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Only on the 7th chapter and I've already fucked up the timeline because I'm an idiot.

17th October, 1934.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Eli,
Happy birthday to you!

His mum's excitement was infectious, and everyone else in the room sang just as loudly and as badly as she did when she brought the cake she'd baked from scratch into the living room and placed it in front of Eli while he faked a smile, so incredibly awkward while everyone else sang for him. He was turning 19 for god's sake, was this really necessary?

"Blow out the candles!" His mum grinned, kneeling by the short table in front of him, her hands on her knees as she watched him, nothing but unbridled joy on her face.

The last year had been hard on her, but she'd always remained so happy, and he looked up to her so much for everything she'd done for him.

"Don't forget to make a wish," she whispered as Eli leant forward to blow out the candles.

Too many of them. He already felt too old.


He couldn't rely on school anymore, but he was partly glad about that. He'd hated it until the very end. But at least at school, he wasn't expected to get a job, to move out, but now he was.

University was tempting and he'd applied, but he didn't get accepted to any of them, even though he'd done so well at school, and everything about his application seemed worthy of acceptance. Perhaps not.

So he was working at his uncle's shop full time, just trying to help his mum get by while he looked for a proper job. He didn't went to spend his whole life working in a shop. It wasn't for him. He was smart, had always done well in school. Kept his head down, did his work, but it hadn't paid off and he'd been left with nothing.

Peter was at university. He'd been held back a year in school, and his mum had worried he wouldn't be accepted, but he'd pulled through and got accepted into his first choice.

He was perfect. So fucking perfect. Everyone loved him, and everyone thought he was so amazing. Nothing could ever be bad about perfect Peter Printz.

Eli was happy for him, but he couldn't help feeling bitter that Peter had passed his exams because of him. It was him who helped him pick that university (his first choice as well). It was him who'd helped Peter study. It was him who made sure Peter got the grades he needed to go on and do well, and it had worked, Peter was thriving, while he'd been left in the gutter.

The small crowd of people in their living room clapped as he blew out the candles, closing his eyes and wishing. It seemed childish, but he could do with a few wishes coming true. He wasn't passing up the chance.

Soon as that was over, his mum broke out the wine and the guests she'd invited seemed a lot happier to be there.

"This is going to be your year," she smiled as she raised her glass and chinked it against Eli's. "I promise you, darling."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, being careful not to knock her glass.
"Thanks, mum. Love you."

"Love you too, my sweet boy," she sighed, rubbing his back. It was rare to get this kind of affection from her son. As he got older, he got even more distant, and while she knew he loved her, it was nice to hear it from him.

"Eli!" Peter called, pushing his way through the people to get to him, all over him as soon as his mum let go of him. "Happy birthday!"

Eli laughed as he gently pried Peter's hands off him. He could already tell he was drunk. He was loud and brash and happy. He didn't seem to have any shame in holding Eli close whereas he normally did.

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