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I can't fucking remember where I was going with this oops. I know the ending, had a plan for the middle but then forgot it. This whole story is written between midnight and 3 am So I'm very sorry for everything I've written so far


"Fuck~" Eli moaned, arching his back to push his body closer against Peter's. "Keep going, please, please, I want you so badly," he whispered, nipping at his ear, breathing heavily.

This had been a common theme over the past couple of years. They'd have their 'meetings' (which Eli realised more and more how illegal they were), they'd talk to their friends, drink a bit, generally be very gay, then go upstairs and fuck until everyone left or they were forced to kick them out because the sun was rising.

It was 4 years since he'd moved in with Peter, 2 since he'd given him the ring and made Eli realise he never wanted anything else other than what he had now.

Beautiful boyfriend, beautiful home.

It was almost enough to block out what was happening outside.

It was hard to keep track of everything that was happening because it was happening so fast. He'd thought about going back to college so he could get a better job because he always felt guilty about Peter being the main source of income while he sat around in an empty shop all day. But he couldn't do that anymore. Couldn't go to school. Not even little kids could anymore. All Jews had been banned from schools across the whole country. His mother taught in a private school that had been set up to try help the tiny kids learn so they wouldn't grow up knowing nothing because of other people's prejudice. For Eli, at least he'd gotten through high school, he had enough to get him through life, these kids might not.

It had been years. It had been years since this began and yet he still couldn't believe it. Couldn't believe this could be happening.

But he was happy here. He felt safe, surrounded by people like him. He felt safe with Peter.

But it wasn't always a kind of safe he enjoyed. Most of the time, him and Peter got along like two peas, other times they, well...didn't.

He knew whatever petty squabbles he and Peter had, there was worse going on outside their little bubble, but sometimes their little safe haven of being gay, drinking, and sex felt more like a cage than a bubble.

He just felt trapped.

He knew he had it better than others just like him but it was stifling. He feared going out by himself due to everything happening out there so Peter walked him to and from work. He was there at dinner, he was there in bed, he was there at these damn parties. That's when it was worst.

Those people. All those people. Men with men, women with women. They were just like him in that they were gay, but he didn't feel like it was really him there.

It was 'Otto' there. The stupid alter ego Peter had created for him. But Otto was no different than him. Except for the fact Otto wasn't Jewish. Otto didn't have to be ashamed of his religion because no one would hate him for it.

Maybe they'd be accepting, all the gays partying downstairs. Oppressed supporting the oppressed. You'd think they'd understand, that they'd see past previous prejudice in these desperate times. And who knew, maybe they would be.

But they didn't know for certain.

It was a risk Eli was willing to take.

But Peter wasn't.

It's what almost all their arguments stemmed from. And every time Peter called him Otto, the more he just wanted to walk out.

But he had nowhere to go. He couldn't go home because his father was still there. The nightmares had returned. He was 22 and waking up in a cold sweat at least twice a week, and had even gone back to stuttering sometimes, just like he used to as a teenager when his father was around.

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