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[ let's do this ladies ]

#1 roger stan 💦:
guys i'm really scared
i'm sorry to lay this on you but i have no one else

mr robot 🤖:
are you okay? what's wrong?

dinosaur boy 🦖:
don't apologise, mia. we're your friends we're all here for you

fake brian may 🥰:
are you okay? do you need me to come round?

#1 roger stan 💦:
cody's just completely flipped out on me
she'd been trying to get hold of me but this movie has taken so much of my time i forgot to respond
and now she's saying all this stuff and i don't know what to do
[ mia sent a screenshot ! ]
[ mia sent a screenshot ! ]

princess luce 🌹:
mia i'm so sorry she's saying that
we're all here for you

fake brian may 🥰:
i know i shouldn't but i really wanna kick her ass
we all love you
please don't forget that

not tom hardy 🐶:
oh my god
what if it's just jealousy?

mr robot 🤖:
you did the right thing in blocking her

#1 roger stan 💦:
i love cody so much i don't get what i've done wrong
possibly ben but it's just strange
like even her being rude to gwil?? she said liked gwil

dinosaur boy 🦖:
ben might be right
we're all pretty close it might worry her

fake brian may 🥰:
that's a good point
just let her cool down and see if she tries to contact you

princess luce 🌹:
and if she tries to start any rumours you've got us
we're officially the mia protection squad

not tom hardy 🐶:
we're a family

dinosaur boy 🦖:
this is getting sentimental let me get some tissues

#1 roger stan 💦:
scratch what i said earlier gwil can you come round please
i don't wanna be upset but i just can't

mr robot 🤖:
angel no :(( don't be upset

not tom hardy 🐶:
quick someone find the video of roger singing lap of the gods

princess luce 🌹:
we love you don't be sad
you deserve way better than this

dinosaur boy 🦖:
i'll call jeff goldblum

fake brian may 🥰:
baby please don't be upset
i'll be round as soon as possible
and i'll even get you those vegan chicken nuggets you love

#1 roger stan 💦:
what did i do to deserve you?

not tom hardy 🐶:
you deserve the world

#1 roger stan 💦:
ben stop being uncharacteristically nice

dinosaur boy 🦖:
aaaand she's back

fake brian may 🥰:
WAIT i know how to cheer you up

#1 roger stan 💦:
oh no

fake brian may 🥰:

mr robot 🤖:oh my GOD

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mr robot 🤖:
oh my GOD

#1 roger stan 💦:

princess luce 🌹:
i can't BRETAHE

fake brian may 🥰:

i'm posting this at work hehe
also that video of joe on lucy's story. phew boy 🥵
(also pls read my joe fanfic ty)


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