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|Stolen Property|

|Stolen Property|

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Vernon rolled his tongue against the walls of his inner cheek. He closed his eyes trying to process what he just heard and leaned back in his dark leather seat.

Vernon placed his hand on the armrest beside him and opened his eyes again looking forward to the front of the car, he placed his finger on the button for the speaker, that would reach the front of the car, "Go."

Vernon then spoke with a deep tone, as the car turned out of the side of the street, his head narrowed to the black screen in front of him, "Call Hong Joshua."


Seungkwan's head that slumped sluggishly on the side of his shoulder slowly dripped as he awoke from his deep slumber.

His pupils dilated and narrowed again as his vision fixed on the black tiled ceiling above him.

"Nn..." Seungkwan shook his head as he blinked his eyes, he then tried to move his arms but he realized he could not because they had been tied to his sides with rope, along with his feet that were glued shut.

"What the hell?" Seungkwan started to wiggle around, his heart beginning to race in his chest as he tried his hardest to break free. To no prevail.

Seungkwan turned his head around, and he examined what he was laying down on, the surface was fuzzy and blue, but it was hard. 

Only one thought of what it was came to mind and that was that he was laying down on a pool table 

But why was he on the pool table, he thought to himself as he lifted his head slightly and over the frame of the pool table he could see a small view of the room, he moved his head up and his eyes widened at the couch in the far corner of the room.

They were stripped naked and piled on top of one another was Soonyoung and Jihoon. Jihoon on the bottom and Soonyoung slouched on top of him. 

The two weren't tied but, instead, they were just lying there like dolls. Their bodies were pale, and they had harsh vibrant colors of blue and purple splattered on random parts of their bodies, mainly targetted around their waists.

What the hell... what happened to them! 

Why are they just lying there like a pair of corpse...

Jesus what the fuck is this... no wait where am I... this can't be real.

Seungkwan cringed at the sight of his friends, not being able to look at them he turned his head away slightly.

His eyes darted down near the entrance of the dimly lit underground basement bar-styled place. His eyes glued on a man that was standing at the front of the place, cigarette in hand as he just casually smoked near the door.

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