Of Parties and Parents

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So guys I just realized I've never seen a fanfict of what happens at Rory's 'end of Tale' party! So this is going to pick up where OEAE ended!!! Hope you all enjoy!! (and also if you have any suggestions on what I should write about them doing next, let me know!!!)

Lena and I hid behind a large rock. I held the wand steady, ready to fire at anyone who came close. We had decided to play boys versus girls for the magical laser tag. It had seemed like a good way to keep the game going without any distractions, but I'm sure we were all regretting it now. Each team had decided that there was no way they were going to lose and the game had gotten serious.

The boys only had Chase and Connor left while we had Lena, Brie, and me. That was promising of course, but I'm pretty sure Chase was cheating and flying. Our M3s told us every time someone got out, so it was easier to keep track of people.

We heard our M3s beep and I picked mine up, holding it so that we could both see it: "Brie tagged Connor."

Lena looked up at me and grinned. "Do you want to go look for Chase then?"

"But where will we look?" I glanced around at the forest that surrounds us. There was no sign of Chase, or anybody for that matter. "Call Brie." I told Lena as I continued to watch the trees.

Lena had adjusted the M3s so we could call our teammates and strategize while we played. It was working out extremely well so far.

Brie picked up. "Can't talk now girls," she panted, "Chase is running after me. I didn't notice that he was nearby when I blasted Connor."

"Where are you?" asked Lena as the two of us stood up, ready to run.

"I'm not exactly sure." Brie replied. "I've been running for a while. Not really keeping track of where I'm going."

"We're coming for you." I told her as we moved out from behind the rock. She hung up and the two of us started walking in a random direction.

We didn't talk. We needed to keep our ears open for anything that could give Brie or Chase away. The M3s beeped again and Lena and I glanced at each other anxiously.

"Chase tagged Brie."


I stormed back into the courtyard ahead of a laughing Chase.

"Could you stop laughing?" I glared at him as our friends came up to us, obviously interested in finding out what had happened.

"But it's too funny!" he gasped out. "How did you lose a fight to a monkey?" He could barely get the words out before dissolving into another fit of laughter.

My cheeks flushed red. "It isn't my fault! It came up behind me and took the wand. Then it just decided to pick me up!"

"And you couldn't break out of its arms?" Tears were running down his red face now.

A few of our friends giggled and I shot them a glare as I responded, "It was too strong! I never knew monkeys could be that strong!"

Kyle looked between the two of us. "What happened?"

Chase took a few deep breaths, trying to pull himself together. "As you guys know, Rory and I were the only ones left. I had tagged Lena and I knew what direction Rory went in so I started to follow her. Suddenly, I heard a scream and I immediately recognized Rory, so I started to fly in that direction. I wasn't sure what could have happened because the Snow Queen is dead and nobody in the forest would want to attack or kill Rory. Eventually I see a wand just lying on the ground. I landed, picked it up and started to look around for any signs of her.

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