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Fatuous; pointless, stupid

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Fatuous; pointless, stupid

To say things were different would be an understatement, things had become so different that you could mistake Jungkook for Jimin’s nemesis. He still cared so deeply for the older boy. He somehow managed to completely misread every situation where emotions were involved and say something ridiculously dumb, ending up with him revealing how he felt and facing the consequences. His heart still beat fast when he saw Jimin but his friend was now avoiding even the slightest bit of contact with him. He felt like his heart was being cut open into tiny little pieces and he couldn't do anything to fix it.

That’s how he ended up in the bathroom, his head in his hands as he sobbed helplessly. He wasn’t ready to let go of his first friend...his first love. He was so desperate to get him back, to keep him safe but every time he tried the other boy would run away. Everything was so messed up now and there was no changing that.

Jungkook had no idea how he could change what happened, so he turned to the only person he could. He clicked the contact in his phone and waited.

After a couple of rings a voice came through the microphone. “Hey Jungcock!” and he couldn't help but let out a pathetic laugh at his friend who always managed to cheer him up. “What’s up?”

Even though the question was just general small talk, Jungkook started to break down again into a mess of snot ant tears.

“I-I messed up bad, Tae...he hates me!” The boy wailed down the phone line to his friend who was currently in Deagu.

They had met at a Summer camp when they were little, making a connection and having playdates every so often until Taehyung had to move back to Deagu and he stayed in Seoul. He was born in Busan, but his parents wanted to give him a better education so they moved to Seoul when he was only three months old. After that, his parents’ marriage started falling apart. His mother had started going out after work when Jungkook started in preschool and she left his dad after their son turned seven years old. It was hard for all of them but they all knew the way they were living wasn't healthy.

“Woah, calm down Gguk.” the soothingly deep voice came from the phone once again. “Is it that Jumin guy?”

“J-Jimin.” He sobbed desperately. “I told him- I said something that I shouldn't have and now he hates me!”

Sometimes he would question whether or not he let his emotions get the better of him and the answer to that question would be, yes. He let the feelings consume him until they would break him apart piece by piece.

“I told him I loved him.”

He heard the small, breathy laugh from Taehyung but it wasn’t as happy as usual. He sounded saddened now and Jungkook knew why. Ever since they were little, Tae had told him he wanted to be best friends forever but when they got older he managed to develop a crush on Jungkook. They were practically inseperable and the younger didn’t let the new found knowledge of his friend liking him get in the way of that. He still had fun with the boy, laughing and smiling until their faces would hurt.

“Not everyone can be like you, Kookie.” The now sad voice was heard. “Go after him, tell him that you just need closure. Once you know for sure he doesn’t feel the same, you can start healing but...it’ll take a long time” a long beep was heard and the line went dead.

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