Chapter 5: The Sorting

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        After leaving the train I met up with the other "transfer students" and guided them to Hagrid, after which I left to go find my own friends. They were first years, so they took ships out to Hogwarts, but second year and above you go straight to the gates. I met up with my bushy haired best friends and we made our ways to the hall. I was going to be sorted again, no idea why, so I met up with the ninjas once again in the Great Hall. They had us wait a ways to the the side for the regular first year sorting to finish, Dumbledore telling them a quick congrats at the podium.

        "Congratulations and welcome to all first year students. I hope you all have a wonderful stay at Hogwarts. Now, this year we have a special group of transfer students from a school in Japan. They'll all be here for their first year, so they will also be sorted into the appropriate houses. Please keep in mind even though these students are the age of sixth and seventh years, they do not know much about the wizarding community here. Now, we will proceed to sort them into the appropriate house," Dumbledore explained, going to the Professor's table to sit down. McGonagall stood next to the stool with the hat, list in hand. She started calling off names.

        "Shino Aburame," she called out. Shino had his scarf wrapped tightly around his face with his hood up, so, like always, all you could see were his eyes. The hat barely touched his head when it called out "Ravenclaw!" Next was Choji, who was a Hufflepuff, soon followed by Hikari who was an obvious Ravenclaw. After this was Sakura who, to no one's surprise, was also sorted into Hufflepuff. Then was the real Miss Shy Girl, Hinata I think her name is, who was sorted into Gryffindor. This didn't surprise me as much as I thought it would, for I've been told the girl has been very brave.

        "Kiba Inuzuka," the old professor announced. I tended to pay  close attention to Kiba since he started annoying me, generally that is what I do, so I was interested in what house he's be put into.

        "Gryffindor!" the hat shouted. I fought to suppress a groan, knowing we'd probably end up in the same house. The next few people went by pretty quickly, I almost didn't notice. Shikamaru was sorted into Ravenclaw and Lee entered the Hufflepuff house. Next was Tenten, who quickly joined Lee. I dreaded to watch the next person be sorted.

        "Sasuke Uchiha," McGonagall called out. I gulped, feeling each of the ninja eyeing me, just because they probably knew how I felt. I caught Hikari looking at me pitifully, causing me to send her a glare. I had to force my gaze to travel to Sasuke who was looking at me. I looked straight back at him, looking him straight in the eyes. That was the most he's acknowledged me since nine years ago.

        "Slytherin!" the hat announced, several cheers coming from the table. I lowered my head, not having the courage to watch him. Naruto was up next and while he was sorted I noticed how interesting my shoes were. He was sorted to Gryffindor, but I barely payed attention. That is, until I heard me name.

        "Shiragiku?" the professor called out in a questioning manner. Of course, she probably wasn't surprised that one of her students who had caused her the most trouble last year was in on this. I strutted forward and sat on the stool, feeling the weight of the hat being placed on my head. I looked straight at the Gryffindor table and saw the twins trying to keep from laughing. I really wanted to punch them right now. 

        The hat certainly took it's time. I waited ten minutes in silence. Just as I was thinking it was broke, it decided to speak up.

        "Interesting, very interesting," the hat murmured to himself. "You've changed lots since last year, I can tell you that. But will you be sorted into the same house? That's the real question. I could easily put you in Slytherin, or Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor. But which one?" the hat questioned. I spared a glance to the Slytherin table to see that brat Malfoy smirking next to Sasuke. I glared at the two of them, though not enough for anyone else to notice. The hat was much more indecisive than last year. My first year, it barely touched my head when it shouted out "Gryffindor!" but now it was taking it's sweet time. My hands were clenched on the side of the chair, so hard my knuckles turned white, as the hat finally announced my house.

        "I think I'll go with Gryffindor," it decided, though it wasn't like the normal yelling, it was said more like you were ordering at a restaurant. I felt the hat being lifted off my head as I walked to the table and sat at my usual seat next to the twins, trying not to appear to anxious. Dumbledore said his normal warnings and such and started the feast. I expected everyone to dig in like last year, but instead they all just looked at me.

        "What?" I snapped, taking a bite out of my chicken leg. I was pretty hungry since I hadn't eaten on the train.

        "What was that about?" Hermione asked, raising her eyebrow in curiosity. I tensed up, knowing exactly what they menat.

        "I don't know what you're talking about."

        "Shira, you know exactly what I'm talking about!"

        "Shira's got a secret!" sang the twins. I growled and threw my half eaten drumstick at them. I then proceeded to place both hands on my cheeks and pout, trying to sink into the table.

        "Don't ask. Please. It hurts my head to explain," I mumbled, banging my head on the table, hurting my forehead. I hear Hermione sigh and knew she was probably shaking her head in disapointment.

        "It's fine," she decided. I nodded my head in thanks. The rest of the time was spent eating in silence. I took this time to observe the ninjas. Sasuke (grr) was sitting, not saying anything, and eating. The several people at the Hufflepuff table were actually being social with other wizards (congrats, they did more than I could). Hikari was being social, while Shikamaru and Shino were doing the completely opposite. Lastly, the ninjas in Gryffindor were talking only among themselves. I sighed, knowing this would be one long year.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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