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"This is fucking hopeless," Dolphi muttered as he kicked at the bars of their cell, leaning into it heavily and glaring at the jail guards who walked up and down the narrow hallway every now and then.

They'd taken them to a small jail in the north of Berlin and put them all in a holding cell together while they awaited their fate. Although all four of them knew what would happen.

They'd get a trial, probably for all of them together, but there was no chance that they be found not guilty. Even if they hadn't been caught red handed, or if they could come up with some reason as to what they were doing. It was the people's court so it was run by the Nazis, and there was no hope of being found innocent, no matter the crime, especially if the accused already had something to them like being Jewish or mixed race or Communist.

So they were all fucked.

"Let us out, you bastards!" Dolphi screamed as a guard walked past them again, gaze fixed ahead and unblinking, unfeeling. This apathy angered Dolphi even more as he yelled more obscenities at the guard's retreating back before slamming his fist into the metal bars, just expressing his rage more than trying to break free in anyway.

"Dolphi, please," Tig whispered from his spot in the corner where he was sitting with his back wedged against the wall, legs stretched out into the middle of the room. "It's no use, and you're giving me a headache."

"Fuck off, Tig," he snapped in retort, keeping his back turned to the group, "We're not all just going to sit back and just let this happen." But even as he spoke, his back hunched over as he let his head fall against the bars, slumped in defeat that he refused to accept he was feeling. "This can't just be it. This isn't how I want to die."

"You don't usually get to choose," Markus mumbled, looking up and letting the hand that had been holding up his head drop to his side. "That's life, Dolphi. It sucks. You don't get the dramatic death you want where everyone thinks you're the hero of the story. You die because the world's unfair and this whole country hates you. It's the truth and there's no point arguing with it now because it's already happening."

Dolphi finally turned around to face his boyfriend and let the three others see the complete look of helplessness that flooded his face as he looked at Markus who held a deep sorrow in his own eyes.

"You're such a fucking pessimist, you know that right?" Dolphi muttered, tone laced with venom.

"I'm a realist, and I think everyone here agrees with me. Because it's over. We got caught. Now grow up and stop making the guards out there even angrier at us than they were already," Markus snapped.

"'I'm a realist'" Dolphi mocked in a high squeaky voice, taking the piss out of Markus as he stepped towards him, towering over Markus who was still on the floor. "You know that makes you sound like such an asshole when you say that, right? If I'm still trying to do something here then you should let me instead of just destroying any little hope all of us have left with your stupid 'realism' because it just makes everybody feel like shit, you fucking prick.

"I'm not even trying to get us out of here or anything. I know what's going to happen. I just want to let these-" he jumped from Markus to his space behind the bars again, knuckles white as he gripped them tightly, "-motherfucking Nazi slaves who've never done anything except whine and snivel and suck Hitler's tiny dick to avoid what everyone else has to suffer..." he paused, getting caught up in screaming at the guards and forgetting his point. "I just want to let them know I'm not going out without a fight. I'm going down kicking and screaming because that's how I like to live my life. That's why I joined a fucking resistance group. To resist. But deep down you're all just a bunch of fucking pussies who have given up already."

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