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Well this is going to sound crazy but Sadie insisted on documentation and since it all started with me I get first dibs. Here we go.
So I had given Annabeth an entire year to grieve and tell me what had happened but it still wasn't happening so I decided I would go check it out myself. I got up Monday morning and decided to go to Manhattan. Alex refused to let me go alone and insisted she would go with me, and by Odin's beard I dare you to say no to her, we got into a train and headed for Manhattan, the way there was tiring but luckily I had einherjar endurance. I appeared on Long Island and called Annabeth, she gave me directions to Montauk, apparently Percy had a beach house, how cool is that. We went there as fast as we possibly could. I arrived and got warm greetings from them, the place looked great like it had just been renovated, it was a two story building overlooking the Sea, which made sense considering Percy was the son of Poseidon, the Greek sea god, oh I may have forgotten to tell you, my name is Magnus Chase, son of Frey, yes the Norse god of Summer, Alex is the daughter/son of Loki, and Annabeth is my cousin who as it turns out is also the daughter of the Greek goddess Athena. There all caught up. Anyway not long after we had arrived, two birds landed on the window sill, Annabeth saw them and ran to the window, opened it and let them in like she knew them, the first thought in my mind was Ohh so she has two pet birds cool, but my mind was like its impossible to have a falcon and a kite as pet birds seeing as they are not docile birds. It turns out my instincts are wise, the birds morphed into two people, a dude about Percy's height which meant slightly taller than me, and a girl who almost looked identical to Annabeth except her eyes were blue, their transformation shocked me and I jumped, with my einherjar strength, I almost hit the roof but Alex just seemed more intrigued and interested seeing as she can shape-shift and all, perks of being a child of Loki. Anyway the two dudes introduced them selves as Carter and Sadie Kane, they were siblings which was hard to believe given their skin complexion and all. Sadie looked British and Carter looked half American half African. Anyway Percy introduced us and it turns out these two siblings were descendants of two of the most powerful Pharaohs in Egypt and we're magicians. They said they were called godlings to signify possible hosts for Egyptian gods who as it turns out also existed. Carter was the host of Horus and Sadie was the host of Isis anyway it seemed strange that they chose to visit the same day we had chosen, which racked all our brains, Annabeth being the wise one said, "the last time that the four of us were in the same place was on governor's island, and now it happens with the Norse demigods available too why do I have a funny feeling?" I had a feeling they hadn't planned the meeting on governor's island and I had a feeling it wasn't for an outing either. Carter said "Horus came to me last night, and he told me to come meet you two he said we were going to need all four Parthenon for what was coming, so I did a locator spell on you two and we came." I have to admit it sounded disturbing and what the hell did he mean by four Parthenons. Any way it turns out I wasn't the only one wondering. Annabeth replied, "what do you mean four pantheons, I thought there were three, Greek, Egyptian and the Norse Parthenon." Sadie then replied, "as far as we knew there were only two, the Egyptian and the Greek. But Horus and Isis cannot both be wrong, there must be a fourth Parthenon." "you received the vision too?" asked Alex and Sadie replied. "It's more like a nightmare but yes, I did and she showed me what was going to happen if we don't stop it and I have to say it wasn't fun. My point here is if Sente could cause all that destruction and it only took two Parthenons to stop him considering he bonded both Egyptian and Greek magic I would hate to see what would need four Parthenons and what it were made out of. " I was still dumbstruck at the existence of more two Parthenon I mean how do they rule the world together, did they slice up the world into pieces, or something. Anyway I was overstating that everyone started to wonder if they had broken me. I didn't realise it until Percy asked, "are you okay Magnus," and I said "yeah, why" "it's just you haven't moved since the news and you are kind of overstating. " replied Percy, I looked around and I replied, "I was just thinking, there are four Parthenon and the gods in each Parthenon know about each other and so far you have met three right," "ahhh yeah," replied Alex, "what's your point boy wonder?" "Ohh boy wonder," teased Percy and they all laughed, luckily I still had my ability to change subjects, so I continued, "Point is I think I may know our fourth Parthenon." that got all their attention, so I continued. "you said Sente was made from Greek and Egyptian magic right?" "yes" replied Sadie, "then I have a feeling that the Norse and the fourth Parthenon have met too," "makes sense" replied Carter. And Percy said "why do I have a feeling you aren't building up to good news?" "that's because am not. When I had just died, I was told that Thor challenged Jesus to a fight and Jesus declined, which means Christianity exists and Heimdal said he doesn't consider his kind as gods but rather really powerful cosmic entities which means there is a God out there that isn't our parents." "yeah" replied Percy and he said, "when I had just arrived at camp halfblood, Chiron told me that the gods were not the capital G god, he said that was another matter entirely," and Carter replied, "my uncle told me that there were other gods and some more powerful than the rest. Which left an opening for the Christian faith. " so I continued "considering the fact that Odin doesn't stop Samirah her most trusted Valkyrie from practising Islam yet she is a demigod, that leaves me to believe that the fourth Parthenon......" "is the Christian Parthenon" Alex cut in and finished my statement. "not bad boy wonder, but that leaves one question, how do we find them?" Carter then said, I remember one thing from the vision, part of it was on governor's island. I say we go there first and work out way from there." since no one had another suggestion we had to with that. Percy then said this is disturbing considering we didn't prepare for anything like this. And here I thought I was going to have a peaceful holiday." "So the big question is how do we get to governor's island? " asked Sadie Percy seemed to be pondering on the topic and he replied, "I can call for help and it will be here soon." "what kind of help are we talking about?" asked Alex and Percy replied. "The horse kind, with wings and can fly. but that would be for only two people, Blackjack doesn't take more than two." "who is blackjack?" asked Sadie and Annabeth replied, "our Pegasus, well Percy's I just borrow it at times." "you have a flying horse on call, that's awesome." said Carter. "well it's part of the previledges of being a son of Poseidon, you get personal stuff like that." replied Percy, in no time, we were ready and a huge figure came flying out of the sky, it landed on the beach and bowed to Percy like a servant to a king. He then had some words with it while it whined like it understood him. And soon I was loaded on it with Annabeth, Alex just turned into an eagle and took a for the skies, Carter and Sadie followed and Percy went onto the Sea, after he entered the water, blackjack took for the skies, he was so fast but Annabeth kept talking to him to keep him calm and within no time, we landed on governor's island. Three birds landed and transformed into people and out of the sea, Percy came out walking and his clothes were completely dry like he has never touched water, the spot where he emerged had two sharks and once he was safely on land, they turned and took off. Blackjack whined and Percy translated, "Blackjack says that something is coming something powerful," blackjack whined again and he took for the skies, "Percy then said get ready, he uncapped his pen and it transformed into his Infamous blade Riptide, and tapped his watch which turned into a bronze shield with a trident on it. Carter materialised from thin air a curved blade and an ivory wand. Sadie got a staff and a wand still from thin air. Annabeth retrieved her dagger and her bracelet transformed into a silver shield with a owl shaped into it. Alex retrieved her garotte and I summoned Jack who immediately sprung into action he asked, "okay senor who are we facing this time, Ohh riptide, she is here and she brought some friends." the Egyptians were shocked to see a talking blade and I told Jack, " hey Jack we have a problem here, we are supposed to meet some Christian demigods and apparently something is coming our way, something powerful." Jack's runes lit magenta a colour I had never seen him display and he said, "if you are talking about who I think you are, then we are in terrible danger, the people coming are not demigods, they are nephilim beings that are half angel and half human, I have met a few angels before, they are powerful but we beat them before, but there are some called the archangels, those senor are more than powerful, if you encounter them, run as far as you can, because they can be merciless if they decide to be and once they do, they can't be stopped by anything known to the gods. My point is Angel nephilim you can try but if they are archangel nephilim, you can't win so if I were you I would take away the weapons and hope they came in peace. " everyone looked at me and I could see the fear on their faces as they realised what Jack had just said. "can we trust your sword? " asked Carter, jack replied, "what do you mean can you trust me, you mean you don't believe me.. " "it's fine Jack", I cut in, before thongs got worse, "and yes you can trust Jack, he belonged to my father Frey the god of summer and balance and alot of other stuff and is considered one of the most powerful weapons in the nine worlds. Besides he has seem more battles than we can think of. " "thank you senor" replied Jack, but before we could act, two figures appeared out of the sky, at first I thought they were birds, then as they got closer I thought they were pegasi but when they got closer still I realised they were people, they were coming in too fast, and they landed on the beach, it was a guy, black long hair flowing to his shoulders, brown eyes and an athletic figure, he wasn't big or small, he was in a black Jean, white T-shirt and a leather jacket, he was wearing black shoes with a white sole and he had biking gloves, he had wings attached to his back but they didn't look like actual wings, they liked like they were made out of light but physical light, and light seemed to bend towards them. The girl had almost the same appearance except her hair was blonde, she had blue eyes and was wearing black boots. They took one step forward and their wings disappeared, then they looked like normal teenagers, they came forward and the guy asked, "I take it you are the demigods."

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