[44]: TEXTS

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[ mia + gwil ]

gwil 💓:
babyyy i did a thing
and i need you to be okay with it

mia 🥰:
oh goodness here we go
what have you done?

gwil 💓:
so because i'm a super great boyfriend who loves you and appreciates you,
i booked a holiday to hawaii for us.
we fly out the day after the wrap party.
i love you.

mia 🥰:
gwil you're kidding???
you didn't do that
you're lying

gwil 💓:
i did. you deserve it. you work so hard and i wanted to treat you.

gwil 💓:
wait i can hear you crying please don't cry

mia 🥰:
no it's okay i'm happy
no ones ever done something like this for me before
thank you
i love you more than anything

gwil 💓:
are you joking? you've never had someone take you on holiday?

mia 🥰:
i mean my parents did but none of my past partners did

gwil 💓:
we'll pack your bags, baby. we're going to hawaii

also there's not much left of this book :(


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