IRL : prologue

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Jeiden's POV:

'buzz buzz'

My phone went off in the middle of the night. I could barely see, my eyelids glued together with their gooed crusts. I finally being able to open my eyes fully, I turned to look at the bright light.

'a message'

I read, then unlocking the phone, squinting at the screen because my eyes were screaming looking directly at it. I wonder who is messaging me at this time.

"Hey, I saw your account and it's really good. I love your feed and you seem like a really cool person, do you want to be friends?"

I could hear a choir singing a holy song, someone messaged me. To be my friend. -Kind of sad when you say it out loud, quite lonely. But hey they wanted to be my friend. - I quickly sat up, criss cross in my bed so I could be in a more serious state of mind. I was fully awake now, my eyes are now stable to the fierce light, and I was on a mission of accepting friendship.

"Oh wow, that would be really great. I'm always down for having some new friends. What's your name, I'm Jeiden."

I sat, staring intensely at my phone to vibrate and light up again. Did I sound dorky or boring? What if they change their mind? Thoughts rushing through my head, I almost lost my train of thought for what I was waiting for, until.

'buzz buzz'

The screen lit up once again.

"I'm Jaelyn, nice to formally meet you lol."

In this moment I couldn't help myself, to let out a small giggle. I was so giddy thinking of things to say off the top of my head. I clicked their profile and scrolled through their feed. We have a lot of the same interests and post about the same people. I clicked the follow button and continued our conversation.

We talked for hours; to think I have work in the morning, but I barely cared about it in this moment. My Mom would kill me if she knew I was up at this time of night. Living alone in this apartment, you'd think I was more responsible than what I actually am. Though it was more of getting away with things I shouldn't be doing, instead of getting things done.

"What time is it for you?" I asked quickly. I didn't want to be keeping her up if it was also late on her part.

"Uhh,, omg it's 4am. I should probably go to sleep. Talk to you more tomorrow then!"

"Night then Jaelyn"

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