Chapter 3

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"Y/N WAKE UP TODAYS THE CEREMONY IM GOING TO BECOME THE WIZARD KING" I Moaned I stuffed my face into the pillow I'm so tired "nOo" Asta Pulled the blankets off me and I felt the cold breeze go up my shirt, I quickly got up "uhG" I walked to outside and brushed my teeth and took care of myself and changed, Everyone sat at the table and started eating. Asta kept on rambling about how he's going to be the Wizard king and Yuno kept on commenting saying he's going to be the Wizard king instead of Asta,
Everyone was happy because today was the ceremony but I was anxious and terrified...what if I don't get mines if I don't I would be worthless probably the only person in the world with no magic nor a grimoire...The church will hate me...what if everyone just laughed at me at the ceremony while I stand alone...I know Asta will get his Asta and Yuno are special...."Y/N calm down your shaking" Yuno patted my head...I always liked it when he pat my head and ruffled my hair it always calmed me.

Awhile later everyone waved us off before we walked to the ceremony I needed to calm down
"Guys go ahead I'll catch up I forgot something in the forest" they were going to convince me not to go but I ran off.

I was swinging on the tree " calm down calm down calm down calm down calm down" I took big breaths and exhaled...I could hide in the shadows and if my grimoire doesn't come I can sneak away since I'm in the dark no one will see me...yeah I just have to make sure I don't get caught.

I ran as fast as I can to the ceremony I'm going to be late.

PHEW I MADE IT I looked around and looked or a small opening where my presence won't Be noticeable...hnnn....a window! Good, I walked around and looked inside everyone was talking and laughing, Where's the others....Their they are. good they are far away from the window.

I opened the window and jumped in and hid on the side where it's dark, "Ahaha" I looked over to see who's laughing...two rich punks...they are disrespecting Asta and Yuno....

They had the nerve to do it near me, I'll pulverize them I'm not even joking...they are my first targets, Just you wait I'll make sure your mothers won't see you come home considering you'll be dead
"Welcome, Young Men and Women. You all begin a new journey today. I wish you all Faith, Hope, and love. I am the master of this grimoire tower we never had a Wizard king from this area, Nor anyone who actually achieved greatness in the Magic Knights. I sincerely hope that one of you will become the Wizard king someday." Asta and Yuno will don't worry old hag "NO, REALLY! SERIOUSLY! Ahem...Now it's time for the awarding of the grimoires!" Then Grimoires started flying off shelves...Woah so many colors it's so pretty...

Everyone started reviving their Grimoires and their reasons for getting a grimoire is selfish...where's mine...where where where where where where where where where where where...
"WOAH HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE HE HAS THE FOUR CLOVER GRIMOIRE" I heard someone shout I looked and saw Yuno holding a Grimoire in his hands....Amazing I looked over to Asta he hasn't gotten his yet....
Where is mines please come Please god I beg if you......

A grimoire was heading in my came into my view everyone in the ceremony got silent and looked at me because my grimoire shined the brightest of them all..."What the hell her Grimoire is so damn bright it's blinding me" that's right this grimoire was brighter then the sun. 🌝
It has a variety of dark colors I felt my heart soothe down, the Grimoire and I had a connection it's as if we are the same...meant to be together forever...I'm so happy, My grimoire looked dark and scary it has Bright glowing colors that could almost blind your eye. Th color of my Grimoire was Bloody red, Light (Favorite color), and Midnight Black....the Grimoire was perfect size, The grimoire landed on my hands it was so delicate I had to be gentle, Hm? I noticed....markings...Are grimoires supposed to have markings all over the Book?
....I squinted my eyes trying to look harder into the book since the light was blinding me...finally the book cooled down making me see it clearer but others around me seemed to cover their eyes and look away from my direction, the book....has claw markings....a Devils skull? ( looks like that picture at the top or you can imagine whatever you want) and a Heart...Amazing it' has the exact initials as my Vow on my upper arm, the Grimoire cover was filled with other markings and words I didn't understand, also looks Ancient....I tried to open it but it doesn't budge, Try harder....What the hell why isn't it OPENING WHAT THE HECK, At this point I was grunting using all my strength to open this...I gave up at least I have my Grimoire with me, I kissed my grimoire before putting it in my Grimoire slot and locked it...I'm insecure about my belongings the only way I can unlock it is by using my key it's in a necklace around my neck under my turtle neck sweater where no one can see, I'm only insecure about the things I value most, I never want to lose them.
I ran over to Asta and Yuno "Guys I got my Grimoire!" I gave a cheesy smile "That's great Y/N...Why is your slot glowing" Asta asked "My grimoire Is really bright it's pretty blinding" " your the only with the bright Grimoire everyone saw earlier" "Ya and nice Grimoire Yuno it has the four leaf clover" "Thanks" i stared at the two shitstains that were being bitches earlier one had blonde hair and the other had dark blonde..."AHAHA Everyone we'll be at the Magic knights entrance exams in 6 months" Oh yeah your not because I can't wait till I- "UH MY GRIMOIRE ISN'T COMING" I turned around Asta is the only one left without a Grimoire...oh Asta..."Er, Try again next year" everyone started laughing I was furious
"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PESTS OR ELSE I'LL MAKE SURE YOU DONT LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY" I shouted everyone went silent I could feel the bloodlust Aura drowning be honest I'm not joking burn everyone in this ceremony is they laugh, Awhile later everyone talked, "A-Asta if you want a hug to calm you down" I stuttered HMp his head was till down he didn't reply instead he stepped near me and hugged me tightly...."it's so squishy" I Blushed "WHA" before I did anything Yuno yanked Asta back...
Asta had a Splattering blood shooting from his nose while Yuno blushed but he looked away I was speechless this never happened to me before...I was just covering my thingy's....

Then all of a sudden Yunos Grimoire Shined bright but it wasn't even as close to as bright as mines were, Four leaf clover I already noticed that, "A FOUR LEAF? YOU MEAN THE LEGENDARY..." yes blonde wig what else "The grimoire said to be filled with immense power and good luck?"

"I'm going to become the Wizard king" Yuno shouted out so everyone could hear, Everyone's shocked but me. I was upset at Yuno because it's not the right moment to say that... I bent down and stroked Astas back "Asta" he looked at me with a pained expression "I believe in you Asta don't be down I'm here for you always" I reassured him he looked relived and confident now "Y/N...I Promise you I'll be the Wizard king and make you the happiest girl alive" I smiled He doesn't need to I'm already happy, Asta slowly stood up his eyes were still on me "Yuno, Just you wait I'll catch up to you in no time, Because I'm your rival!!!" The crowd went silent...That's the Asta I'm proud of The crowd started laughing, I stood up and Yuno just stared at Asta before walking straight past him....Yuno looked at me "Impossible" when he said that my felt my heart ache...why would he say that does he....not care about Asta anymore...I thought their bond was strong...I looked straight into Yunos eyes showing him my disappointment and sadness he looked shocked but still walked right past me....How could he do this....I walked up to Asta "Asta...don't listen to his nonsense" he looked even more pained "All right, Kids. We're heading home to prepare for the feast!" I heard father said.

Awhile later everyone was back in church expect Asta I was worried sick...I'm going to find him
"Please Excuse me I'm going to find Asta" I grabbed some Tatoes and tossed it in a pouch and walked outside the door "Y/n wait don't go Asta will be fine" it pained me when Yuno said that
"What the hell do you know, you grew up praised for your powers and everything you wouldn't know what's it's like to feel rejection" I ran as fast as I can to the spot where Asta always goes.

"ASTA WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!" I screamed I looked around and saw Asta hanging from a tree I quickly climbed up the big tree and sat on the branch "Asta I bought tatoes" he Immediately swingers up and sat next to me I handed him the pouch he started gobbling up everything, "Asta Dont believe Yuno" I looked at him....he stared at the Demons skull in front of us "I don't care about it...Just one person believing in me is all I need" he looked at me with his stupid smile I smiled back "Same here" I added we laughed
"Y/N what does your Grimoire look like" I took out the key and unlocked the slot and slipped the key back into my turtle neck, "Fair warning my Grimoire is strange I suggest you close your eyes first this Grimoire is really blinding" he closed his eyes, I took out my book...Thank god it didn't shine I tapped Asta's arm
"WOW" he sat close to me to the point where our arms and legs are touching, "I don't understand this book clearly but it has weird markings all over it and I can't even open the Grimoire it's like it's sealed" I handed Asta the Grimoire he Smiled brightly and examined it so did i, this is my first time seeing my Grimoire Clearly without any brights in my eyes, Realizing now the skull actually looks scary, the Grimoire is black with uhhh I guess Ancient Marking as you call it since the Marks on this book look really old "Y/N I'm going to surpass you and Yuno I promise" "I believe you will and I'll wait but don't think it's going to be easy I'm not letting you surpass me easily I'm going to try my hardest to become powerful." He smiled "but...Like hell I'm going to give up!!!" He jumped and stood on a tree he gave me his hand I smiled today really is the most important day ever because today is the beginning where our future begins, I grabbed his hands and he pulled me up instantly, He stared directly at the Wizard kings statue and screamed his lungs out "DONT YOU DARE UNDERESTIMATE ME, FATE!" "I'LL SHOW YOU"
"EVEN IF IT TAKES ONE, TWO, TEN, OR A HUNDRED YEARS!" "ILL KEEP WORKING HARD UNTIL I BET MY GRIMOIRE!" "I'LL BECOME THE WIZARD KING, AND PROVE TO EVERYONE THAT ANYONE CAN BE AWESOME, EVEN IF THEY'RE POOR OR JUST SOME ORPHAN!" My heart raced....from now on I want to be on a journey with Asta and Yuno to see them get their dreams "YOU JERK!!!!!!" I laughed my ass


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