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|Bad Bitches|

|Bad Bitches|

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"Whoa, this place is huge as fuck," Soonyoung exclaimed as he and Jihoon walked into the lobby of the hotel, both of them wearing matching red and white Hawaiian shirts, and their suitcases in hand as they dragged it down the shiny marble floors.

"Sure is, just who exactly is Seungkwan dating again?" Jihoon asked, pushing the handle to his suitcase down as he crossed his arms scanning the area.

"Oh, some rich nutjob who does cocaine or some shit," Soonyoung waved his hand disregarding all the other factors, "Anyway's where's my bestie I miss him."

"Soonyoung, Jihoon!" 

The two boy's heads shifted around and their eyes widened in glee and the sight of their best friend running out of the elevator and down the lobby with just a light pink robe on feet smacking off the floors.

"Seungkwan!" Soonyoung screamed out dropping all his stuff on the ground before running for the younger male with open arms.

As soon as they were only centimeters away they clasped onto each other and enjoyed a very much needed comforting embrace.

"My friend!" Soonyoung yelled.

"My friend!" Seungkwan repeated moving back, with a smile, their arms still wrapped around each other as they smiled at each other.

"My friends!" Jihoon added, now halfway wrapping his small arms around the two in front of him in excitement.

"Oh fun," Seokmin clapped his hands before joining into the hug, wrapping his long arms around all of them and squeezing them all together happily, "Come on Joshua, join on this."

"I think I'll refrain myself," Joshua coughed into his closed fist before turning around and waving for hotel workers to help move the suitcases up with them.

Once they all released from each other, Jihoon and Soonyoung pulled Seungkwan over to the side with them.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Soonyoung asked, pointing at Seokmin that stood bitting at his nails.

"Oh, no, no, definitely not," Seungkwan cried waving his hands with a small chuckle.

"So then him," Jihoon nudged his head up toward Joshua that was directing the hotel workers how to properly stack suitcases onto the trolley.

"Oh hell no," Seungkwan cackled, pushing his hand to his stomach.

"Although, I would smash," Seungkwan then mumbled and the two second and third that.

"The other one too," Jihoon smirked, and Soonyoung furrowed his eyebrows at the smaller.

Then as everything was packed onto a trolley, Joshua handed them the number for the room they were bringing it to, including an extra card he told them to just leave on the table before turning around and gathering the boy's to follow him back up to the rooms, "Come on guys, let's head up now okay?"

"Okay," they all said in sync as they followed behind Joshua into the elevator.

"Wow, this place is sick even the elevator is fancy, so many mirrors," Soonyoung claimed as he turned around and fixed his hair before checking himself out.

"Yeah, I can already feel that this week is going to be so much fun!" Jihoon cried, wiggling in joy.

Seungkwan snickered leaning back onto the bars of the elevator, "Yeah, I'm sure it's going to be something alright."

"So," Joshua started adjusting his collar, "What do you three plan to do today, sightseeing, shopping, dining?"

"Oh uhh, we never really thought about it," Soonyoung mumbled, placing his finger on his bottom lip.

"Okay well when you guys have," Joshua reached into the side of his suit and pulled out a roll of hundred dollar Bill's before throwing it over to Jihoon that fumbled to catch it.

"That's you're allowance until the afternoon, if you need more just ask, he said he's limiting the amount he's giving Seungkwan all together as a punishment for last time," Joshua explained, looking down at the clock on his wrist as he spoke.

"Holy shit, is it even possible to have this much loose bills?" Jihoon's eyes looked like there going to roll out of his head as he stared at the thick roll of money in the smallers hands.

"Seungkwan hit the jackpot, that's for sure," Soonyoung cried, wrapping his arm around Seungkwan's, pulling him into a generous hug, "oh God thank you for blessing my friend with a bomb ass pussy."

"Pus- so he's a she!" Joshua gasped.

"No, it's a... yeah never mind," Soonyoung waved, directing his attention back to the money.

Finally, they reached their floor and they made their way down the hallway, "Oh yay, you guys are on the same floor as us."

"It's also right in front of yours," Seokmin stated as they stopped in their spot, looking at the room, 254.

"Come, let me show you, your room," Joshua stated walking over to the door, and sliding the lock with the keycard, before pushing it open.

As soon as he did, Jihoon slipped the keycard out his hand and Soonyoung grabbed Seungkwan sliding into the room before placing his hand on the door, "thanks y'all, see you later?"

With that Soonyoung closed the door on the two other boys. Joshua and Seokmin tilted their heads wondering what just happened.

"Okay now the supervisors are gone, I know exactly what we're gonna do," Soonyoung cried out, wrapping his arms around the two boy's shoulders bringing them in.

"And what's that?" Jihoon raised a brow, a small smirk forming on his lips.

"Strip club!" Soonyoung cried, shaking the boys in glee.

"Haha of course that's where you wanna go!" Jihoon cackled slapping the elder on the chest.

"Aw cute," Soonyoung gasped at Jihoon's reaction letting go of Seungkwan and wrapping his arms around the smaller boys head, cuddling his face into his head top.

"Pshh," Seungkwan rolled his eyes, before turning around to look at their room.

Awe nice. It looks similar to ours, just arranged differently.

"Oh and hey, let's get you something sexy to wear, maybe you can show them some of your skills," Soonyoung snapped, looking over at Seungkwan as he cuddled Jihoon close to him.

"You think they'll let me?" Seungkwan asked, turning around and wiggling his backside for them, before letting out a snigger.

"I mean just show them your degree in ass jiggling, you might even get hired," Jihoon giggled, leaning forward and slapping Seungkwan's butt cheek.

"I just might," Seungkwan smirked.

"Come on now, let's go have some fun."



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