First Day At U.A.

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(Y/N)'s POV

    I walked into Alice's bakery, (the one I had my U.A. letter sent to) looking up at the old sign that said "Miss Alice's Bakery" indicating that it was the only place I could consider a home for the time being. Of course I had to tell Alice, the wonderful woman who owned the bakery that has become my friend, the goods news. "Good morning Alice!" I chimed sounding more cheerful than ever.
    "Good morning (Y/N)! My my, you seem to be in a very good mood this morning, anything interesting happen that you'd like to share?" The sweet and gentle voice of Alice asked. A big smile appeared on my face as the happiness bubbling within me increased. "Well I just found out that I got into U.A.!" I said with a big smile.
    Alice let out a huge squeal that I'm pretty sure almost made me go deaf. "Oh my God I knew you'd make it!!!" She exclaimed while engulfing me into a tight hug jumping up and down like a school girl who's been noticed by her long time crush.

    "Alright Alice calm down," I said with a small chuckle. "I'm pretty sure you're scaring your customers." The woman waved that silly statement off walking over to the front door flipping the open sign to closed. "Oh I was about to close up anyways." "Alright I'll get going then."
    "Actually, I'm about to make your day better." She chirped stopping me from leaving. "What do you mean?" I questioned with a raised brow curious as to what she was going to say or do.
    "Well I managed to clean up the guest room upstairs, and you are allowed to live in it until you're able to find another place."
    That took me by surprise as I stood silent for a few seconds before declining the offer, this woman already being kind enough to me. "Oh no, I couldn't Alice-" "Oh hush now, no soon-to-be-hero is going to be living on the streets, not on my watch. Come now, I'll show you your room." She took me to the upstairs part of the building; which was very well kept and in good condition, leading me to one of the few rooms that existed in the higher part of the building. "Welp, this is your room, see you in the morning hun."
    "Alright, and thank you so much Alice." "No problem." She replied said with a small smile before leaving me to get comfortable in my new room. The room wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small either. I walked into the room getting used to my new surroundings, loving the living space even if it wasn't the most spectacular room in the world, it was what I needed. I plopped down on the little twin sized bed taking in a short breath as a small smile twitched it's way up on my lips. "Looks like everything is turning up good for me."

-The Next Day-

    I woke up the next morning to the smell of biscuits and gravy with the soft rays of the sun beaming through the little window on the other side of my room. I rolled out of bed heading to the kitchen where the delightful smell of breakfast that pulled me from my slumber originated from.
    "Good morning (Y/N), your place is on the table." Alice sweetly informed pointing to the small table with the spatula she was currently holding. "You didn't have to do this for me Alice." "Oh I make this kind of breakfast all the time, it's just nice to cook for someone. Now take a seat and eat up dear."
    I felt like I needed to do something in return; Alice doing to much for me not to repay her. "Why don't I help around the bakery while living here as thanks." I suggested.
"I would love that. Some help around the bakery would be wonderful. Lets hurry and eat so we can open up."

-Time skip 4 hours, Alice's POV-

    Today was kind of slow, so I sent (Y/N) to get ingredients for today's batches of cookies.
-ring- I heard the bell above the door go off, not needing to look and see who it was already knowing. "Good morning Himiko. What would you like today?" I didn't need to ask who it was already knowing. Himiko always comes here once a week on the same day getting lots of sweets.
    "Hmm, I'll take half a dozen cookies and three cupcakes please." She asked kindly as always.
    "There's only one person I know that loves sweets as much as you." I said getting the sweets asked for by the girl. "That will be $15.95 sweetheart." She paid for the cookies and cupcakes then walked away with a small wave already chomping into one of the the delicious sugar filled foods. "Thank you Alice!"

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