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That ethereal being was seated right across from him in the science lab, jotting down notes as if his life was dependent on it with his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. Taehyung really had grown up since they last saw each other in person, and it was such a surprise to see him in school. It was especially surprising because of the awkward conversation they had the previous day, Jungkook didn't usually believe in coincidence but this was too far. He couldn't suppress the smile that appeared on his face as soon as he saw the older boy.

His friend had grown out his hair to a mullet and dyed it blonde, he always liked to stand out from the crowd but this made that factor of his personality emphasised. His jaw had become stronger and more defined while his eyes were still pure and full of awe and wonder. He looked so impure yet like an angel.

They sat next to each other, both of them loving the other's company after so long of being apart. They were practically inseperable again and it was wonderful. They had been laughing and catching up for most of the day in classes, the teachers only let them away with it considering the fact that Taehyung was a new student at the school and they wanted him to be making friends so he would be happy.

“Sorry I had to hang up yesterday, my mum wanted help with unpacking.” Taehyung suddenly spoke with a smile that was incredibly unconvincing. “I shouldn’t have did it just like that.”

Jungkook nodded with a grin that almost looked genuine. He hadn’t been thinking about the Jimin situation for the entire day and now that it was being brought up, he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole. It was okay if Jimin cut connections with him, but he just wanted clarity that it was really what the boy wanted. He refused to believe it until he was explicitly told how Jimin felt about him.

“Yeah, sorry for bothering you.” He laughed it off before beginning to copy down the slide that the teacher had projected onto the board. He wasn’t paying much attention to the other male who was situated at the table in front of him. He also had no idea that said boy was listening to the conversation he was having with his old friend. “You’re really sweet for cheering me up, Tae Tae.”

With that Jimin dropped his head to the desk, he didn’t want to believe that Jungkook called someone because of how he had reacted to the stunt he pulled the other day. That was the only thing playing through the orange haired boy’s head for the countless hours since it happened. He thought their bond could never be broken because of how quickly they connected, but some things come out of nowhere. He let out a groan because he thought if he didn't let out his frustration in any other way he would cry right there and then.

The younger snapped his head up to look at his former friend, worry clouding his mind as he got up and walked to check on him. His hand rested on the boys back and he leaned down to his level to see his glassy eyes.

Guilt. That was the only thing both were feeling in that moment. Jimin felt bad because he couldn't convince himself that the other male was being truthful with his confession, and Jungkook because he couldn't stop his feelings for Jimin. Jungkook’s heart was beating out of his chest and no words could describe the feeling of touching Jimin again.

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