Chapter Seventeen: You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll cheer. You'll die.

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Song: Yesterday - The Beatles(Help!)

A/N: Ahhh Paul McCartney's so prettyyyyy... anyway, I am so sorry it took me so long to update this story! I've had a pretty bad case of writer's block, but I'm hoping to finish this story in one sitting so that I can be done with my Richie Tozier fanfiction phase, haha. Anyway, enjoy :)

Harmony's P.O.V.

I wake up lying on the ground of a very musty smelling place.

Very slowly, I force myself to open my eyes.

"Woah," I mutter as I sit up. "What the fuck is this place?"

I was in a cistern? I didn't even know there was one under Derry. In the middle of the room, there was a huge pile of miscellaneous children's belongings.

I look to my left and see Beverly lying there, unconscious.

I crawl over to her and start to shake her. "Bev? Bev, wake up!" I said as loud as I can whilst still whispering. The clown has to be around here somewhere.

After what seems like an eternity, Beverly starts to stir. "Harmony?" She asks, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. "Where are we?"

"I don't fucking know. It looks like a cistern."I tell her, looking around. "We're most definitely underground though."

She nods in agreement. After a moment of silence, she gets up, offering me her hand. I take it and pull myself up. "Let's see if we can find a way of here, yeah?"

"Knowing this bitch there won't be." I laugh humorlessly.

I start to walk away from the middle of the room when I hear a faint creaking noise. "Did you hear that?" I ask, a bit paranoid.

"Hear what?" Beverly questions, but before I can respond, A loud voice over an intercom interrupts me.

"Step right up Harmony and Beverly. Step right up." Then a music box starts playing. "Come change, come float. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll cheer. You'll die." The voice says again. "Introducing, Pennywise the Dancing Clown."

"It has a name?" I ask Beverly. She just shrugs at me.

A stage hidden in the pile of miscellaneous items that I hadn't noticed before suddenly opened up.

And then It appeared. As the circus music began to play, It, er, Pennywise I guess, began to do this ridiculous dance number.

I mean seriously, it took all I had not to burst out laughing then and there.

Beverly sneezes. I turn to say bless you to her when I see her signaling towards something with her eyes.

I sneakily take a look to see a door. I put my hands behind my back where Beverly can see them and count to three.




Bev and I run towards the door but Pennywise is faster than us, unfortunately.

With my neck in Its' hand and Beverly's in Its' other, Pennywise smiles cheekily at us, and I gag at It's breath.

Didn't Pennywise mention something earlier about being able to smell fear?

I guess I just won't have to be scared then.

I smile back at It. "You know, you'd think with all these piles of stuff in here you'd have a toothbrush. I'd be happy to buy you one, if it means your breath won't smell like, well that."

Pennywise looks annoyed.

Hah bitch, take that!

"Yeah, we're not scared of you!" Beverly states, taking my hand in hers.

Pennywise takes a sniff of her, to see if she's bluffing or not. I take the opportunity to kick Pennywise in Its balls.

Did It have balls?

Focus Harmony!

"You will be." It grins as if I did nothing. I guess that answers my question then.

Then It opens Its' mouth, and a strange light started emanating from it. I've seen enough horror movies to know that if a bunch of light starts coming out of an evil clown's mouth, you should probably close your eyes.

I shut mine tightly as I yell, "Shut your eyes!" to Beverly. When I feel her hand go limp in mine, I knew it was too late.


What do I do? Play dead? That could work if It didn't try to eat me.

Fuck it. What've I got to lose?

I struggle for a bit, my eyes still closed, and then go limp.

It's a good thing my Richie's not here. I love him but he probably wouldn't be able to tell that I was faking it.

The clown laughs sinisterly. And I groan internally.

Whatever, I'll just keep channeling my inner lizard.

But then the clown stops abruptly, and I hear the bells attached to Its neckpiece jangling. What was going on?

Then that bitch has the AUDACITY to drop me. I mean, seriously?

I don't hear It anymore, but I still wait a few minutes anyway to make sure the coast is clear.

I'll have to thank whatever it was that distracted Pennywise later, because It definitely knew I was faking it, but oh well.

I open my eyes and stand up. I don't see Beverly next to me.

Where is she?

Now that I'm thinking about it, I never heard her drop to the ground, so that means...

Oh shit.

I look up, and sure enough, there Beverly was; floating. I jumped up a few times to try and reach her, but deep down I knew my 5'2 ass wasn't gonna be able to do anything.

I'll just go round up the others, and then we can get her down.

I ran out the door Beverly spotted earlier.


Now I just have to find my way out of this fucking maze.


Word Count: 907

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