The Same Feelings

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Your POV:)

Hours it's seems like, searchers after searchers, lost ones after lost ones. All of them being beat or stabbed until they turn back into one of the many puddles of ink on the floor.
" Why are they're so many more than last time we fought them?!" Henry questioned as the battle continued.
" These things multiply faster than rabbits! It could be hours before we see the end of this!" Sammy said as he was taking on four searchers at once, swinging his axe furiously and chopping them all in half.
Over here I wasn't so lucky, at least six searchers and two lost ones had climbed out from their puddles. All of them charging at me, I felt confident that I could take them but I was wrong. I managed to get three but the rest were battering me violently, and I let out a scream of pain as one of them hurtled me over. I felt their weight crushing me and I found it harder and harder to breathe as they smothered me to the point where all I could see was black.

" GO BACK TO THE PITS OF HELL THAT YOU CLIMBED OUT OF, YOU BASTARDS!!" I heard Sammy cry out, and within seconds I felt the weight of the ink monsters on top of me leave. As I then regained consciousness, I saw Sammy hovering over top of me with his hand gently placed on my cheek.
" Are you Alright, Y/N?" He asked softly.
I nodded, still a little shaken. " I am now, thanks to you." I smiled.
" Both of you get up! We're not out of this yet!" Allison hollered at me and Sammy. And she was right, there were still many ink monsters that had to be dealt with.
I grabbed my shovel and stood back up, I stumbled for a moment but Sammy helped me regain my balance. " Alright lets get rid of these assholes for good." I nodded.

The battle went on and on, endless waves of black that spilled from the ground. I was about ready to collapse from exhaustion, but the last of them were near. After we had struck down ten more searchers, the bubbling pools had disappeared and the room had become silent as it once was.
" Well its about time." Henry panted.
Tom continued to search around the area, just in case any more searchers or lost ones decided to jump us.
" We better move on, the old lair is just below us now." Allison motioned her head to the open gate over at the left side of the small city.
" You found a way to cross the ink? That pool is chest deep." Sammy questioned.
Allison nodded, " Yes. When me and Henry went down there earlier this week, we built a bridge using wooden planks."
" So that's why you guys took so long to get back that time." I exclaimed.
" Yes, were sorry, we would've told you we would be taking a little longer if we could." Henry nodded.

We all made our way over and past the gates to a big drop in the floor, another black abyss to fall into.
Allison attached some rope to a solid plank up here and threw the rest down the black hole.
" Alright, climb on down." She gestured to the rope, she then started climbing down herself.
Tom them went down, Sammy following, and I was next. I was scared at first but Henry promised that even if I did fall, the landing wouldn't be so hard because of another ink puddle at the bottom.
" Well I personally don't want to be soaked in ink from my head to my toes but alright." I shrugged and started climbing down.
I let out a small squeak of panic as the rope starting swaying back and forth, but I then saw it was just Tom swinging over to the dry side of the floor.
" You Alright, Y/N?" Henry and Sammy seemed to ask it in unison.
" Yes I'm fine." I replied, silently giggling to myself about how rehearsed that seemed.
I was ready to plop down into the ink when Sammy pulled me off of the rope. " HEY, hey, hey, what are you doing?!" I questioned. And the next thing I knew, he was carrying me in his arms.
" Let me give you a hand across, my little sheep." He grinned at me. I felt my face redden and I decided to hide it with my hands, I then felt Sammy chuckle.
" You're adorable, you know that?" He purred.
My heart fluttered as he spoke, and I wanted to respond with a compliment towards him but the distractions thing started running through my mind again. " I-"
" HEY!" Henry came down the rope, " What is going on here? You let go of my niece now!"
I scrambled out of Sammy's arms, " He was just... um-"
" Will you three hurry up, or are we going to wait here until the ink demon finds us?" Allison and Tom were leaned against the wall waiting.
" Yeah, let's go." Henry nodded, taking me gently by the arm and glaring at Sammy until he was further behind us.
I looked back at Sammy, he was following but his gaze was turned to the floor and his expression wasn't readable.
I felt bad because of how Henry kept treating him, and I wanted to hug him until he felt better. But goodness knows Henry would throw a fit, and I don't think any of us want to put up with that.
Allison led us down through the hallway, Tom went to scout ahead, Sammy was following rather slowly behind, and Henry was keeping a watchful eye on the both of us.

" He's changed you know, and I don't know why you can't see it." I mumbled.
Henry looked at me for a moment, he then put his arm around my shoulder. " I know he has, but I just want what's best for you. And if you ask me, he isn't what's best for you."
" How do you know?" I questioned, crossing my arms.
" I don't, but I've seen the worst of him and what he can do, And I don't want you getting mixed up with a man who's half psycho." Henry looked back at Sammy who still had his head pointed to the ground  as he walked.
" But I've spent the most time with him out of us all, and he acts more like a normal human every day. All he needed was a friend." I argued. Henry rolled his eyes but had a smile, and he gave me one of those
'I can't argue with you' looks.
" Your so kind, I can see why he likes you Y/N," Henry gave me a hug, " I'm lucky to have such a fantastic niece."
I smiled, hugging him back. " And I'm lucky to have such a great Uncle." I then sighed, " But can you please be more nicer to Sammy? He has feelings just like the rest of us."
Henry stayed silent for a few moments but then shrugged, " Your right, I promise I'll try to treat him better."
" Sounds good to me" I nodded.

Okayyyyyyyy sO Henry is finally going to start acting better towards Sammy boi yAy.

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