Prepare For The School Festival

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No One's POV

Today was the day that all of the hero work study students could finally go home from the hospital. (Y/N) was sitting on his bed as he tried to use his new arm to grab a water bottle as he was having a hard time to make his quirk make it move the way he wanted. He slowly reached for it until he got close enough to grab it. When he went to close his hand he managed to do it, but his fingers went right through the bottle. Water splashed onto his face and arm along with the bed and table it was on.

(Y/N) grabbed a towel to wipe himself off and threw the bottle in the trash as there were four more just like it. A doctor came in as he was looking at a clipboard, "Hello Mr. Yow." (Alice's last name. You and Toga both took it after she adopted the two of you.) "Is there something you need doc?" "Well I just wanted to do a checkup on all of the students before they leave. Do you mind?" "Nope, go ahead."

The doctor did some tests, checked (Y/N)'s heart rate, and his blood pressure. The doctor then took a look at his present from the weird pink haired girl who managed to get past all of the security and heroes. The doctor examined it, "Hmm, well it seems safe for you but you are gonna have to practice to get better." The doctor then filled out some paper work as he handed (Y/N) a bottle of pills, "With everything that is happening every hero and hero in training needs to be ready. These pills will help you with controlling that arm of yours using your quirk. Take one at breakfast and dinner for two weeks while training to make the arm function." "Thanks, just two a day." "Yep, you can now leave. Have a safe trip home." "Will do."

(Y/N) tidied himself up to walk down the hall of the hospital as it was busy as usual. He bumped into Kamia who was heading out to return to her school. The two talked as they walked out, until they were stopped by two police officers, "Kamia, we have a few questions for you." Kamia seemed confused, "I thought we answered questions yesterday." "Yes, but we just gained some information. During the raid Rock Lock as stabbed as Midoriya and Aizawa only saw a blur of the suspect. The stab wound was one of a sword. During the raid Midoriya said that they saw twice and someone that we are guessing is new to the league of villains. After he described the girl, a few surveillance, and research we think that the new member, might probably be, your sister Luzi."

The two students were shocked as the information sunk in. Kamia's face was full of shock, pain, and confusion as she agreed to go into questioning. One of the officers nodded, "Good, now (Y/N) we will need to ask what you did when you were alone before Mirio found you." "I'll answer any questions you have." "Glad to hear it, now let's go." The two got in the police car as they were driven to the police station.

After an hour Kamia, (Y/N), and Aizawa were walking down the street as Kamia was feeling a bunch of different emotions at once. At the end of questioning the officer led the two teenagers out, "Thank you for telling us everything about Luzi's quirk. Now we can stop her if she is part of an attack." The two were led into the the lobby to be met by Mr. Aizawa having (Y/N) say goodbye to Kamia.

Aizawa interrupted him though, "She is coming with us." The two looked at Aizawa, "What?" "With Luzi working with the League of Villains it is dangerous for you to live by your normal routine, but if you stayed under police protection they would be suspicious. So the police and U.A.'s board of education has come up with the idea for Kamia to get an invitation to attend school at U.A. for your hard work, until Luzi is behind bars. You will be in class 1.B., due to class 1.A. having more students than them." He looked at Kamia, "Your teachers, classmates, and (Y/N)'s class know why your going to be with us for a while. Just so throwing pry where they aren't needed."

The three were walking down the street on their way to the school as all they heard was crickets creaking. When they arrived at U.A.'s entrance Aizawa led Kamia to class 1.B.'s dorm as (Y/N) said goodbye to go to his dorm. On his way he ran into Kirishima, Uraraka, Tsu and Midoriya, " You guys just getting back too?" Midoriya turned around, "Oh hey (Y/N), I guess the police questioned you too." "Yeah I did."

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