Chapter 8 - The Mean Girl

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-Next morning-

I woke up , brushed my teeth changed my clothes and went downstairs. I saw Neymar and Raf talking to each other and Raf looked shocked. I bet he told her what happened last night. I still can't believe that I started to like him. He's just a jerk. How could someone to that.

"ASH ARE YOU OKAY." Raf said running up to me and hugged me really tight.

"Yes ! Yes I am , you don't have to worry." I said faking a smile. I'm not okay. I still feel awful and disgusted at what he did. I will never ever forget it.

"I'm so so so so sorry that I didn't pick up my phone. My battery died and so I couldn't know you called me." She tearing up.

"Listen Raf , its okay , Neymar was there for me . Without Neymar I would have been raped by a psycho jerk but hey that doesn't matter"I said she just nodded and hugged me really tight. Neymar just stood there not caring at all, he didn't even speak to me.

I still have no idea what I've did wrong. Why is he playing with my mind. First saving me from a psycho , kiss me on the cheek and then BOOM being all high class and rude.

"O I forgot to tell you, Selena is coming over." He said and walked away.

I turned around to face Rafaella and gave her the 'what' look.

"His girlfriend."She whispered

"WAIT, Neymar has a girlfriend." I said in disbelieve. What the actually fuck.

"Yup, she is a barbie by the way." Raf laughed.

"Well that's nice isn't it" I'm not sure if i'm being Jealous or if i'm happy for him that he found someone as bitchy as he is.

"Oh she's is coming now." He said looking at me and smirked.

"Well good for you.''

"Like I care." I added and rolled my eyes.

"You're just jealous." He said

"No I'm not." I responded

"Yes you are."

"No I'm NOT." I shouted the last part. He really thinks that ever single girl likes him and thinks he is extremely hot but that's not true.

Selena arrived. I'm not gonna lie she was very very pretty... unlike me , I'm like a potato compared to her. Brown hair... Light blue eyes with a tint of grey. Just a normal girl, she on the other hand had black hair and the brightest blue eyes.

"Hello I'm Selena, Neymar's girlfriend." She said with that high pitched voice and rolled her eyes at me.

"Hello I'm Ashley and I'm Rafaella's Best friend." I smiled with the most fake smile possible.

"I didn't know Rafaella had friends beside me." She mumbled and rolled her eyes.Bitch alert

"Well she does and if you have any problems with that , then that's simply your problem." I said. Neymar gave me that "Shut up or i'll kill you " glare.

"Chill down." I mouthed.

He just nodded.

"Uh girls I have practice so I need to go." Neymar said and grabbed his keys.

"Okay , you'll take Selena with you right?" Rafaella asked hoping the answer would be yes.

"No, she can't go with me." He said and left. So he just decides to leave his girlfriend here with us without our permission? It's his house but still.

Very strange.

The three of us sat on the couch and watched pretty little liars. Raf and I Adore watching Pretty little liars who doesn't its amazing.

Selena was groaning and complaining all the time. I'm not jealous but she is so annoying.

"I hate pretty little liars its so boring." Selena groaned.

"But we like it." I said rolling my eyes. 2 two vs one Bitch , Neymar isn't here now.

"I don't care.If Ney was here he would put on something else." Selena almost cried. She is overreacting way to much.

"Guess what "Ney " isn't here." I smirked.

She looked at me like I was going to attack her.

''Puta.'' I whispered

-Neymar's POV-

Training was very tiring , but very fun. I love football so much , I don't see football as a job I see football as a hobby , as a passion. Football saved me from many things , I loved playing football in the beautiful cheerful streets in Brazil. And my familia always supported me from the beginning , that's why I love my Family so much , they mean so much to me.

I drove back home. After an hour I finally arrived. While I was unlocking the door I heard a very interesting conversation going on between Selena and someone.

Raf and Ash were probably asleep.

"Hello baby , Yes , i'm almost done with him. No i'm not pregnant.Yes maybe , i'll see you tonight honey.No he doesn't know , That bag ? O Yeah I have to ask him to buy it for me , yes alright Adam , I love you." She said.

I opened the door Selena stood there with her eyes wide open.

"I c-can explain." She said shaking.

-Authors note-


First , i'm so so so so so sorrryyyyyy , but here you have it chapter 8 already ! I've been very busy with school lately ! Ya all know homework , etc , But Yeah , Its kind of boring tho , i had a writers block :\


next chapter: I'm so so so excited for the next chapter ! there will be like an explosion of drama , some very very 💕very unexpected things will happen. ! ♡

I love you all to the moon and back

Much love 💕

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