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1st January 1940

"We're called the pink order," Eli said as he picked out a bunch of leaflets and handed them to the couple he'd managed to attract the attention of. A man and a women, so probably straight, but there was something about the man that made Eli suspect otherwise, something he couldn't put his finger on. "We're a group of homosexual men and women, some of us also Jewish, mixed race or communist, and we believe in the basic idea of equality for all. Shocking, I know."

He moved on before they could say anything else but glanced back and saw the man still holding onto the leaflets and staring at his retreating back. He turned back around to look where he was going, smirking to himself. It turned to a grin when he saw Tig up ahead, also handing out leaflets. He ran up to him and flung an arm around his neck, walking alongside him with his head leant on his shoulder.

"Happy new year, gorgeous," he whispered in Tig's ear, nipping cheekily before pulling away, looking around to check there were no SS about.

"Happy new year to you too," Tig said, transferring his leaflets to his other hand so he could entwine his fingers with Eli's. "May this year be the one where everything finally stops going to shit."

"Toast to that," Eli muttered, raising his hand as if he was holding a glass, crumpled leaflets clutched there instead.

"Where are the others?" Tig asked, looking around.

"Hal was over there," Eli mumbled, standing on his tip toes and craning his neck to see through the crowd. "Yeah, over there by the butchers," he said, pointing. He couldn't actually see Henry but he knew he would still be about that area. "And Markus and Dolphi were on the next street over."

"Can't see any of them," Tig frowned, letting go of Eli's hand. "That's worrying. We were supposed to stick together in case anything goes wrong."

"If anything goes wrong, it's better to be apart. At least then the others have a chance of escaping," Eli pointed out. "Trust me, I've done this before."

"Yeah, when you almost got tortured and killed by some creep on the street. I don't think I trust your judgment," Tig retorted, although he smiled when he said it.

"That was unrelated," Eli said, shoving Tig's shoulder playfully as he walked past him. "Leave me alone."

He'd only been with Tig for a couple of months, but he liked him a lot already. It was innocent kind of love, childlike and not really serious. He was more of a friend but there were moments when all he wanted to do was kiss him. So he did, and Tig understood what the relationship meant to Eli and he still continued to date him.

But Eli still felt terrible. He didn't feel like he liked Tig in the same way Tig liked him, not to the same extent anyway.

Maybe he was just desperate for physical affection. Desperate for a friend even. Lotte and Evelin were kind to him, but it had never been his choice to befriend them. They were Peter's old friends from university, and Eli only knew them because of Peter. With Tig, it had been his choice to go after him.

He pushed the thoughts from his mind because he didn't want to ruin what he had with Tig by overthinking it.

That's what he liked about Tig. Everything was just easy with him. He felt at ease and relaxed whenever he talked to him, like he was floating on a cloud high above the troubles of the world.

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