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Opprobious; expressing scorn or criticism+

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Opprobious; expressing scorn or criticism

Jimin was sprawled out on the grey wooden floor of his room, inhaling the horrid stench of alcohol and marijuana that was reeking the whole way through his house. It wasn't that he wasn't happy at home, he just wanted a better life for his dad, and his mum of course. It was always so frustrating when he saw his mother take hit after hit while his brother held him in a tight embrace and they cried on each others shoulders.

It was sad that he was used to this situation, the only difference was that he didn't have his brother to keep him safe anymore. Jihyun had passed away due to a three car collision on his was back from his part time job several weeks ago. His family was still healing but it only really made things worse. Jimin had become the target of his father's rage, it had been his birthday and Jihyun was just trying to get back to give him his gift which he later found out was a little white bunny plushy that he had been wanting to get. Now, that was his only comfort item. He felt as if he had nothing else in the world.

His chocolate eyes flickered over to the face of his alarm clock which read nine am, meaning he was an hour late for school. With an exhausted sigh, he heaved himself up off the floor with his bruised limbs paining him. He had been dressed for almost two hours, when he went to get some food before leaving his dad woke up and didn't waste a minute before attacking his son.

"I wish." Jimin whispered to himself as he hauled his bag up onto his back and made his way out of his house silently. "I wish I still had hope."

If anyone had heard the thoughts that ran through Park Jimin's head on a daily basis, they would probably be incredibly shocked by them as he was known for being the happy, chirpy boy who never ceased to cheer people up. That wasn't how he really was though, he just didn't want anyone to be sad because he knew how that felt.

After a very uneventful walk to the gates of his school, he made his way to the front office where he was sure to get scolded by the secretary for being so late to such an important place as school. Jimin hated confrontation, but this morning he especially was not in the mood for being shouted at. His cuts and bruises were still paining him because he didn't have enough time to clean them in his rush to get to school.

He lifted his petit hand and knocked on the sliding window of the office, seeing Ms Kang's head snap up at the small sound. The middle-aged woman always wore her hair pulled back into a tight bun and her face was permanently plastered with a sour expression.

"Mr Park Jimin, why are you here now?" her voice sounded angry and quite condescending as she stared at the small boy with a cold look.

"I-I'm sorry Ms Kang, I got caught up at home." Jimin averted his vision away from her and looked at his hands as if they were the most interesting things in the whole world.

The silence that followed after his statement was thick and suffocating, he could feel the woman's gaze on him as he began to feel his ears heat up in embarrassment of having to go through this process for the second time that week.

"You listen to me young man, and you listen carefully!" Ms Kang practically shouted at him. "You need to grow up and become more responsible because quite frankly all of the staff here are fed up of you and your antics! Now, get out of my sight this instant!" With that, she closed the sliding window once more and stormed back to her desk without a second look at the poor boy.

Jimin's eyes began to tear up and soon he felt teardrops streaming down his cheeks, he felt like he was frozen in place. His hands were still in front of him and his eyes were downcast, trying to make sure no one know he was crying. He felt like it should have been expected for her to be annoyed, but he didn't expect the shouting. He was already feeling vulnerable because of what happened earlier that morning and now all he could do was cry.

Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder, snapping Jimin from his thoughts as he slowly turned around to face who it was. His eyes scanned the person in front of him, it was Jeon Jungkook which was a very unexpected turn of events.

Jungkook had shiny brown hair that fell over his forehead narrowly avoiding falling his eyes. His eyes were a soft chestnut and he had a slight overbite giving him a cute look. Too many people fell for that innocent face though, he was anything but that. He broke people and Jimin was all too aware of that fact.

"You okay?" a small smile graced his lips, but the smaller boy didn't respond. "Uh, Jimin...right?" He nodded in response, unsure of what to say.

Jimin was a simple person, he didn't have time for someone like Jungkook with his opprobrious remarks, and his ridiculously high maintenance personality. He felt like the boy was genuinely trying to help, so he decided to talk.

"I'm just not feeling too good." His voice cracked slightly as he spoke, embarrassing him slightly but not as much as the years that started to fall again and the violent sobbing that erupted from his mouth. "I-I'm really s-sorry." Was all he could say.

The younger boy was in shock at the seemingly happiest student in the school breaking down in front of him. He felt so helpless seeing the debilitated boy, so he did all he could do and he wrapped his arms around him, feeling like he was keeping him safe from the horrors of the world for a brief moment. Jimin's small arms wrapped around him too as the held each other close. It was a strange sight seeing the two most unlikely people interact, even hugging. It didn't matter though, they felt safe.

"don't worry." Jungkook whispered in the smaller's ear. "I'm here now."


So, I started this story because I had an idea and I thought it might be good but I'm not sure how it will work out.

Hopefully it will go well!!

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