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It was like the world wanted to end with all odds today, first Percy almost nukes the entire Manhattan, and then my brother glows up like the summer sun, healing Percy but also almost bringing us, he was glowing too bright that the monsters had to stay a safe distance away so as to avoid getting turned to ash, but somehow we were fine, in fact no one seemed bothered by the blinding light, then I realised the gods were helping us indirectly, Poseidon had sent Percy back to warn us that then plan we are following wouldn't work and just like it was planned, somehow Lauin's father had sent Tara back with a possible way to help and it turns out Lauin knew about it and then, Setne and some half giant had emerged from their base but before I warned the rest, a swarm of falcons kites and owls ran into them stopping them amid their way, they began pecking them and making them bleed incor the golden blood of the gods, I then realised that Horus, Isis and my mum were helping as well, the gods from all the pantheons were helping, when I focused on the group discussing how to defeat the gods, I realised we were all surrounded by a glowing aura of blue which I would guess would be Tara's mom trying to shield is from the effect of Magnus' father. Blasting away monsters. I wasn't focusing when Percy grabbed my arm, they were all looking at me and I realised they must have asked me a question, "sorry" I said, "I was just wondering why the mobsters weren't attacking and why Magnus' light wasn't burning up to ashes when I realised we were being protected by all the Parthenons at once. Everyone stared apparently they hadn't noticed, then I looked at then and asked, "what was the question again? " "it wasn't a question," Percy said, "Lauin and Tara just agreed to go supernova with the energy in Tara's body making then transcend or something and then they will write the two gods out of existence bit they needed is to aid them. I hope I got it all the right way" "yeah you just did" said Carter, Lauin then said that the moment we tap into this power, the connection of the gods will be broken, the two mad god's will be free so you have to hold them back until we are done with the rewriting." We all agreed and the angels lifted, they went too far up we couldn't see them, then a blinding flash of light was seen and I knew better to look away apparently so did the rest of the crew, the birds flew away, Magnus' light faded and the auras broke, the gods sent monsters and the fight resumed, we paired up and began slashing monsters away, a wave of energy passed us and then from that moment, every monster we cut crumbled to dust whether Greek or not, then I realised,that reality was being rewritten, the monsters were hacked and sawed and some of them disappeared soon after that, the rest ran away leaving us traded with two gods, we decided to let each Parthenon be represented and we split up again although I didn't like it once. We took on Setne and the boys took on Ferias the fight wasn't going well for us, the god seemed to know exactly where we were going to attack and he was stronger than the three of us combined, then suddenly he started losing his speed, he slowed down and we started getting hits on him, he didn't understand what was happening he screamed as he started bleeding and then his blood turned red, we stopped attacking and he shrank back to human size, he was bleeding heavily and then his wounds all healed, Ferias and Setne merged into one guy and they blew up releasing six rows of energy that entered directly into us, then they split up and collapsed to the ground. "what just happened? " asked Carter, "I can't feel Isis any more" replied Sadie, "do you still have your magic? " she raised her staff and spoke a few inaudible words in Egyptian and the top of her staff glowed and released a glowing Phoenix, but this one glowed green instead of yellow, it came and landed on top of her shoulder like her pet, "yeah" she replied, "only I don't use her magic anymore, it turns out am following the goddess of rebirth and the Phoenix now. You?" Carter held out his khopesh but instead it shimmered and turned into a straight double edged blade, it glowed golden and it spit out a golden eagle that landed on his hand and he said, "I don't think I have magic anymore, it turns out I am following the god of thunder and eagles. what the hell is going on? " replied Carter. Then Alex held out her garrote and it turned golden her outfit turned into a green and pink dress and her hair grew taller, she then looked at us and she said, "I think we have just been turned into gods and goddesses," she then said that "I have just been turned into the goddess of gender and equality." Magnus pulled off Jack who immediately said "hey senor how do you like your new power?" "what?" asked Magnus, but then his outfit shimmered, he grew a bit taller and he shone like the new sun and he said "what in the norns have I become? " "the Norse god of the sun and medicine." only you are vanir unlike Mrs Alex here who is Aesir." replied Jack and "I am no longer the sword of summer I have become the sword of the sun. There is another sword called summarbrander now and it's still lost, it will be found on the day of Ragnarok and will do it's job I merely resemble him now that's why my runes only glow the color of the sun now," this was a lot, then Percy began to flicker, he glowed green and riptide fell out of his hands, it disappeared and in his hands he held a glowing silver trident only it wasn't a trident, instead of three, it had. Five heads, his armor shifted until it was silver and green, it  showed tornadoes, tsunamis every wind that is flowing every possible type of storm, like the winds and water made up his clothes, or the clothes contain the winds, he then said "I think I just became the storm god. " everyone looked at me and then I started feeling strange, I suddenly felt 's strange feeling of power, suddenly I could feel every year, month, day, hour minute, second, to the lowest measurement of of time that has ever existed, and even some that are yet to come, I was aware of all the battles going on at the moment and how to win them from each side, I then could understand every form of architecture that has ever existed and even some to come, I then understood when I looked at myself, I was dressed in Greek military Armour just like Percy only mine was golden and blue, I had a golden sword at my side. I then understood who I was I just said, "I just became the new goddess of time and architecture." then Sadie said, "I think it's safe to say we are no longer magicians but instead the new Egyptian gods." "yeah" Carter replied "I can feel the duat pulling me in and the voice of Horus calling me home." "we have to go but I would ask that we return here at governor's island when we are done to know what to do next, hopefully the angels will be here by then." said Sadie, the Egyptian goddess of rebirth and the Phoenix. The sky rumbled and then I could hear the voice of Zeus calling, when I looked back there was thunder in the sky, then I realised all the thunder that appeared were messages to the gods. Before I could translate, the rest seemed to have the same news, "we will return" said Magnus. Then the air opened in a vortex of sand and the Egyptians turned to go through, at the same time the sky rumbled and a rainbow bridge came down and the Norse turned to go and still at the same time, a chariot arrived with wings and the rider was Hermes he asked us to go on and we went on, the chariot sped off like I could understand it now, we travelled across rainbows, across Iris, and a second later, we arrived at the steps of Olympus, Percy by my side, the streets of Olympus were filled with god's, demigods and nature spirits, both Greek and Roman, but Olympus didn't seem crowded at all, in fact it seemed like it had grown, enlarged to contain the number.

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