Chapter Six: Bust A Move

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Song: Bust A Move - Young MC

A/N: Hey! So I just wanted to warn y'all that I wrote this chapter at 12:30 am, so I was kind of delirious. Enjoy!

"Oh my god. So easy. So easy! Oh my god, that was terrible!" Richie cries as the other boys spit.

The boys and I were seeing who could spit the furthest. They were all in their underwear, but I had yet to change.

Ok, so we're all wondering it, right?

Will Beverly show up?

And if she does, will... will Richie, you know, find her all attractive and later on when he's spending quality time with his little buddy, will he think of her?

I know, I know, what kind of sick person thinks of her best friend doing stuff like that?

"Mon?" Richie nudges me, pulling me out of my seemingly embarrassing thoughts.


"It's your turn to spit." He says, eyeing me questioningly as if he can tell something's off.

He is my best friend after all.

It's not his fault I'm hopelessly in love with him and that I can't share most of my thoughts with him because he's all I think about.

Yuck, sorry. That sentence made me cringe.

Let's lay off the mushiness, for now, I urge myself.

"Mon!" Richie yells.

"Hmm? Oh yes, spit." I murmur, before spitting out a sad loogie.

"Someone's off her game today." I hear Eddie stage-whisper, and I roll my eyes.

"Alright, who's first?" Bill asked, pretending that nothing happened, in typical Bill fashion.

We all look down at the body of water, which seems impossibly far away.

"I'll go!" Beverly said from behind, taking off her dress and yelling "Sissies!" as she jumps off the cliff.

"What the fuck?!" Richie shouted. "Ah, holy shit! We just got showed up by a girl!"

The boys all look at me, expecting me to make a girl joke about Richie.

Instead, however, I stare down at Beverly.

Stupid Beverly with her stupid underwear. Who did she think she was, trying to steal my man?

I bet Richie thought her boobs were perfect.

"Do we have to do that know?" Stanley asked.

"Yes." Eddie breathed.

"Come on!" Beverly shouted.

"Oh shit," Stan muttered.

The others jumped off until it was just Richie and me.

"Come on, Mon!" Richie says, smiling at me.

"You go on without me. I'll just be a minute. Gotta take my clothes off." I say, not making eye contact with him.

I bet he was just itching to get down there and look at her.

Richie lets his guard down briefly, frowning, before covering it back up. "Ok." He said and shrugged, before jumping off.

I walk to the tree where Beverly had left her clothes and bike and slowly start stripping.

What if I like stole her clothes or something?

Nah, that'd just make her more desirable in Rich's eyes.

Faith and Fear | Richie Tozier [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now