You Never Know What Watches

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Sammy POV:)

That morning, Henry woke my up and started flying the handle off at me because he saw Y/N cuddling me. I told him how she needed comforting after she had a small breakdown.
" You let her cuddle you?!" Henry exclaimed for the fiftieth time. He kept saying it so much that it was getting on my nerves.
" Henry will you knock it off? Your going to wake up the whole studio!" I snapped.
" Why would she be having a breakdown anyways?" Henry crossed his arms, having that same untrusting glare as always.
" Oh I don't know, maybe because she's scared for everyone's lives, maybe because she knows that there are two people down here willing to kill me in a second!" I threw my axe to the floor.
" Give me a break Sammy! She doesn't care about you, she just feels sorry for you!" Henry scowled.
I was about ready to tackle Henry, but instead I shoved passed him and grabbed my axe off the floor. " I can see why you cause her so much stress, you never listen to anyone but yourself." I returned the glare to Henry.

He didn't say anything else, so I made my way back to the bed where Y/N was still curled up with the blankets and sleeping soundly. I sat down by the bedside and watched her sleep, is that considered creepy? Just the sight of her made me happy, she was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on.
" You may as well wake her up, we have a lot of ground to cover today." Henry exclaimed, grabbing a gent pipe from the table.
I nodded, looked over at Y/N and gently shook her arm. " Wake up little sheep," I whispered.
Y/N shifted a little and slowly flickered her eyes open, she then yawned as she sat up.
" How did you sleep?" I asked.
" Not to bad, the bed isn't that comfortable but it works." She shrugged, letting out another long  yawn.

" Pack everything of value guys, were going to find a new safe house once we travel farther down." Allison was rolling up her new map and shoving it into a small bag.
" Uncle, did you find a safer way around the black river?" Y/N jumped up and started helping Allison pack.
" I did, there's a whole vent system that moves around it." Henry nodded.
" Why can't we just take the boats again?" Y/N asked, tilting her head slightly, adorably, cutely, damn there's no words to describe her.
" Because there's something dangerous in the river, it'll kill anything that stays still for to long." I answered, grabbing some rope and my axe. " And I think we all want to take the safest route possible."
Allison nodded, " We cant afford to lose anyone, we all have each others back and we can't afford for our group to get smaller."
I heard Henry clear his throat, I knew that indicated he didn't care if I came along or not.
" And I mean anyone." Allison gave me a reassuring nod, " We're all of value to this group."

We traveled through the vent system around the black river, but the vents were half flooded so we were soaked with ink by time we got out to the searchers city. Seeing as Allison and Tom couldn't touch the ink, they had to take the boat down the river, but they made it safely.
" Ugh, I just managed to clean out my jeans yesterday. Now look at them!" Y/N sighed.
" What did you expect?" I rolled my eyes, why would she be thinking about clean clothes in a place like this.
Y/N didn't respond, she just gave me an annoyed glance and brushed herself off. " Well I expected a dry vent."
" It was dry when I first found it, the monster in the river must have splashed ink up into the vents some how." Henry shrugged.
" Like it knew we were going to be traveling in it." Allison spoke slowly, everyone then shared an uneasy glance. What if everything here knew our every move?
" I wouldn't be surprised if it did know somehow. Even in that ink puddle over there, some lost soul might be watching us." I pointed to a bubbling puddle of ink just along the right line of makeshift houses. I then realized that the puddle was moving more than it should, and there were multiple like it surrounding us.
" Everyone, Get your weapons out! We might be in for a fight!" Allison exclaimed, drawing her        sword.
I drew my axe, and I felt Y/N shift closer to me as she held the shovel I had use to beat her over the head when we first met. I couldn't help but stifle a small but silent laugh, but I then regained seriousness and raised my axe over my shoulder. Ready to strike down anything that came near me or Y/N.. and the rest of the group of course.

" I have an idea," Henry said as he clutched the gent pipe in his hand, he looked at me then over at Allison.
" If it involves using me as a sacrifice, come up with a different damn idea!" I said through gritted teeth.
" No, your like the searchers. You might be able to hold them off or if anything get a few of them to help us!"
Tom gave Henry a 'Are you seriously asking him for help?' look.
" Well I could give it a try." I nodded, not paying any mind to Tom's furious, icy glare.
" No its took risky!" Y/N shook her head.
" It's risky enough just fighting all of these things at once, we could use their help!" I repeated Henry's idea.
The puddles grew closer and larger, the searchers were starting to arise with agonized wails and angry growls. I slowly lowered my axe and began making my way towards them, cautiously.
Y/N then grabbed my arm, " But what if they-"
Henry grabbed Y/N by the shoulders, pulling her back so she could release her rip on my arm.
I then looked back at her, " No distractions, remember." I grimaced.
Her eyes widened, she looked as though she were about to cry. But she then took a deep breath and nodded curtly, and I could see she subtly mouthed the words "Your right."

I turned my attention back to the searchers who were now crawling closer, but they were slow and didn't move hostilely. They had a curious sense about them as they approached me, so I slowly got down on one knee in order to look at them directly.
They still seemed sceptical and a little shifty, so I took my mask off to reveal how I maybe had similar features that they did. " See, I'm just like you." I nodded, I then realized that I could've been talking to one of my coworkers. Maybe even a friend of mine, but they had no memory of me. All they know now is that their alone in this word and wanted to kill anything that wasn't of their own kind.
They seemed like they didn't mind me at first but the searcher in front of me backed shifty again and before I knew it, it was thrashing its arms at me, and I tumbled over from the impact.
" Sammy!" I heard Y/N call my name in fear, I then felt two people hoist me back up onto my feet, and Henry and Tom were those two people.
I raised my axe back up over my shoulders, ready to attack.
" Alright then, plan two. We slaughter them all!"

Can I get an Amen? Little Sheep? ( Sammy x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now