Chapter 1

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Guess who...

It's me Jelani and I'm back and better than ever. Today is the day I marry the love of my life Monae, or as y'all know her by Moe.

We've been together for 6 1/2 years now and we have millions to go. Even after death, I won't hesitate to beat a bitch down behind my wife.

"Can you stay still" Ebony complained plucking my eyebrows

"Are you almost done?" I whined

"If you sit still and be quiet I'll get down way faster. I promise you" I pouted but shushed my mouth

After she did my eyebrows she tortured me some more by doing my hair and makeup.

"Wow" I exclaimed enthusiastically staring at myself in the vanity mirror

I don't remember the last time I wore makeup but I know I didn't look this good.

"I did amazing I know" She patted herself on the shoulder. I rolled my eyes standing up from the chair

"Where is my mama? I'm ready to put the dress on"

I'm damn near naked beside the pretty silky robe I have on. Early wedding gift from Bri and Angel.

"Sorry Lani" Mama apologized walking in with my dress "I had to go to my car for the veil"

She sat the things neatly on the table

"I-Is that my bestfriend? Can't be my Jellybean" Bri teased sitting on the couch with Malaiya following behind her

"Why'd you bring Malaiya with you?"

"Lay you have to stay with Kenzie and Mir for mommy okay?" Lay sadly shook her head. Bri picked her up leaving out the room once again

In case you're wondering Kenzie did adopt Hope's baby. The world's sweetest baby ever Amir.

Malaiya needs to take some notes from him. Not that's she's bad she's just the baby version of Bri and Angel. Not the best combination but I love me some Lay Lay

"Jesus y'all are sucking my life away" I wheezed. Mama and Ebony continued adjusting the dress and my veil

"My girlies sit up nice in this" I poked my left boob watching it jiggle

"You stand and look pretty while we get dressed okay?" I nodded at mama statement

I wish I could see Moe right now. I know they say it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding but technically we both are the bride so we should be able to see each other.

I wonder is she nervous like I am?

•Moe POV•

"To spending the rest of your life with one lady while we fuck all the bitches we want" Chris cheered throwing him drink in the air

We all shook our heads in disapproval at his horrible toast sitting our glasses down.

"You ready?" Siah asked me fixing my blue bow dedicated to Jelani

"Honestly I'm scared as fuck but I been practicing for months not to show my nervousness" I responded honestly

"It's too late to get cold feet potna"

"Y'all they calling for us," Russel told us peaking through the door

I took a deep breath falling in line after Gammy Rosie

"Take this" She put something in my hand "It'll calm your nerves" She winked before turning around walking with Marcus down the aisle

I opened my hand smiling. Even though most people don't like peppermints I love them

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