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The first thing Angelique did when she returned home on Monday was call Regina. She had spent the entire weekend with Thierry in his elegant cottage, slept next to him in his bed, but they hadn't had sex. Nor had there been a repeat of the intense foreplay of the first night. She should have felt relieved he hadn't asked anything from her except to pose for him in the garden wearing nothing but his dress shirt. How could she say no? But instead of being grateful he hadn't tried anything, she just felt frustrated. She didn't get what he wanted from her, but she had to admit, she really liked Thierry. He was nothing like any of the stories she had heard. They had spent the majority of the weekend lying around just talking. They talked about their childhood, their dreams, and their respective families. Who knew Thierry Chevalier had wanted nothing more than to be a painter when he was growing up? He obviously hated his choice of career, though it fascinated Angelique. She had wanted to go into the family business, but her mother was having none of that. As usual, Angelique had acquiesced. She had told Thierry of her desire to get into some sort of business, and instead of patting her on the head and telling her all the reasons why she shouldn't; he had thought she should go for it. "Why don't you do it?" he had asked while playing with her hair. Angelique had just shrugged. Her mother would never let her hear the end of it if she went to work, and her father would never let her work for him as long as it made her mother unhappy. She couldn't really say her parents had a loving relationship; they were rarely in the same place at the same time and when they were, her mother provided the bulk of the discourse. It was more like her father wouldn't want to hear the endless grief he would get from her mother if he were to give his daughter a job. She could technically use her inheritance to start her own business. She had given the idea some serious thought lately, but she wasn't brave enough to face the wrath of Charline Dubois. She had thought to wait until after her marriage. But now that marriage wasn't going to happen. It was weird, but Thierry seemed to know exactly what was running through her mind. "Why do you let people tell you what you can't do?" he had asked her. "I do not," she had defended. "Maybe I'm just not ready yet." Thierry had sat up from where they were sprawled on the floor, taking her along with him. Holding her chin firmly to make sure he had her full attention, he spoke clearly and concisely. "You are a quick, intelligent woman with the heart of a lion if you would just learn to trust yourself." Yeah, right. She had tried to look away, but he hadn't been about to let her slip into old self doubts. "Sugar, whether or not you had on a mask, it takes a hell of a lot of guts to get up on a stage before a bunch of horny men and dance like you are the only one in the room. I damn sure couldn't do it." She had really never thought of it like that. For her, it was an undercover form of rebellion or a release of all things she wished she could do. He made her feel like she really could do anything. This was getting a little too deep. She was completely out of her element. Never once had she met a man who was interested in what she wanted, or who cared whether or not she followed her heart. But there was no way she could see him again. If news got out, all hell would surely break loose. It may be the twenty-first century in California or New York, but this was still the good old South. With both of their families being so much in the public eye, it would cause nothing but grief on both sides. Sighing, she dialed Regina. "Hey, girl! What's up?" Regina's bubbly voice answered on the first ring. "What happened to you yesterday?" Damn! They were all supposed to meet for brunch, but Angelique had completely forgotten. "I'm sorry, it just slipped my mind," she hedged. Actually, she had been lounging in bed with Thierry while Remy was downstairs making the best brunch she had ever had in her life. Remy had come to cook periodically throughout the weekend, silently coming and going, leaving the most scrumptious treats as the only evidence he had ever been there. There had been quiche florentine, ham and cheese strata, sweet potato hash browns, grilled asparagus and prosciutto salad, fresh strawberries with coconut crème Anglaise and mimosas. Remy had turned out to be a damn good cook. "Sollie was hoppin' mad. I think she must have gone by your house five times. I know she called your mother at least twice." Shit! She was in for it now. She had to think about a plausible excuse for her to be gone all weekend without calling anyone. "Yeah, well, that's kind of what I want to talk to you about," Angelique said. "Sure, shoot." "Um, I'd rather come by your office a little later. If you have the time." There were sounds of papers rustling for a few minutes. Leave it to Regina to be in the office before eight on a Monday morning. "How about ten?" "That would be great." Angelique breathed a sigh of relief. She could talk to any of her friends really, with the exception of Solange, but Regina was more level-headed than most. She was always good for impartial advice without bringing any of her own hang-ups. Putting all her doubts and fears about Thierry on the back burner for the time being, Angelique took a leisurely shower and went about grooming herself for the day ahead while thinking of ways to break up with Paul. Truthfully, she should have never agreed to marry him in the first place, but she allowed her mother to pressure her into something that she hadn't wanted yet again. It really had to stop. Although he hadn't said anything outright, over the past weekend Thierry had opened her eyes to the fact she had let her mother run her life in every respect for far too long. She would never be happy living for someone else. Maybe Charline was as controlling as she was because she loved her daughter and didn't want Angelique to make mistakes that would leave her heartbroken or worse. As much as she would like to believe that, Angelique doubted it. Her mother had never been one to show any kind of affection unless someone was around to witness it. As a child she often got the feeling her mother didn't like her much at all, maybe even resented her. All her life Angelique had tried being obedient, following Charline's every dictate to earn her approval and maybe even her love. It had not been effective thus far. Angelique was seeing now it was probably never going to happen. Hours later as she sat beside Regina on the couch, Angelique came to the epiphany her friends had been waiting for since they had really gotten to know her well. "I will never make her happy," she whispered after she had recounted the entire weekend and all the jumbled emotions her time with Thierry had caused. "Even if I married Paul, she wouldn't be satisfied. There would always be something, wouldn't there?" The question was completely rhetorical so Regina didn't bother answering. "So why shouldn't I see what this thing is with this guy?" Angelique continued, getting to her feet and pacing the office. "I can't keep living my life for my mother, or some archaic sense of family honor, right?" Swinging around to face Regina, she continued hands akimbo. "And I am sick and tired of being the sweet one, the one that always does the right thing. What the hell has that gotten me? I am a twenty-five-year-old virgin engaged to man I barely know and I'm not sure I even like the whoring snake!" Watching Angelique standing there glaring at her like she was the one oppressing her, Regina had to smile. Finally, the backbone she always knew was there was emerging and all it took to bring it out was a weekend with a strange man. Who knew? Still, what Angelique had done this weekend was extremely dangerous. She hadn't told her who this man was, and Regina feared the worst. Sure, he may not have tried anything yet, but maybe he was just setting her friend up for a bigger scam or fall from grace. There were plenty of people in New Orleans who would like to nothing better than to see the Angelic Angelique take a momentous tumble from her pedestal as the sweet, innocent daughter of the beloved mayor. People could be really sick sometimes. "So, are you going to see this guy again?" Regina asked casually. Years of experience had taught her it was best not to be too forward. That would only serve to make Angelique defensive and as a result, she would be less than forthcoming. Angelique sighed as she plopped down on the couch once more. "I don't know. I mean, I want to. I really, really want to. But Thierry is from a completely different world, you know? Plus, I can't imagine his family would be happy were we to have an actual relationship. Not to mention what it could do to Daddy's career." "Thierry?" Regina prodded gently. "Well, from what you told me he seems to be pretty into you. I just want you to be careful with someone you don't know. Especially some guy you met at one of Katrina's clubs. You don't know this guy from Adam." "Oh, I know about him well enough." Angelique answered, distracted by thoughts of her weekend with the enigmatic Thierry. Completely forgetting where she was, she began to reason it all out as if talking to herself. "I have never had anyone look at me like that. I mean, I have always wanted that, you know. Someone to look at me like I was the only woman on earth, like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen." Jumping up again, she resumed pacing. "It was weird. He knew who I was even with a mask on. Then, when he took me to his house he had all these paintings of me. It should have freaked me out, but it didn't." "Paintings of you?" Regina interjected. "Yeah." Angelique waved her friend off and resumed her diatribe. "He's been painting me since I was like, eighteen. They're all over the place, in the living room, in the den. I even sat for him so he could sketch me. He wanted to know me. Like, really know me. He listened to me like you or Katrina would. And he didn't ask me, you know, to reciprocate when we...when he...well, he soothed me and asked for nothing in return. He just asked me to get on the pill as soon as possible." "Wait, Angel, stop," Regina demanded now on her feet. "What do you mean soothed you?" Angelique felt heat rush to her face. "He, uh, touched me and stuff." "Jesus, girl, you can say it," Regina ran blew out an exasperated breath. "You're an adult." "He went down on me, okay? A few times. I just can't figure Thierry Chevalier out..." Regina fell back on the couch as if punched. "Did you say Thierry Chevalier? Angel, girl, I think you need start from the beginning." ***** Thierry didn't go back to the house after dropping Angelique off at home. He didn't think he could be in the place without seeing Angelique everywhere he looked. Damn, but the woman was sweet. He had been rock hard all weekend without release. Shifting uncomfortably behind the wheel, all he could think of was the taste of her skin, the way she gasped whenever he touched her, the way she bit her bottom lip right before she came. Groaning, he tried to force his thoughts on his plans for the day. The first thing he needed to do was have a little talk with Miss Katrina Smith. Though she was under no obligation to inform him of Angelique's activities, she definitely needed to be more diligent about who she hired, especially where his woman was concerned. And Angelique was definitely his woman, even if she hadn't realized it yet. He couldn't imagine being with another woman after this weekend. Unfortunately, that meant he was going to have to satisfy himself for the foreseeable future. Not that she hadn't offered. Thierry smiled at the memory at her shy offer. He had wanted to say yes with every fiber of his being. To see those edible lips wrapped around him would have surely been the most erotic sight in the world. But he wanted her to trust him first. He needed her to see he wasn't just trying to get off, but wanted something deeper. He wanted her heart. Letting himself into his apartment he growled at the sight of Remy curled up on his couch. "Get up and get out," Thierry snarled, kicking his cousin's boot clad feet off the Italian leather. Remy sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Hey, what time is it?" "It's time for you to go home," Thierry replied, walking into his bedroom. Completely unabashed, Remy followed him looking like he had been up all night. He probably had, the reprobate. "So?" Remy asked leaning against the bedroom door. "So, what?"
"Is it serious or what?" Remy demanded.
Thierry wasn't so sure he was ready to share what he had found in Angelique with anyone, even the cousins he loved like brothers. Still, Remy had no doubt seen too much to try bullshit him. "What do you think?" he answered, evading the question. Remy studied him for a few minutes, seeing far too much in Thierry's estimation. "I think you need to tread carefully, especially where our grandmother is concerned," Remy said quietly. "Shit, Remy I am not living my life for that bitter old..." Thierry stopped exhaling harshly. "Look, I know Lady Rienne is going to be a problem, but I will not allow her to stand in my way." "Good." Remy nodded turned and left, leaving Thierry to shake his head in wonder. Anyone who wrote his cousin off as just an over privileged playboy was seriously underestimating him. After laying out his clothes for the day, Thierry went to take a long cold shower. Looking down, he tried to will his erection away to no avail. It would help if his mind could stop wandering back to the way Angelique looked stretched out on his bed. He had never seen anything as sweet as the way her thighs opened for him or that beautifully waxed pussy. And the way she tasted... He hadn't even realized he had grasped himself until he heard his own unmistakable moan echo off the bathroom walls. Stroking himself, his mind went over every curve of her delectable body. She was round and soft in all the right places. She was sweet innocence and raw sexuality all rolled up in one. His mouth began to water remembering the way her nipple hardened for his questing mouth, the way her body shuddered in his direction. Stroking faster, he recalled the way her back arched off the mattress when he licked and sucked until she was screaming. He erupted at the last thought, finally feeling the icy pelt of water raining down on him. With a wry smile he adjusted the temperature. He wondered how long he was going to be able to hold out with the temptation of the perfect woman sleeping cuddled next to him every night, because there was no way in hell he'd spend another night without her.

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