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|Say I'm Good|

|Say I'm Good|

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Seungkwan's eyes fluttered, and he yawned loudly as he lifted himself up from the warmth of the comforter under him, he rest his hands on his sides, as his sleepy eyes searched around the room.

The space was a bit dimmed out all around, Seungkwan glanced to his side and saw that the lights had been set to it's forth lightest setting, making it quite dark in the room. Seungkwan pushed his hand to the side turning the lights up, so that he could get a better view of the place he was in.

Now, Seungkwan turned back to his position he was in originally, getting a better view of the luxurious hotel he was in. It was pretty fucking big for a hotel room to begin with, the room looked like his whole apartment living space and that was just the bedroom half.

Seungkwan slipped out of the bed, instantly his feet landed on a pair of soft pink slippers. They were so soft Seungkwan couldn't help but accept their fit.

he placed his hand down on the beautiful dark teak wood desk, looking down at the small clock and cute house plant on it.

"Oh, it's pretty late," Seungkwan frowned, looking down at the time that displayed '6:00' He was of course a bit upset that the day was getting close to an end, but at the same time he was fine with it since he was a night type of person. 

Seungkwan looked around the room, "Vernon?" 

Is Vernon gone?

When Seungkwan didn't get a reply he assumed it was probably because Vernon wasn't there, and so he frowned displeased.

Wow so he bangs me hard and then decides to dip. Real fucking classy.

Seungkwan snorted.

Haha.. yeah he's probably just at that stupid meeting.

Seungkwan turned and his eyes widened at what he's been ignoring since the moment he woke up.

There was a huge window, that was basically like the wall at the far side of the room where the sofas, coffee table and working desk were. 

Seungkwan walked over to the window and he placed both of his hands on the thick glass, his eyes glistened down at the beautiful view beneath and forward from him. The city beamed with vibrant neon lights, flashing screens and big towering buildings.

"Wow," Seungkwan moved back from the window and with a sigh he moved to the couches falling into the single one, placing both his hands on the arm rests while looking up at the ceiling, "We're here for one day and I can't do jack shit."

Suddenly the sound of loud ringing rang throughout the room, and Seungkwan jumped up from his seat, a smile stretched across his face. He ran towards the loud calling sound, until he found his way to the bathroom door.

He slid it open and his eyes were even more amazed than before. The bathroom was absolutely beautiful, but enough of that. Seungkwan shook his head and looked down at the counter, his eyes felt overwhelmed with tears.

His beautiful phone. Praise thee who left it here for him.

Seungkwan picked up his phone and looked at the contact, his smile didn't wither and he answered right away. 

"Hello, Seungkwan?"

"Soonyoung, oh my god Soonyoung, you don't know how much I wanted to talk to you!" Seungkwan exclaimed, a sense of relief filled his very being, hearing his dear friend on the other end. 

"Hey Seungkwan what the fuck man, I've been so worried about you, no one could contact you and I went to your place and it looked like everything was stolen, I thought something super serious happened!" Soonyoung cried on the phone, "Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine," Seungkwan said quietly, and walked over to the bathrooms toilet, "Can we face time?"

"Yes please!" Soonyoung, gladly switched the class to a face time, and the two stared almost lovingly to each other, before Seungkwan burst out in laughter at Soonyoung's face that turned to a frown as tears formed in the corner of his eyes, "Ew gross!"

"What do you mean asshole, I was super worried, d-don't scare me like that!" Soonyoung cried, wiping some of the tears from his cheeks, "idioot!"

"Well it's not like I wanted to scare you," Seungkwan got up from the toilet and walked out of the bathroom, making way back into the bedroom, falling back into the softness of the bed, "You know how I was worried that I had to pay for that hotel room a while back?"

"Uh yeah?" Soonyoung's eyes widened, "Don't tell me they're holding you hostage and making you sell your body until you can pay them back, Jesus Seungkwan you can't just let that happen, should I call my lawyers?"

Seungkwan started to laugh hysterically at Soonyoung's over dramatic assumptions, "No, that's not even close!"

Seungkwan stopped himself for a second, "Wait actually that's sorta spot on..."

Soonyoung put his hand to his mouth, "Fuck!"

Seungkwan rolled over placing his phone down on the comforter now looking down at Soonyoung, "Basically I got kidnapped by this really fucking hot guy, who is by the way rich and a fucking druggie, I mean I'm not into the whole druggie thing but the rich thing is fine, anyways that's way off topic, now me and him and all his little drug buddies are in Shanghai, and I'm here stuck in this super nice hotel by myself."

"And I'm really bored," Seungkwan cried, shaking his phone back and forth. 

"Wow," Soonyoung pushed his hand to his forehead, "That is so..."

"COOL!" Soonyoung yelled, "Why are you always the one getting kidnapped and pampered like a princess, it really ain't fair."

Princess. What am I princess peach or some shit?

"Maybe it's because I play around with men and you play around with one little boy," Seungkwan said and Soonyoung shrugged not arguing with that.

"Well what is it you're planning to do, you're all the way in another country, and I'm not there to entertain you, wait I should probably ask, are you safe there?" Soonyoung asked, realizing the situation isn't actually as light as they're taking it. His friend was kidnapped after all.

"No, I don't know, I feel like I am, but I'm sure I really am not," Seungkwan said, confusing them both in the process, "He pointed a gun at me."

"WHAT, YOU SHOULD OF SAID THAT FIRST!" Soonyoung yelled out like a mad man.

"What do you mean!" Seungkwan yelled back, "What am I supposed to say huh?"

"I WAS KIDNAPPED BY SOME DUDE AND BY THE FUCKING WAY HE THREATENED ME WITH A GUN!" Seungkwan yelled and right when he did the door clicked open. 

The two went silent and Seungkwan bit his lip.



Damn someone's about to get their ass in trouble.

Will most likely update again cuz I'm on a roll.


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