Chapter 29

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Three friends made the same commute they made every day though, they were unaware of the differences to come. 

"Class as you have observed, we have a new student." The teacher adjusted his glasses and turned to the boy wearing a white longsleeved shirt, black dress pants, and a loosely fitted tie. "Introduce yourself."

"My name is Midoriya Hisashi." The boy had black hair and similarly colored dark eyes bowed and looked across the class. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."  

All but one girl of the class swooned at his charming smile. The one girl that didn't swoon was Inko, who was too busy studying her notes to notice the new boy. The green haired girl always studied whenever she could in order to keep her high marks. The girl with a small green ponytail didn't even acknowledge the new student's gazes towards her. 

At lunch, the new boy attempted to converse with the girl that seemed immune to his charms but, she left the classroom before he had the chance to get a word out. Inko made way to the roof, where she always had lunch with Masaru and Mitsuki. She was met with a big surprise. Mitsuki had Masaru pinned to the wall, her lips pressed against his. They broke apart when they heard Inko's giggle. 

"I-Inky! Y-You're earlier than usual." Both teenager's faces were bright red and this caused their friend to laugh harder. 

"You two..." Inko tried to calm her fit of giggles. "Did you just kiss him to confess your feelings, Mitty?" 

The stunned silence served as Inko's answer, making her laugh again. A new voice joined the circle of friends. "Your laugh is adorable." The trio turned to the source of the voice. It was the new boy in class 3-A, Inko's class. "It makes you even more attractive." Hisashi took Inko's hand in his and pressed his lips to it. 

"I-I'm sorry but, who are you?" The greenette was now the one with a red face. The boy looked taken aback momentarily but he smiled. 

"My name is Midoriya Hisashi." 


"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The preacher's voice rang out throughout the church. "You may kiss the bride." 

And who is that bride? It's Inko Midoriya. She and Hisashi shared a sweet kiss in front of all to see. Inko held her now husband's hand and they turned to the crowd of friends and family. 

"Before the party starts we have something to announce." Hisashi had a smile on his face, one that could rival even the happiest man. 

"I'm pregnant!" Inko chirped out happily. As soon as the words left her mouth her best friend rushed to her and engulfed her in a hug. Mistuki was crying because of this joyous occasion. First, her best friend gets married and next, she announces that she's gonna have a baby. Masaru came up, chuckling and pulled his, also pregnant, wife off of the newlyweds. Hisashi had his bad moments, sometimes his anger got the better of him but Inko's calm personality balanced him well. No matter what came after them, she believed that they would be able to overcome any obstacle. 


It was getting late and Hisashi was still out at work. Inko was used to this behavior. It started a few months back but today Hisashi would regret being late. The broccoli headed woman dropped the plate she was washing and clutched her heavily pregnant stomach. Her water had just broken and her husband was nowhere to be found. She tried to call him but the calls went straight to voicemail so instead, she called her best friends. Mitsuki had her baby boy a few months ago and she and Masaru named their son Katsuki. 

The new mother answered the call after two rings. "Inky, is everything alright?" 

"T-The baby's coming! My water just broke!" There was a crash on the other end of the line and Mitsuki yelled at Masaru. 

"Get Katsuki ready! We need to take Inky to the hospital!" 

"It's time!?" Masaru shouted back to his wife.

"Inko are you still there?" Mitsuki added a gentle tone to her voice. She was answered by a cry of pain. "I need you to stay calm and take deep breaths. Masaru and I are on our way."

"It hurts, Mitty!" Inko cried out. 

"I know, Inky. I know it hurts." 


"Name for the boy, ma'am?" A nurse asked the new mother. 

"I-Izuku," Inko replied tiredly. The nurse wrote down Izuku's birth information on a certificate. 

"Date of birth is July 15. Time of birth is 13:47. His weight is eight pounds and three ounces. Mother's name is Inko Midoriya and the father's name is Hisashi Midoriya. Does that sound about right doctor?" The doctor nodded in response to the question. All of a sudden, Inko started screaming. Doctors and nurses rushed into action to aid the screaming woman. To their surprise, Inko was pregnant with twins. This fact surprised the new mother as well. 

"T-Twins..." Inko started crying at the news. Hisashi had yet to show up to the hospital but at that moment, the new mother didn't care. 

"What will you name the girl, Ms. Midoriya?" The nurse asked the crying mother. 

"She's my little flower... My Hana.." The mother drifted off to sleep, holding her new children close. 


Hisashi put on his coat and kissed his loving wife on the cheek. "I'm off to work." 

"Did you choose which twin you'll take to work today? You know what day it is." Worry was evident in her voice. She believed that her husband worked an office job for a design company. Unfortunately for her, that was not the case. He worked as an informant for the biggest villain in the city. He worked for All for One. 

"I've decided to bring our little daddy's girl. She was really excited about today." Hisashi smiled at his wife, knowing full well what he was about to do. Inko nodded and got her four-year-old daughter ready for the day. 

Neither twin showed any signs of developing a quirk and after talking to a doctor, it was discovered that it was highly likely that neither ever would. Hisashi had a way around this but, he had to test it first. It was decided that his own daughter would be the test subject. 


"What happened, Hisashi!?" The black haired man held his daughter close. It seemed like the young green haired girl was merely sleeping. 

"I wasn't paying attention and she ended up rolling out of her chair and slamming into my coworker's desk." Hishashi's voice rang with worry for his only daughter. 

"Mommy? Daddy?" A small Izuku walked in, tears in his eyes. "Is Cherry Blossom going to wake up?"

"Of course she will baby boy. We just have to take her to the doctor's office."


It was announced that Hana Midoriya was in a coma. No matter what Inko did to convince herself that it wasn't Hisashi's fault, something told her that it was. 


It's been two weeks and Hana just woke up but something was severely different. Hana now possessed the ability to absorb other people's quirks and the ability to turn her negative emotions into intelligence and strength. This was strange since neither parent possessed these abilities. This led to fights between the parents. Hisashi started drinking and staying out late again. A week after Hana came home, Mitsuki made Inko aware that Hisashi, the man that Inko fell in love with, was cheating on her with another woman. This caused a large and heated fight between the two parents but, little did Inko know that Hisashi's next actions would destroy their relationship forever. 

As the children clung to each other in fear, Inko sobbed, Hisashi screamed and drank himself senseless, and the Midoriya family was destroyed that day, never to be fixed again. 

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