[39]: TEXTS

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[ gwilym + mia ]

mia 🥰:
gwilym lee
i need your help

gwil 💓:
oh god you full named me
what's up?

mia 🥰:
uhhh so mayhaps
i am hungover
can i come round? i really need some cuddles and green tea :(

gwil 💓:
of course you can
and 'mayhaps'?

mia 🥰:
i saw people on twitter using it
back to the most important issue:
i ran out of green tea

gwil 💓:
baby why don't you just move in?
it seems pointless at this point to live separately
and i always have green tea

mia 🥰:
i didn't think about that
honestly this is hurting my head more but i think i'd love to live with you

gwil 💓:
you think? thanks for the vote of confidence babe x
but for now please come and cuddle, i'm cold and i miss you

mia 🥰:
baby you saw me last night
you saw a lot of me last night

gwil 💓:
i know, i'm planning on seeing a lot of you tonight as well

mia 🥰:
that was so not smooth

gwil 💓:
i know okay i tried

mia 🥰:
why am i with you

gwil 💓:
because i worship the ground you walk on

mia 🥰:
i hope you know i do that for you too

gwil 💓:
of course i do
can you believe we've nearly been together a year?

mia 🥰:
we're due to finish filming in january too
i'm gonna miss seeing everyone's faces everyday

gwil 💓:
well if you move in then you'll see my wonderful face everyday

mia 🥰:
hmm yeah
well i'm outside now open the door so i can kiss your pretty face

gwil 💓:
that made my heart flutter

mia 🥰:
gwil stop you're too cute :(

gwil 💓:
that was so lame
i'm opening the door now one sec

i love my soft babies
i'm really ill someone pls help me


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