enough use of magic. You've already tired yourself out from healing yourself, along with Sharon and Tony." He murmured.

"I'm fine. There's just Tasha's neck to do and then I have to see if anyone else was injured." I mumbled.

He was about to protest, when Tasha spoke up. "He's right. You can heal my neck another day. It's not the first injury I've had and it won't be the last. My neck is fine."

I stared at her, before holding my hands up in defeat and allowed T'Challa to lead me to a chair to sit on.

We were back in the office in the main control room that we had been in before Bucky went full on Winter Solider. Everett's workers scurried about around the room, trying to track down the whereabouts of Steve, Hermione, Sam and Bucky, as they had disappeared after Bucky apparently crashed a helicopter on the rooftop of the building. Hermione was gone, and I couldn't feel her through our sister bond.

"Fine, I will rest for a minute." I muttered, leaning back into the chair. T'Challa sat down in the chair next to me, taking my hand into his. It was a strange feeling, but a good one as well. But the moment was ruined at the sound of a certain Secretary of State's voice.

"I'm almost tempted not to give you a minute, Lady Potter." Announced Secretary Ross as he walked into the office.

He gave me a look of disdain, before frowning at sight of my hand being held by T'Challa.

"In fact, I am tempted to have you under arrested after the stunt you pulled in Bucharest. Watching your attempt to pursue Rogers and Granger, along with Barnes makes me think that you're on their side." He snapped.

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