What Has Worth And What is Worthless

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Me and Sammy headed through the boarded passage way, and we made sure to stay clear of any dark looking ink floods for Bendy may be lurking.. waiting to take us, drown us, and let every inch of our senses be filled with black ink until we're dead.
I looked down at my jeans which used to be a nice blue, and are now stained with black. They were my favourite pair too. " I was an idiot to come here in such nice clothing." I mumbled.
I heard Sammy snicker silently, " What did you expect? Shining white floors and crown molding?"
I found his statement amusing and quietly giggled in reply.

We passed through a storage room where there were many cans of Bacon soup and Bendy plushies.
Sammy looked over at an empty corner in the room beside the door to a lift, " Sometimes perfect creations will hide in even the most obvious places to stay out of harms reach." He said lowly.
" Is that what we're looking for?" I said opening the door to the lift.
" Perfect creations are so rare to find now that hells angel has taken everything perfect about them, there worth so much and would Please our lord. But now there's only the worthless creatures that roam these empty halls, waiting to kill anyone in their path." Sammy grimaced.

A little confused, I nodded and headed towards the lift and heard Sammy follow me as he chanted quietly " Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed.."
I asked what floor we should visit first and he almost instantly replied " Floor S is where most perfect refugees hide."
I nodded and we rode down, it was awkward though. Apparently floor S was one of furthest floors from where we were now, and this wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to go up, to go home, to get away from here.
But I made a promise to help Sammy, and I can't help but feel sorry for him. All he wanted was to be free from.. well whatever it is, and he's been suffering and alone for 30 whole years.

" I.. Um.. appreciate your services to help me please my lord, but I don't just want to free myself. I want to free all the lost ones who have suffered in the ink." He watched the moving by walls and didn't bother to show any emotion, but I could here the regret in his voice.
" And I'm surprised you haven't tried to run away, knowing that you'll still get sacrificed to my lord anyways." He looked down, " But if you did run I don't think I would stop you, and I wouldn't blame you."
I nodded, " Well you've been alone down here for thirty years, I can't imagine what that's like." I then bit back my words, what if he got offended by my pity? And almost as if he read my thoughts he responded calmly, " I don't mind your pity, and I thank you for the help you have decided to give me little sheep. I enjoy your company."
I gazed down at the floor, a little weirded out but also happy.

I flinched as the lift shifted as it stopped and the sliding doors opened, Sammy walked ahead and I followed with my axe in hand.
I then thought of one of the weirdest questions I could ever ask while hunting for so called perfect creations, " Hey Sammy, you sound like your fairly young. Does age affect you?"
Sammy stopped, " Well when Joey turned me into this monstrosity I was 23. I guess age doesn't affect me no." He shook his head. " How old are you?"
I shrugged, " I'm nineteen, I'll be twenty in two weeks though."
Sammy nodded, " Well if I case you do leave before then and I don't see you again, happy early birthday." He smiled slightly.
I smiled back, " Thanks." IT was a little weird having someone I just met- and that someone being an ink corrupted soul- wishing me a happy birthday but I didn't mind.

Still looking up at Sammy, I didn't notice an ink monster had spawned behind me. Seeing Sammy lift his shovel to strike, I got the wrong idea and did the same with my axe.
As he swung forward I ducked and heard a loud splat, I turned around and saw the bumbling puddle of ink behind me.
" Disgusting creatures, but then again, They were once human as well." He held his shovel over his shoulder and extended a hand to me, I took it and pulled myself up.
" Sorry if I gave you a scare little sheep, it's a good thing you ducked when you did." He nodded at me and then turned around to continue on down the hallway, and I followed, admiring his sense of bravery but still a little shaken from that near knock out experience.

Can I get an Amen? Little Sheep? ( Sammy x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now