U.A. Sports Festival

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(Y/N)'s POV

    Everyone was waiting in the locker room for the festival to start. Everyone was having their own conversations, and I wasn't listening to anyone's conversation so I was standing next to the door until Iida burst through the door making me jump out of my skin, "Jesus Christ Iida!" He ignored me completely, "Everyone are you ready? We will be up soon!"
    Everyone was getting ready to leave but before we walked out, Todoroki walked up to Midoriya, "Looking at things objectively, I think I am stronger than you." 'Why is he saying this now?' Midoriya was a little startled,"Huh? Y-yeah." "But All Might has his eye on you doesn't he. I'm not trying to pry about that; but I am going to beat you." Everyone was quiet until Kaminari broke the ice, "Oh, is the best in the class making a declaration of war?" Kirishima walked up to Todoroki putting his hand on his shoulder, "Hey, why are you trying to pick a fight all of a sudden. Not now, were about to start." Todoroki pushed his hand away, "Were not here to play friends. So why does it matter."
    Midoriya spoke up again, "Todoroki, I don't know what your thinking when you say you'll beat me, but of course your better than me. I think your more capable than most people. Looking at it objectively..." I walked up to Midoriya, "Midoriya, you probably shouldn't talk so negatively." He interrupted me, "But everyone from other courses are aiming for the top with everything they got. So I'll be going for it with everything I've got." Everyone "Well I'll be in your way, because i'm heading there." I said. "Yeah so am I." Kaminari added. Everyone joined in separately saying, "That's where i'm going too." 
    We started walking into the middle of the stadium. Present mic was on the speakers, "And this is the class who survived the villain attack. Class 1.A!" "Man now I feel bad." Toga said. "Don't worry. No one knows you were part of the attack. Just go with it." He then called out the rest of the classes.
    Midnight then walked out and everyone was gawking  at Midnight and wondering why she was the ref for the first years. "Time for the school pledge! Alright, representing the students is Katsuki, Bakugo from class 1.A!" 'Wha- him! Really; him!' He walked up to the stage and the mic, "I pledge, I'll be number one." The whole hero course simultaneously yelled, "I knew he'd do that!" Everyone started booing him, "Stop messing around!"
    "What are you doing!" Iida was getting on to Bakugo. He looked at me, "(Y/N) get up there and save this pledge!" He then pushed me up the stage and everyone went silent. 'But I don't know the pledge.' "Uhh, I pledge-" 'Say something! Anything!' "I pledge to win." 'What did I just say.' Everyone froze up, "You too!" Iida started scolding me, "Why did you say that?!" He was moving his arms all over the place. "I didnt know the pledge! What did you want me to do!?" "You could of said anything else!" "Would you of preferred I said pepperoni!?" "It would of been better!"
   Midnight had her face in the palm of her hand, "Alright, let's start the first game!" She then explained that all 11 classes will participate in an obstacle course race all around the outside perimeter of the stadium. Also as long as we stay on track anything goes. "Now everyone take your places!" Everyone got into place in front of a giant doorway.
    The green lights started going off and as soon as Midnight yelled, "Start!" Everyone started running through the narrow pathway and it was crowded. Todoroki froze the floor making most of the students stop in their tracks. Before I got frozen in place I shot light from my feet causing me to go flying into the air. I felt something heavy on my back, so I turned around and, "Toga!" "What! She said we could do anything to win, so I used you to not get frozen!" "This is the only time I'm helping you- Oh shit!" I then slammed into a zero point robot from the exams. We then fell. I was seeing stars,"But mommy I don't want to go to school today." Toga then slapped me, "Get it together!" "Huh, what happened?"
    I looked up and saw that the robots were starting to come towards all the students. The robots were then frozen by Todoroki and they started falling over as Todoroki passed by them. And there are still more robots, 'Come on!'. Kirishima then broke through a fallen robot along with some guy made of steel, "Hey Toga it's time you return the favor. Can you make multiple clones of me?" "For a while yeah. I just need your blood." She bit my finger and created 8 clones of me and disguised herself as me. "Toga follow me." The robot in front of us was confused seeing ten of the same person and started hitting the clones frantically. Each time he hit one it would turn into black goop and disappeared confusing it even more. When he hit the last one Toga and I were already past the robots. We started running to the next obstacle.
    We stopped and saw a pit with wires connecting pieces of land. It was a long way to the other side. "My quirk doesn't help with this!" Toga yelled. We then saw a pink hair girl using wires of her own from some sort of invention to swing across. 'That gives me an idea.' "So what are- Hey!" I was using light particles to create two whips with anchors on the end. I was using them to swing across and the end would anchor to the islands making to where it could support my body weight. "Hey sis! Every man for themselves!" "Why you little-" "Sorry! I can't hear you!"
    I made it pass the obstacle and to the landmine. After a while Todoroki and Bakugo were in the lead. Then I thought of something, the mines aren't lethal, they are just loud and flashy. They create light! 'lightbulb!' I stepped on a mine and it exploded. I absorbed all the light from it and shot it out of my hands to send me flying. While in the air I kept hitting mines to keep me flying. I was going so fast I reached Bakugo and Todoroki. "What up Short Fuse!" "How the hell did you catch up to us?!" "Don't worry about it! Just try to keep up!" This pissed Bakugo off making me enjoy it more. After that the three of us started to try and send cheap shots at each other trying to throw each other off.
    Then I heard a loud boom. I looked behind me and Midoriya was right behind us coming in fast and went past us. 'Midoriya you just created a path for me.' I jumped up into the air and followed the light trail Midoriya left behind. Bakugo and I were now chasing Midoriya in the air while Todoroki followed suit on foot creating ice to not activate the mines. Midoriya started losing speed so I was to. I was behind him in the air when he almost landed, but he flipped over and slammed the robot part down causing the mines to explode. He was sent flying and I was right behind him. "Broccoli head!" We were now running on foot with no more mines for me to use. Midoriya looked behind him to see me right on his tail. 'If I use my speed now I'll be first. But i'll be weaker and tired in the next games. Just run a little bit faster without your quirk!' Bakugo and Todoroki was now right behind us. I was just inches behind him, but we passed the finish line and he came first. 'You know what, second place is fine.'
    I was catching my breath while the others are finishing the race. "It is now time to show the results!" Midnight announced. I didn't think about it but I saw that Toga came 33rd. The top 42 got to continue to the next game. Midnight told us the next game was a Calvary Battle. She explained the rules, "The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish! It's basically the same as a regular Calvary Battle, but the one thing that's different is, based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value." The students started talking to each other in how they thought it worked. Toga and I were having our own conversation, "So depending on the people on each team the points are different." "Yeah, so a team can start off with a lot of points or very little points."
    Midnight got fed up with the students talking, "You guys don't hold back even though i'm talking huh!" That shut everyone up, "Alright, so yes. The points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom. And the point value assigned to first place is; ten million!" Everything went silent and everybody looked at Midoriya, 'Midoriya you poor son of a bitch. Now I am very happy to be second.'

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