P1 Alone Traveler × Reader (Smut)

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Your POV

Nothing hurts more than an abusive boyfriend. And that specific one beats you everyday.
I had one of my own. It was like having a handed down trophy that was worn out on every corner.
Yeah, Yeah, there are most absolutely 2 sides to a story. He has his.
When he was 12, his sister overdosed on drugs, killing herself.
He always thought it was his fault. He knew about the drugs all the time but never took them from her. He never thought she would let them do that kind of harm on her.
Then, fast forward now, he was taking the same drugs, not caring if they fucked him up or not. He only wanted to be with his sister.
Back into my life, all I could do was take it. It hurt me more than is hurt him, lemme tell you that.
But it was different the last time he hit me. Way different.


I wake up everyday and I always think he might change, but instead, I changed.
I had changed into my normal outfit, a blue t-shirt and black sweatpants.
I stepped out of the same room and sat down with the same bowl of cereal.
He came in at the same time of day.
"So." He said, waiting for something.
"So what?" I asked, looking up at him.
"So, what's for breakfast, Slut?" He spat at me.
I blushed and sighed lightly. "I-I wasn't making any to-today."
He growled and opened the cupboard with a thud. He pulled out a frying pan and flung it at my face.
It didn't even have a chance of missing my face.
The pan slammed in the middle of my forehead and I passed out.

I woke up on the dinning room floor but everything was silent. I couldn't hear a single thing.
I sat up and looked all around. Then, he walked into the room and started 'yelling'.
The problem was... I didn't know what he was saying, he was silented.
I gave him a confused look and yelled. "I can't hear anything!"
He stopped yelling and stared at me. He picked me up off of the floor and carried me outside.

I instantly got chills as he threw me on the side walk and walked back in the house, closing the door.
I hyperventilated, turning my head, trying to look for something, anything. But, my sight failed me, everything filled with darkness.
I felt someone grab my shoulders and pull my.
I screamed out but it felt as if nobody was there to save me.

Nobody's POV

Y/n was pulled into the alley, Alone Traveler dragging her by her shoulders.
"Wh-Who are you?" She asked, an expression filled with fear painting on her face.
"My name is Alone Traveler, but you can call me Alone." He answer, silent but maniac-like laughter bursting from his mouth.
Y/n wished she had the ability to see. A chill ran down her spine as she heard the footsteps of him walking away.
"Wait... d-don't leave me!" She yelled.
The steps stopped to a dead end.
"Don't worry, i'll be back in no time." Alone's lips curved evily.

Alone Traveler's POV

I slowly walked into her house. My Y/n's house. The one she got thrown out of by someone who was using her as a toy.
I quietly pulled a knife from it's holder and traced my hand with it, laughing loudly.
Y/n's 'boyfriend' walked into the kitchen. "Who the fuck are you?!" He yelled, throwing punches .
"Getting aggressive already, are we?" I chuckled and plunged the knife into his chest, blood squirting from the wound as I pulled it out.
Before he took his last breath, I looked him strait in the face and said, "You should've never hurt her, you fool!"
My laughter boomed through the whole house, him squirming before his body stopped and layed limb.
Now, it's time to make my princess love me. Forever.

Your POV

I layed on the alleyway floor, hearing his laughter burst.
Then, the same footsteps, walking toward me.
"Wh-What are you.. who are you?" I shook with fear.
"I'm here to comfort you and save you from that bastard." His voice said soothingly as he wrapped his arms around me.
I pushed him off of me and started to crawl away.
He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back to him. "I won't hurt you. I only killed him for you." He said as calmly as possible.
"Y-You killed him!?" I yelled. "You're a PSYCHOPATH!"

Alone Traveler's POV

I tried my best to keep in my anger from all her name calling. All because I knew I loved her to peices.
I shushed her and held a cloth to her mouth, hesitating slightly.
"What are you doi-" Her eyes shut, bringing her into a deep sleep.
"Mine, Mine, MINE." I whispered into her ear.


Time Skip-

I laid her down in my lap while Fodloca looked through her potion's.
"I may not have one for fix- AHAH!" She yelled and snatched a potion off of her shelf. "Cure For Blindness." She held it towards me.
I looked at Y/n, watching her slowely open her eyes.
"Where am I?" She asked.
I put my finger towards her mouth. "Be calm. I will lift something to your mouth and you will drink it. And no more questions for now, it will help you."
She nodded and drank the potion.
After she swallowed, (No Pun Intended) her face scrunched up. "That tastes funky." She said before closing her eyelids.
"Open your eyes, Y/n." I said holding her face in my hands, making her look at me.
She bit her lip before opening her eyes, look me strait in the eyes.
She gasped before smiling and throwing herself at me. "Th-Thank you so much, Alone."
I squeezed her tight, wishing that I would never have to let go.
She looked at me before smashing her lips on my.
I blushed, not expecting anything like this. I kissed her back, hearing Fodloca say, "I would let you guys stay here and do what you want but I don't have a door.."


Here's your part 1 DrexTheXenomorph

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