Chapter 38

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"If you have to save someone that means they've probably gone through something terrifying. They'll be frightened. Remember that real heroes don't just save people's lives. They save a person's heart too. You know what I think? No matter how scared you are, you should smile to show that things will be okay. In this world, the ones who are always smiling are the ones who are the strongest." 

I'm not like my twin brother. We may look alike but we've lived very different lives. That's why these words are so important to me. That's why I believe my brother is stronger than I am. Even now, when he and Katsuki and everyone else are screaming at a screen in hope that All Might will hear their calls. All I'm doing is staying quiet and watching. I'm emotionless while he is full of blazing fury. By far Izuku is the better twin. 

All Might channeled his power into his right arm and yelled something at his enemy. All for One floated into the air and blasted a powerful fire attack towards Toshinori. Thankfully, Endeavor showed up just in time to block it. Many heroes appeared to help. They distracted All for One, retrieved the injured and reignited Toshinori's fire. All of a sudden a blast of air was sent out all around, blowing away the helping heroes. All for One started to combine his quirks and channeled it all into his right arm, leaving it mangled and disproportioned. 

Both he and Toshinori started to throw their punches at each other. My instincts told me to listen through Toshi and I followed them. Right as I started, I heard All for One call my brother's name. He knew that Izuku was the one that Toshi passed One for All to. I looked at my brother, who was staring at the screen in shock. Everyone around us was quiet. Anticipating the ending of this battle. As the punched collided, everyone started cheering for All Might. The force of All for One's punch pushed the pair of enemies back and created a shockwave more powerful than anything All for One sent out before. 

Blood splattered onto the ground, which caused a collective gasp to run throughout the crowd. I simply smiled. I knew what my old friend was doing. He was remembering his origin. Toshinori transferred his power from his right arm to his left and punched All for One across his face. All for One combined more quirks, this time to his left arm. Toshinori was one step ahead of him though. By transferring the power back to his right arm, he caught his enemy off guard. Toshinori channeled all of the power he could and regained most of his hero form. He sent a powerful punch directly into All for One's face and broke the mask around it. I assume it was something to help him live, based on how mangled his face looked. 

Everyone was completely silent until Toshinori slowly lifted his left arm and powered it up. Loud cheers erupted from the crowd as my friend was declared the winner. Toshinori powered up his entire hero form, though it hurt him. People pumped their fists into the air and chanted 'All Might, All Might, All Might.' Coverage of the damage started soon after the fight was over. People made an attempt to leave but no one could because all of the trains were closed. I guess that was a good thing because Toshinori had a message. He pointed to the camera, which caught the anchor off guard, and started to talk. "Now. Now it's your turn." 

Other people started saying how amazing All Might was and started cheering again. I think they took it as a threat for other villains but us Midoriyas? We knew better. We knew what it truly was. It was Toshinori passing on the torch for the Pillar of Peace. I took my twin's hand as he cried. He was scared. Katsuki stared at us but I didn't care. "Come on, Izu. Let's call mom and let her know we're okay. She must be worried sick." 


After the fight, we met up with the others of the group and the five of them turned me and Katsuki into the police. The whole way there, Katsuki was silent. I assume they went home after that. The police checked Katsuki and I over for injuries, asked us some routine questions, questioned me about the alcohol on my breath and then sent us home. Mom greeted me with a worried smile and a hug. She told me that she was glad I was home safe and uninjured. 

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