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All of these chapters are unedited, please leave a comment if you see a mistake, or if you want to give me a suggestion to either make the story better or for a chapter idea! 

June 1986

"Class, please welcome our newest student, Harmony Landgraab." The teacher called loudly over the chattering students. 

Everyone turned to look at me and then started laughing. I looked down to discover that I was wearing only my undergarments.

 I rapidly ran into the supply closet that was tucked in the corner of the classroom and locked the door behind me. 

The teacher kept banging on the door, begging me to come out, but I wouldn't. I was mortified.

"Harmony! Harmony Eloise Landgraab!" I opened my eyes as my mother burst into my room. 

"What mom?" I asked, annoyed. "You woke me up."

"You're going to be late for your first day of public school! Did you forget that they start school earlier then the church school does?" 

"Shit!" I muttered, jumping out of bed. 

"Language!" my mother sighed as she walked out of the room. 

I hastily put on a black and white shirt with overalls and converse. I then ran around my room until I found my hairbrush, brushed my golden-brown colored hair and my teeth, and then ran down the stairs and out the door, where my parents were waiting for me.

"Have a nice day, dear." My father said, kissing my head before getting into his car, and then backing out of the driveway.  After he turned off our road, I turned to face my mother, who was already watching me and holding my backpack.

"Time to go, Harm."


I hastily walked through the unfamiliar halls, looking for the fourth-grade wing. When I found it seconds later, I hurried into the last door, with the label: Mrs. Wheeler. Class was already in session. Everyone, including the teacher, looked at me in curiosity. It took a minute for Mrs. Wheeler to realize who I was. 

"Class, this is our newest student, Harmony Landgraab. She was transferred here from the Neibolt Street Church School." 

"Haha, she came from Jesus school, what a loser." The entire class laughed as I blushed. 

I looked up to see who had said that and immediately found my target.  The boy was wearing enormous glasses and was smiling at me, revealing his oddly beaver-like front teeth. When I made eye contact with him though, he blushed deeply before turning away. 

It was only then that I realized the only open seat was next to the Trashmouth. 

When I sat down, I watched him lean over to say something to me from the corner of my eye.

"Save it, Bucky Beaver," I told him firmly.

"Who the fuck is Bucky Beaver?" He questioned, and I started to wish I hadn't said anything at all. 

"How do you not know who Bucky Beaver is? Brusha...Brusha...Brusha? That doesn't ring a bell to you?" (A/N: The Bucky Beaver toothpaste commercial is up above if you want to watch it lol.)

"Nope. Sorry, Hot Stuff." He winks, turning his attention back to Mrs. Wheeler, who appeared to be ranting about the solar system.


Faith and Fear | Richie Tozier [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now