Chapter 4: Finally at Hogwarts!

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        I was out on a mission, my first official mission, to be exact, when it happened. I had the power of a high ranked ninja. Not as high as Itachi who was an ANBU when he was my age, but I was still far above the level of a genin. However, the Hokage wanted me to be her trump card, so I acted like a "normal" student who got "normal" grades, and no one knew my actual power. It was a bit annoying, people who I know I could beat to a pulp treating my like I could barely manage to travel to another country without my "team." However, I was fine with the way that universe worked. I was able to live by myself and take it easy. Though it did mean being stuck with a group of, not to be conceited, weaklings. We had a D rank mission, helping some old fart and his kids to their village. Simple enough. We were now on our way back to Konoha, however it was getting dark so we decided to set up camp. While we were looking for a place to sleep we ran into some travellers. There was a young girl with long blonde hair in a pony and a large man who was hunched over. I wasn't able to see his face, but from his posture I figured it'd have a scowl carved into it.

        "Oh, leaf shinobi? Un," questioned the blonde girl -- no. Nope. That is not a girl. That is most definitely a guy, a guy with a surprisingly deep voice for his girly appearance. By now, I noticed the travellers were wearing matching cloaks. The design was pretty simple, a black coat with red clouds. Most other people would've looked right past it, but I recognized those cloaks from somewhere...

        "Akatsuki," I mumbled to myself. The two in front of me were part of the group that had attacked Uzumaki Naruto two and a half years ago, the group Brother was part of. The blonde's eyes widened in surprise.

        "You know who we are, un? Well then, we can't let you get away, now can we?" he said. I understood the words, but I was too late. Four explosions went off, one where each of my teammates had been standing and one where I had been just seconds earlier. Fortunately I jumped and avoided death, however the rest of my team wasn't quite as lucky.

        I landed briefly, however I quickly maneuvered to the side to avoid another explosions, revealing the tattoo of the Uchiha clan symbol on the back of my neck for a split second.

        "She's an Uchiha," the larger man noted, his voice extremely deep. "Bring her back alive, Pein might want her for something," he ordered the blonde. I processed the words much to late as a rag was clamped over my mouth and I passed out from lack of oxygen.


        I woke up with aches and pains all over my body. I was on a hard, cold floor with chains around my wrists and ankles, restricting my movement. I growled as I struggled to break it, but to no avail. A door that stood about twenty feet away from me slowly opened to reveal a tall guy with orange hair and a crap load of piercings.

        " 'morning, Sleeping Beauty," Blondie said sarcastically, waving his hand at me. I really wasn't in the mood for sarcasm.

        "You know if I wasn't locked up I'd break your wrists," I responded bluntly, glaring daggers at him.

        "Not a morning person, I see, un."

        "Shut it, Blondie," I growled, turning my attention to the man with just about a million per icings, in his nose, ears, and pretty much anywhere else on his face.

        "Where the hell am I? What the hell do you want?" I snapped at him. He was completely emotionless, like he didn't give a crap.

        "We will use you as a hostage and get answers from you," he answered, remaining emotionless. His whole not reacting crap was really getting on my nerves.

        "What the hell! And you think I'll go along with it!" I screamed as I continued to struggle to break from the chains that bound me to lie on the cold floor. I felt so hopeless and, I'll admit it, scared. I didn't appear worried, more frustrated, but I was so, so scared. I thought I could die. I thought I'd have to see Itachi. I thought I' d be tortured. That's when my instincts kicked in.

        "Why don't we negotiate?" I offered calmly, trying to keep a smirk from calling onto my lips. The piercing dude gave me what I considered a curious look, as I continued to speak.

        "Let me free. Let me roam around without being chained. I won't run and I'll answer the questions I can. I won't say anything to the ninja about you. I'll even let you use me as a hostage. Just don't hurt me, I won't hurt you guys, and unchain me," I explained calmly. The orange-ette seemed slightly curious about my offer.

        "You won't tell any information to the ninja about us and you will answer our questions as long as you are unchained and unharmed?" he questioned.

        "That is correct. I'll even say if I hurt one of your members the whole deal is off and you can torture me to your hearts content," I confirmed. This method was a win/win. I wasn't locked up or hurt and they got the answers they wanted. Piercings ordered Blondie something I couldn't make out and left, closing the door behind him. Blondie smirked and walked over to me. He bent down, key in hand, and unlocked the chains. I immediately fell to the ground, breathing heavy, completely derived of any energy I had earlier. Blondie looked at me and offered a hand.

        "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, welcome to the akatsuki, un. Even though your not really a member..."  he trailed off with a cheesy grin. I rolled my eyes and took his hand, most of my weight being pulled up by him. I was on my legs, though I was shaking horribly. My knees quickly let out and I almost fell to the floor again, however Blondie caught me, picked me up, and flung me over his shoulder. 

        "Put me down!" I yelled. "Get yer stinkin' hands off me!" I shouted, pounding on his back. I heard him chuckle and loosen the grip he had around my waist.

        "You couldn't walk even if I did. My name's Deidara, by the way. Nice to meet you, un," he replied. I crossed my arms and pouted, though it felt kind of stupid.

        "You kidnap me, lock me up, then fling me over your shoulder. Yeah, nice to meet you, too," I responded sarcastically.

        "Shiragiku Uchiha, how deep can you sleep!" I heard someone yell in my ear as my eyes flashed open. I stood up straight and observed me surroundings. I was in a section of the train we were taking to Hogwarts and Hermione was sitting next to me. She had been the one who almost made me lose my hearing.

        "Honestly, you've been asleep for hours and you just started smiling and giggling to yourself like some lovesick teenage girl. Are you alright?" she asked me, obviously worried. I laughed and for the first time since the war ended I felt genuinely happy.

        "I'm fine, Hermione. I was having a good dream, sorry if I startled you," I explained. Hermione rolled her eyes and pointed to a clock.

        "We'll be at Hogwarts soon, I suggest you change into your robes. Your friends already went and are changing now," she informed me. I cursed under my breath as I saw the clock. I grabbed my robes and rushed to the bathrooms to change. When I got back I saw a few friends and ninjas in the section I had previously been in. Hikari and Hermione were seated on one side, Shikamaru, Naruto and Sakura on the other. I plopped down on the window seat next to Hermione just as the train came to a stop. We were finally here, finally home. I looked out the window to see the shining lights of the castle I recognized as Hogwarts illuminating the darkness of the night.

Magic and Ninjas, What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Hp/Naruto Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now