Chapter 5

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The stew made from one of the deer lasted until morning. Pearson cooked the turkey and wrapped it up for me and Arthur to take on our fishing trip.
I collected the food and packed them into my satchel. I walked over to Arthur's tent, he was writing something in a Journal.
"Ready to set off?" I asked. He nodded, closing his journal and putting it into a satchel of his own.
"Hosea leant his fishing rods to us for the day, we'll ride to the fishing boat on horseback and then go from there" Arthur instructed.
"Roger that" I winked at him, smirking and taking my things to my horse. Arthur grabbed the fishing rods from Hosea along with the basket to put the fish in.

The lake where we were going to fish was much more than just a stroll from Camp. The ride there was a lengthy trail through valleys and next to mountains, over cliff tops too. The scene was so much, Arthur even let me use his camera to snap a shot of the horizon, I was glad he had lead the way through, it gave me a chance to take a gander along the scene of the horizon that I hadn't seen in many a month or so.
"It's beautiful, ain't it?" Arthur said, his voice wavering, barely above a whisper. I hummed in agreement, too engrossed in the idyllic painting of peace before us. The last stretch to lake was upon us, the horses were happy to finally stop, after all it was quite the trek. We dismounted our steeds to set up our fishing spot at the very edge of the bank. We both cast out our lines, we tried to keep silent but we couldn't even dream of doing so.

Arthur and I talked about our family, he'd had a rough childhood until he joined Dutch when he was fourteen. His mother died and he watched his Father die, much like I had watched mine being shot.
"I don't know much 'bout your family, tell me about it?" Arthur asked.
"There's a lot to tell"
"Don't worry, we got time" He chuckled. I sighed, readying my story.
"I'm one of 7 children, not all in the same family though" Arthur put his line down, his expression only reading as confused. "My mother was a whore. Town whore. She tricked men by making 'em think she was settling down, she'd get pregnant. It was a method of skankin' the men for money, she'd have the child and they'd share their earnings with her and then she'd run off. Leaving the father with the child."
"Sounds like a bitch, no 'ffense to you"
"No, she was a tart. Two of my older brothers are from another marriage, whom I shared a father with. There's three other older brothers from other Father's, and then there's my little brother."
"Were you close with any of these brothers?" Arthur asked. I thought for moment, I was only close friends with my little brother.
"I was very close friends with my little brother, his name was Sea-" A shout came from across the lake, there was a man strung upside down from a tree.
"What in the hell?" Arthur muttered.
"Can one of yous help me down?" The man shouted, he was Irish- southern by the sounds of it. His voice was quite smooth and nice to listen to, but it had an annoying ring to it - it sounded awfully familiar.
"Aithním an guth sin" I hollered.
"I recognise that voice"
The bloke's eyes widened, I hoped he spoke Gaelic.
"An é sin mo dheirfiúr mór?O'Cealleigh?" My face lit up.
"Is that my big sister? O'Cealleigh?"
It was my idiot of a little brother.
"Sean Macguire?! You feckin' Eedjit! What on earth are you doin' out here?" My accent broke out, thick and strong. It was clear by the look on his face that Arthur still hadn't clue what we were saying to each other.
"I came 'ere with me ol' man, what're you doin' here?" I promptly chuckled and shook my head, he surely wasn't the sharpest knife in the box.
"I came 'ere with me Ol' man too, don't you remember?" I laughed, I was broken out of my reminiscence by Sean.
"Hey, uh, how 'bout we reunite and catch up later... and you cut me outta this eh?" I snorted and trudged over the shallow lake, luckily it was only about thigh deep so I didn't get too soaked. I felt the fish swim away, creating ripples in the water, Echoing back to me and almost knocking me off balance.
I clambered up the bank, stretched up and sawed the rope attached to Sean's ankles.
"You do get yourself in a mess sometime, don't yous?" I sniggered, Sean only glared at me in response. The rope finally snapped and Sean dropped to the floor, landing firmly on his head. A grunt escaped his lips as he hit the floor, a groan following as he rolled onto his back.
"C'mon, you can come back to camp wit' us" I said, Sean seemed to smile. I knew of his father's recent death. His father got chased by the British despite his attempts to flee and make a new life in America. Sean comes from a long line of petty criminals.
We trudged through the shallow lake back to where Arthur had stayed put, hopefully we might actually get some fishing done this time.
"Arthur, we've got a new member of the crew" I stated to Arthur, he stood up and held out his hand to greet Sean. Sean happily took Arthur's hand in his to introduce himself.
"Sean, Sean MacGuire" Their hands bobbed up and down in a firm and masculine handshake.
"Arthur, Arthur Morgan. Happy to welcome to the crew." They released each other's hands, I spoke up, taking charge of the event in play.

"Right, we better get some fishing done otherwise Pearson'll have my guts for garters too." Arthur and Sean nodded, Arthur and I took up the fishing rods whilst Sean lounged on the bank with his hat over his eyes, from what I could tell he'd fallen asleep not before long.

I felt a tug on my line, a bloody strong one too.
"I've got one!" I exclaimed, Arthur helped me reel in my catch. Arthur grabbed the large slimy fish off of the hook, it was a big bass, far larger than the average size.
"Geez, we are gonna eat good tonight! You may have even gotten me outta the dog house" Arthur chuckled, clapping an arm over my shoulders as we marvelled at my extraordinary catch. I spotted my fishing partner's line being tugged off of the bank.
"Arthur! Your rod!" He bolted to the line that was inching its way into the water and caught it before it did. Upon reeling his catch in, Arthur was disappointed to see that he had only caught a small bluegill. It flapped around in his hand for a few seconds before he tossed it into the basket.
"Guess they like me better" I giggled, I saw Arthur stifle a smile too. All he replied with was;
"Shut up." Even then, he still struggled to keep a serious face. Feeling my joker side come out a little more, I pressed my cheek up against Arthur's.
"Aww, someone's a little sore loser" I cooed. His stubble was starting to rub my face raw so I left him with a simple kiss on his cheek.

Even though I had turned away, I still saw him blush.

We continued fishing far, far into the late afternoon. We headed back to camp with a bucket full of fish just before sunset. Being that I had the biggest and strongest horse, Sean sat behind his big sister, me, on the way home.

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