Together is our forever

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**On the way to Natalie's**
While looking through the window feeling like it's taking ages to reach their destination, Celine turned her head to face Bella. "I'm scared." Without taking her eyes off the road Bella spoke with soft voice. "I know, but i promise you she's the kindest person i've ever met." Celine shook her head. "No, it's not only her what i'm scared of, Bella.. I'm scared of what i am of what i can do." Bella stopped the car in front a normal house with lots of trees surrounding it and then looked at Celine. "Don't be, i'm sure you'll be surprised of your abilities and i'll be here for you. You don't have to go through this alone." "Thank you Bella.. I have no idea what would i've done if you weren't in my life." "Don't thank me dummy, now let's go, we're here." Bella undid the seatbelt and then got out of the car, Celine hesitated a little but took a deep breath and got out as well. "At least the house is not creepy like i thought it'd be." Celine said while scoffing nervously. "You watch alot of movies indeed." Bella giggled and led the way then knocked the door and turned to Celine. "Act normal please, don't hold out your hand for her cause she don't shake hands with strangers, i'll explain later." As soon as Bella finished the door opened but she saw no one. "Bella!!" a voice came from underneath her, or at least that's how it felt like. She looked down and found Natalie's youngest kid Meredith. "Oh, hello there." She bent down and hugged her "Where's your mommy." Celine stood there without saying a word. "She's inside, come in." Bella stepped in and Celine intended to follow but the child stopped her out of purity "No, mommy says don't let in strangers." she frowned and Bella chuckled. "Meredith sweety that's my friend Celine, let her in." "No !" footsteps approached and a hit of relief washed over Bella at the sight of the person.. "Natalie." Bella said while meeting her halfway wrapping her in hug. "Oh my sweet Bella." She rubbed her back and they pulled out as Celine let out a sound "Uhm, sorry to interrupt this emotional moment but it's kinda freezing out here." Natalie chuckled and carried Meredith out of the way "Meredith a friend of Bella's is a friend of ours" Meredith kept frowning and said nothing, Celine stepped in and closed the door behind her while rubbing her hands together. "Sorry sweety, i have a rule not to let strangers in without my permission, but she didn't realize you're no stranger." Celine smiled and nodded, she felt better now that she saw Natalie she was the kind of person that you feel relaxed with. "Come in please." Natalie led the way to the living room where's there a fireplace and they all sat down while Meredith ran to her room to play with her siblings. "What would you like to drink girls." Celine looked down and didn't speak. "Hot chocolate, we have long talks and a drink would help." Natalie nodded and stood up to make hot chocolate, Celine looked at Bella and whispered. "How am i supposed to tell her, i mean i don't know where to start from i don't know anything in fact." Bella whispered back "I'll start and you can take off from there.. Why are whispering ?" "I don't know !" They both giggled and eased the tension, not much time after until Natalie came back with two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows on top and a cup of chai tea. "Thank you." Bella and Celine said in one voice. Natalie sat down with a warm smile on her face and grabbed her tea. "So my sweet girls to what do i owe the pleasure." Bella and Celine exchanged looks then Bella cleared her throat and started talking. "My friend Celine here, need your help and advice." Natalie turned her face to Celine while sipping from her tea and Celine looked at ger back and they shared eye contact. "She's a witch ain't she ?" Natalie said casually. Celine almost chocked on her hot chocolate and Bella continued. "Yes, yes she is and she discovered that like about yesterday ?" Bella looked at Celine with questioning look and Celine nodded in agreement then decided to take off from there. "I have been getting visions since i was very young, i predicted a lot of stuff but since i knew Bella and i rarely got them and even if i did they come blurry and confusing." She downed her empty cup and looked at Natalie who still is drinking from her tea. "I suppose you go to Bella's alot.." "On daily basis if possible." Celine shrugged. "Well that's what's getting you weak, us witches can't step in a house of the supernatural unless it's a super urgent situation." Bella nodded finally knowing why Natalie never comes to their house. "But why ? Does that mean i can't go to Bella's again." Celine frowned and looked at Bella knowing that this will cause them growing apart, Bella read her bestie like a book she stood up to sat beside her instead of across of her and squeezed her hands laying her head on Celine's shoulder. Natalie looked at them and got major déja vu of herself and Rose in the same situiation, the only difference is Natalie knew this day would come eventually so she kept her distance but it doesn't hurt any less. "Bella can still go to you, Celine. That will cause no harm dear." Celine looked up at Natalie, loosing control on her mixed emotions about everything, she let tears fall down silently while squeezing Bella's hand back nodding as if it's okay but they both know Bella won't go to Celine's as much as Celine used to go to her. She also won't see Rose.. "So what can i do to gain my strength back or power or whatever." "I'll need you to stay here with me in order to do that." Bella straightened her head and looked at Celine "It'll be okay." Bella whispered looking into Celine's eyes assuring her, Celine looked at Natalie. "Okay, i'll pack some clothes and come back tomorrow." Natalie nodded and put on a warm smile. "You're welcome anytime my dear, you can come too Bella." "I will try, thank you Natalie so much." She went to give her a hug and Natalie rubbed her back. "Tell your mom i missed her." Bella pulled out of the hug gently. "Will do." They went to the car and once they both got in they spoke at the same time "Last sleepover ?" they chuckled and Bella said "Yes !" and they drove home, both lost in their heads but at least together.

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