Chapter 1: Welcome to Britain

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A/N: Anything in bold is in Japanese. This my seem like a lot now, but in later chapters they'll be speaking english mostly.

Shiragiku's POV

I rested my cheek on my palm as I looked out over the place I called home, spread out in front of me, almost completely destroyed. Thank goodness, everyone was safe and this whole quarrel was ended, but could they have destroyed anything else? That Naruto really is reckless. Of course, I'm not much better when I'm mad, but, like my idiot brother, I'm good at hiding my emotions. That's right, Sasuke Jerk-face Uchiha, aka duckbutt, is my older brother. Ever since he returned to Konoha he hasn't really acknowledged my existence.

Your probably quite confused right now (yes, reader-chan, I'm breaking the fourth wall). Long story short, Sasuke isn't insane anymore, Konoha and the other hidden villages are safe from any large threats, and it's pretty much because Team 7 (the old team 7 with Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke) saved everyone. Yay. However, there was a lot of destruction, so Konoha was still quite vulnerable. Not like the other villages aren't, but Konoha is probably the worst. Anyways, anyone in good condition was helping fix everything. I would've been helping, but the Hokage, Lady Tsunade, had called me to her office. While I was on my way there she got caught up in paper work, so I was now standing on the balcony (they added it a few days ago) outside of her office. I heard a faint come in from the other side of the large door. I stepped forward and put my hand on the door knob, preparing for the worst, and opened the door.

"You know Professor Dumbledore, correct?" Lady Tsunade asked, gesturing her hand to a rather shrivelled looking man to her left. My eyes widened as I recognized the elder. He was, in fact, Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, aka the place I would be heading to in approximately a month from today. It was going to be my second year so I was already familiar with the castle. In fact, I had helped Harry Potter save it in my first year, not to brag.

"Yes, Ma'am," I replied, bowing my head slightly. I played with the hem of my black shirt as I found a sudden interest in my shoes.

"Due to...certain reasons, I will be sending a group of ninjas to Hogwarts to help protect a student, Harry Potter, to be exact, in secret. I assume you know this boy," she continued, eyeing me up and down, obviously judging me. I knew quite well that I looked like some defenseless shy girl, and I was always treated like that, but I preferred it that way. I almost forgot to nod in response to Lady Tsunade's comment, being so wrapped up in my own thoughts.

"Good. I've briefly explained the situation to Kakashi, Kurenai, and Guy, who will be there assisting the teachers. Their teams, along with Team Asuma, will appear as transfer students from Japan. They will be in the first year's classes, claiming that the curriculum is different so they need to start from the beginning. I'd like you to help them and explain things to them. For this mission, you will be their superior. Understood?" she instructed me. I tensed up when she said I'd have to explain things. That meant I'd have to be social. Yuck. I much prefer to observe others from aside, rather than interact with them.

"Yes, Ma'am," I answered her. After informing me of where I had to meet the other ninja, I was dismissed. I left the building and strolled to the training grounds, thinking over my current situation. If Kakashi's team was there... crap. That meant I'd have to face Sasuke. Well, I certainly wasn't excited. I waited at the training grounds for a few minutes, sitting (more like hiding) behind a tree. I finally became aware of what I had just done. The Headmaster of Hogwarts had seen me in a ninja's clothing. Crap, that's embarrassing.

I waited a few more minutes until I finally heard talking. It was mostly just little fragments of incoherent sentences, but I recognized the voices. It was the ninja that I'd have to 'help,' who all happened to be three years older than me, except for Hikari. Hikari, a ninja with black hair and fair skin who happened to be naturally look like a super model, was just like an older sister to me. Not like the 'responsible-protector-guardian' older sister, the 'even-though-I'm-older-than-you-your-much-more-mature-than-me-and-I'm-really-lazy' older sister. She was two years older than me and treated me like a friend, though there was always that hint of 'I'm-your-superior-and-your-just-a-kid' in her voice, that everyone had.

"This must be some kind of prank. Wizards, she said! Next they'll have us chasing unicorns! This isn't a ninja's job!" Kiba complained as the group finally made there way into the open field. "Didn't Tsunade say someone would be waiting here to explain this?" he continued. I shook my head, becoming aware that they hadn't noticed me... wait, Shikamaru has a small smirk... and he's looking in this direction... yep, he knows I'm here.

"Yeah, she did. I think someone's already here," Shikamaru answered, swaying his pineapple head in my direction. They looked where I was, some squinting. Kiba's mouth was gaping open in surprise as his eyes were as big as melons. I just stood there with a smirk as they processed that the Uchiha who barely talked to anyone and was "weak" and "had no backbone" was now their upperclassmen.

"Shira!" Hikari shouted in surprise. I nodded in acknowledgment, giving a little wave with my hand. It seemed like a normal gesture, until a kunai grazed Kiba's cheek, leaving a small bleeding cut. The dog-like boy flinched and backed away out of instinct. Wide eyes, he turned towards me, making it obvious no one had seen me throw the knife. Well, I am a ninja, so stealth is my specialty.

"Please don't insult Hogwats again," I said sweetly with a wide smile, though the evil look in my eyes and the kunai betrayed my act and revealed I was more than slightly annoyed. I stepped forward, gaining confidence.

"Now, there are some things I'll need to explain to you, and the others when they get here," I informed the group as I lead them off torwards the part of town where they were living during the construction.

*Time Skip Brought to You by Sasuke's Hair*

I skipped off the plane and turned to look at the airport that I recognized in front of me. I took in the familiar veiw and smelled the familiar air. I spun around to see the other ninja in disguise walk off the plane. I had found a spell in my book from my first year that made it so they could speak and understand english, so, with a few changes in clothing (especially for Lee), they looked like normal tourists,

"Welcome to Britain," I told them, with a heavy british accent.

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