Of Periods and Pain

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So I had the most random idea of Rory getting her period during a quest and Chase having to help her. After all throughout all the books, Rory never got her period but this short assumes she has had her period before. Here we go!!

A snake slithered by my foot. It was easily as thick as the trunk of a young pine tree. Chase was ahead of me as we silently crept through the jungle. A new character had gotten her Tale fairly quickly: Rapunzel. Of course, her prince got himself trapped in her tower somehow. The new Director, Sarah Thumb, has sent us on the quest as soon as she had gotten a call on her M3. Lena had stayed behind to keep us updated back at EAS; and she wanted to stay with Kyle for a bit longer, of course.

"Chase, how far are we?" I moaned. My legs were started to falter beneath me. "We should stop for the night. We'll be of no use if we get there exhausted."

He looks back at me before looking ahead again. "We'll stop at that tree up there. Maybe we can climb it and stay up there for safety tonight." He jerked his head at a tree not too far in the distance.

I stayed quiet, saving my energy to climb the tree. My legs burned as we approached the tree.

Chase shed his carry-all as his wings appeared. He hovered off of the ground and held out his hand to me. "Give me your hand so I can fly you up. Just leave your carry-all here. I'll come back down for both of them after dropping you off there."

"Can't we stay down here? It would save time and energy today and tomorrow." I desperately looked around, trying to find a place to rest. "Look! There's even a cave over there. And there aren't any prints on the ground. We can check but chances are nothing lives in there."

"Fine, but any sign of a living thing and it's up in the tree." Chase rolled his eyes and dropped to the ground.

We walked over to the cave. I whistled over Rapunzel'a vial and a soft light lightened our surroundings. There was a pile of dried leaves in a corner but no prints on the ground and no sign of any living things.

I threw my carry-all to the ground and pulled out a sleeping bag. "Looks like we're sleeping here tonight!"

"Sounds good." Chase settled down next to me and pulled the lunch box out of his bag. "Two cheeseburgers." He opened it and handed me a fresh, warm cheeseburger, taking another for himself.

We are quickly and I settled into the sleeping bag. Chase's leg pressed against my hip as I curled towards him. "I call second watch," I murmured as I shut my eyes.

Before I was completely lost to the darkness, I felt him kiss my forehead and murmur a quick, "Night, love you."

"Love you, too," I muttered before falling asleep.

*          *          *

"Rory!" A hand shook my shoulder. "Rory!" The voice sounded frantic but my stomach clenching in pain was my top priority. Moaning, I curled into myself, desperately trying to ease away the pain. "RORY!" The voice was persistent and I grunted in acknowledgement, keeping my eyes screwed shut.

"I need you to open you eyes and look at me." I recognized Chase's voice.

I shook my head. The pain in my stomach sharpened and I clutched it tightly. "Just grab me some Tylenol from my carry-all, please," I gasped.

"What's wrong?" His voice was frantic and I heard him rummaging through my carry-all. He returned to my side in an instant. "You have to sit up, Rory. I've got some Tylenol and water but you need to sit up." His arm went around my back, pulling me into a sitting position.

I forced my eyes open and took a hand off of my stomach to grab the two pills Chase was offering me. I popped them into my mouth before grabbing the water and swallowing them. Before he could do anything, I shoved the water bottle back into his hand and laid back down again.

"Rory... what's wrong?" His voice was soft.

"Period." I grunted out.

"Is it always this bad?" He moved my head onto his lap and ran a hand through my hair over and over again.

I nodded as I melted into him.

"Give me a second." He gently lowered my head to the ground and I heard him rustling around a little. "Chocolate," he said firmly. The sound of something — the lunchbox I assumed — being pushed into a carry-all came to me. His footsteps came closer as he lifted my head back into his lap. "Here." He pushed a chocolate bar into my hand.

My eyes opened and I smiled at him weakly. "Have I ever told you you're the best boyfriend ever?"

"You don't need to tell me what I already know." He smirked back at me.

I laughed before leaning up slightly. He lowered his head to kiss me gently. Warmth spread through my body as his lips touched mine. I tried to reach up into him but instead I fell back down into his lap.

"Stupid cramps" I muttered.

He laughed lightly before bending down and pressing a brief kiss to my lips. "After your cramps are gone we'll go rescue the new kid and her little prince okay?"

"Sounds good to me" I snuggled farther into his lap, not planning on leaving any time soon.

So hope you guys enjoyed!! Tell me what you think and if you want me to do a certain scene tell me what to make it about!! I need a Chase in my life!!! Anybody else?!?! Till next time bye!!!!!

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