Selozar × Reader (Fluff)

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Your POV

  My dear brother Albert was always into video game, especially Roblox.
  He started playing around 10. Over 20 years now.
  He made a new YouTube channel and I watched almost all of his videos. I was always his first subscriber.
  But I ever knew his career would travel down this type of path.

  He knew how to travel into the game, okay? I didn't believe it either.
  He met every myth physically through the games they made.
  I begged him to let me come but he wouldn't let me... but, Christmas came around.
  I stood on the porch of his house, staring at the ribbon the sat on his door.
  I was already starting to get cold from the chilly weather that swirled around Florida. I swear this was the only time you could be cold here.
  Albert opened the door, his giddy smile plastered to his popular face.
  "Hey, Y/n! Welcome to my house. Uh- I have some people for you to meet." He said, grabbing my hand and taking me towards his recording room I knew very well.

  "Just, think. Think about Roblox." He said, clicking into a world I didn't recognize.
  My body felt weird, like I was on a rollar coaster with no eyes.
  "Don't open them yet." Albert said, taking deep breaths.
  When the feeling stopped, Albert loudly said, "Open!"
  I opened my eyes and saw many myth, some I knew from heart.
  Chuck Lloyd
  Jack Cult
  Emmett Cult
  Alone Traveler.
  They all were standing in front of me but one of them I did not recognize. I knew nothing of him.
  Alone Traveler had the boy glued next to him.
  The boy looked about 17, same age as me. Albert was looking at me with a worried stare.
  I smiled and clung to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him.
  "Thank you, Alberto." I said, earning some laughs in the crowd of myths.
  When I aas done, Morgenne was already all over me, examining my every feature, telling me I looked different from Albert.
  Activvity was trying to get her off of me but she never seemed to budge.
  The boy next to Alone Traveler had been starring me down, getting yelled at a few times by Alone.

  We all sat down by a Christmas tree, Louyen and Z00zy calling dibs next to me.
  "So, you now all know my sister, Y/n. Now,  I'm not sure that she knows everyone of you." Albert said and started to point out all the myths I already knew.
  I groaned. "I know all of them, I want to know him!" I complained, pointing to shy kid.
  Everyone went silent. Alone Traveler had a worried expression. He looked at me, then the boy with a smirk.
  Alone Traveler then spoke up. "This is Selozar, he's a friend of mine. How about Z00zy lets him sit next to you?"
  Z00zy shrugged his shoulders with a smile still stuck to his face.
  Selozar blushed all the way on his walk towards me, looking around now knowing that he couldn't hid in this big group anymore.
  He sat down next to me and looked at me for an odd 5 seconds before giving out a tiny, "Hi."
  "Hey." I said back with a smile.
  Then, the group went back to talking but I could only seem to notice Selozar, sitting there and doing nothing.
  "This can't be what you do all day at home. Is it?"
  "W-What do you mean?" He asked, flustered.
  I stared at his pitch black face, trying to spot eyes and a mouth. "I mean, nothing. You can't do absolutely nothing all day."
  He bit his lip. "I don't do nothing. I usually clean up after Mast- Alone Traveler."
  I looked over at Alone Traveler, watching him whisper something to Albert while looking at the both of us.
  "Y-You're really pr-pretty." He stuttered out with a blush.
  I smiled. "Thank y-"
  "Okay, everyone! Gather around in a circle. I'm getting some paper and we're gonna play 10 minutes in Heaven.
  I stood up and grabbed Selozar by the hand, pulling him to his feet.
  I made him join the group but kept him rather close to me, like he was a fragile box and everyone wanted to shake him and throw him onto the ground.
  Albert soon came back, a hat filled with paper peices layed in the palm of his hand.
  "So, I have all your names in here. I'm gonna let Alone Traveler pick who's up first." Albert said, putting the hat in front of Alone.
  Alone picked out a name. "Selozar." He said and said some to himself and closed his eyes. He picked out another paper. "And Y/n." He said, grinned widely.
  Me and Selozar blushed, him blushing a little harder than me.
  Albert gave him a stern look, but more fake, like he wanted this to happen.
  "You better keep your hands to yourself!" He growled at Selozar.
  I grabbed Selozar by his arm and took him into the closet, shitting the door.
  "10 minutes start........... NOW!" Alone Traveler yelled to us.
  I stared into Selozar's un-noticable eyes. He stared back into mine.
  I felt my heart speed up when he grabbed my waist lightly.
  He was shy but he still towered above me  at a high 6'4''.
  I blushed deeply and drapped my arms around his neck.
  Our lips seemed to act like magnets, clinging on to eachother and not wanting to let go.
  The kiss was full a passion and affection. Not only was the kiss great, his lips were so fricking soft. It felt as if I was kissing a cloud.
   The kiss carried on for a good minute before air tore us apart.
  I panted heavily as I placed my head in the crook of his neck.
  "I-I love you." Selozar said in a shy tone.
  I smiled.

  Cause I knew that I loved him too.


  This was suggested by MegChanOwO

  You guys can tell me suggestions, like plots and myths.

(Not Edited)

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