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Well this was more than I have ever had. First, Magnus crushes our very lucky day, then we find out its not even to say hey. Apparently some idiots decided today is the day the world should end, anyway I woke up to the strangest dream, I was on the beach watching twelve people dead, their figures I understood considering the amount of time I met them, they were the twelve Greek gods then my mother and my baby sister Estelle came from the sea, dripping blood and landed on their knees in front of me and my baby sister cried to me, "help us please..." I woke up to Annabeth calling my name, apparently I was struggling in my sleep, when I told her my dream, she told me she saw the same thing only it was Athena who woke up to ask for help, not long after that, she got a phone call from Magnus telling is he was in Manhattan to see us. Oh I may have forgotten to tell you, you see on my twentieth birth day, Annabeth and I were officially engaged and her mother approved of us, which also ended the rivalry between Athena and Zeus, my mum gave me the deed to our beach house at Montauk and Athena and Poseidon promised to build us a house, by the time summer was done, our last summer at camp as members we moved into our house, Chiron still sends some demigods our way and the occasional summon to camp to help with an issue or two. But basically we are on our own. Anyway, the rest you know, they crushed our happy time you know it was two months since we moved in together and things were good only we were still attending college, at NYU, I pursued Marine biology and Annabeth took on architecture, anyway today was a university public holiday, somehow, and we had it all planned out, until it was crashed. okay, fast forward to governor's island, we had made our strategy to take down the two evil maniacs, it must have been a good plan considering Annabeth agreed to it, it was going to be the hardest challenge yet since Gaea and Gaea hadn't ended well, at least not until Leo revealed he was still alive, Annabeth and I both knew that there was a big chance one or both of us were not coming out of this alive, so I hugged her and kissed her and told her I loved her, I could see the worry in her eyes, apparently Lauin and Tara were something too, as well as Magnus and Alex, Sadie and Carter only cared to strengthen each other, after that was done, the girls matched off, and Lauin led the way, he looked to be well over twenty years old, probably twenty one or twenty two. Carter and Magnus were sure around nineteen years old so we were in the sea age bracket, the age where most heroes die. Anyway, we took a direct route to a town block overlooking the centre of the island, we waited until Lauin received a message from Tara confirming that the girls were ready and waiting for us. He then stood ahead of us and told us to remain still, he manifested his wings and he held his chest, his wings glowed and soon, a copy of each of us was moving forward at a fast pace like as if running into battle, after they left he retracted his wings and told us to "get ready to attack, that will only draw their attention so they focus on us when we grin into them. " "what the hell was that," asked Carter, and Lauin replied, my father is the archangel in charge of the Aether," before we asked he said, "the ether is the essence from which the universe is shaped, it's the building block of reality, it's like the duat to the Egyptians or gunningagap to the Norse or the Mist to the Greek it's all the same thing, so his major duty is to maintain reality and where necessary reshape it, that gives me the ability to reshape it to a small scale." "that's awesome" said Magnus, "what else can you do? " "I'll be happy to show you everything if we survive today but for now let's just live through the day, that illusion won't last long, we need to go now," replied Lauin, we then ran through the streets, and would you guess what happened, he had fooled the monsters, they were busy killing each other which gave us a chance to infiltrate them, and mow down a sizable number before they realised what was happening, when they did, they called for back up, which only meant one thing, we are in more trouble, I realised we would never win like this, luckily, we were on an island, surrounded by water which meant we were on my home turf, I looked at Lauin and tried to yell over the fighting and I told him, "drive them to the water, I have a plan," he then replied, "I can do that but I need to concentrate so cover me for a while." he then knelt down, concentrated as if he was praying and I had to do double the fights, the monsters weren't hard to outmaneuver, the only problem was they were too many, they had the advantage of numbers which meant, no matter how good we were, they would defeat us sooner or later, I sliced and diced monsters I couldn't even remember, some vaporised and the rest didn't, which meant they weren't Greek, soon after, Lauin started glowing, he then released a force of gray mist, when it cleared, there were three of each of the four of us, I told the rest to lead them to the water, Carter and Magnus seemed to understand what I was planning and they complied, all six of them, soon we were leading the monsters sea side, when we reached the water, I looked at Lauin and he seemed to know what I needed before I told him, he just told me, "do your thing I got you." he then returned to slicing up the monsters, he was too lethal a fighter I was lucky he was on my side, I don't think I have ever seen a warrior fight as efficient and fast as he did, it was like he knew where every monster was coming from before it came for him, Magnus, or the three Magnus were not easy too the last I had seen him he was still trying to get a hold on the fighting stuff but it seems one year is a long time for someone to learn how to fight considering he had Alex to train him. He was handling himself fine and when he got surrounded, he would let go of Jack and fight on his own while Jack reduced the numbers around him, Carter had manifested his bird warriors and thwarting monsters in numbers but I knew he couldn't keep up the avatar for long before he himself burning up from using up too much magic so I had to come up with a way to help them all, the copies Lauin had made were lethal too like the real people but they were starting to flicker which meant I didn't have a lot of time, so I turned to the Sea and hopped my father was in the hoped of helping, I placed my hand on the Sea water and felt it, it's vibrations and it's very making until I had become one with it, I then sent a mind message to my father you could call it a prayer " Father, I know you are in a tough place right now but I need your help without it we won't stand a chance, I need help." I then raised and took two feet into the water, and concentrated on the waves, I sent all my power into the waves and the next thing I knew, I raised a wave thirty feet high, it then got mixed with a storm so tough it pulled trees from the ground, I could feel it sipping on my energy but I had to do it, apparently I took longer than o thought I did, the copies had died out and my friends were surrounded, the storm got bigger, and started pulling in monsters, I could feel the ground beneath me yet I was way high up in the sky, I hadn't realised it yet but the ground was shaking, some monsters got ducked into the ground others couldn't find stability on the ground which gave my friends who by the way we're fine and weren't by any chance affected by the storm chance to go through them without any problems, the I knew I couldn't keep it up for much longer because I could literally feel my entire body shaking, I could feel the molecules in my body heating up which meant I was channelling too much of my father's power it was burning me up, then I heard a voice in my head, I couldn't understand it at first until I listened, it was my father and he was warning me he said, "Percy my son, it's enough, if you go any longer you are going to burn up, you have done enough, now it's time to let go, let the power go for both our sakes, it's not worth it if you try to save immortal gods by giving up your only life, you are meant to achieve greater things, in life and it will be a pity if you don't get to fulfil them, it's time to stop now," I then realised I was literally smoking I then knew that if I went on any longer I would definitely die and I wouldn't get to fulfil all the promises I had made to Annabeth all the plans we had, I then looked down at my friends and realised that if I stopped now,they would lose the little advantage they had, but also they seemed concerned, then Lauin manifested wings and flew up to me, he told me that "you have done enough Percy, if you go on, you will burn up, combustion into flames, you are using up too much energy," I knew he was right thing is I was trying to stop but if I stopped, abruptly the storm I had created would wipe out the island and maybe half of the city, I was trying to stop the storm and the power had caught me up, the storm was running on its own now and it was using me as a battery, just then, back on the ground, the light shimmered, and bent on one point, then it materialised four girls, who looked up and saw us, then, Tara grabbed Annabeth and they flew up to us, she came in hugged me and then I could feel myself regaining control, I then managed to let out a few words. "Step back," I then went deep into myself and summoned every last bit of strength I had within me, and pushed back on the storm, and it obeyed me, it then started slowing down and dying out, but I had used up all the energy I had, so I started seeing spots in my sight, and then darkness, I then ended up in a dark place, then green light came forward, and it materialised into my father, he then told me that "you have done a great job my son, but now is not the time for you to rest, you are still needed, up there so I want you to wake up, wake up right now, just then I felt warmth return into my body but not the burning to death warmth but rather the morning sunshine warmth, the peaceful kind and I got pulled back to reality, then I opened my eyes.

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