Chapter 17

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It's been three weeks since everything went down and life is amazing

Today's the day before I leave for maternity leave. These people get on my nerves but I'm going to miss this place. Especially Lori

"That baby is doing you bad" Amanda commented coming into my office

"Get out Amanda. I don't have the energy to fight with you today"

"I don't care you not on maternity leave yet. We got work to do and I plan to have it done today"

I grabbed my water leaving out the room with Amanda

"Where we going? I questioned as we passed the conference room"

"It smells in there so we going to the break room"

"I'm sure it's people in there you dummy" I commented while flicking on the light switch

"Surprise" My co-workers screamed but Lori was the loudest

"I know you don't like surprises but I couldn't let you leave without having a baby shower from us"

I didn't want a baby shower but Kenzie would not take no for an answer. It was last Saturday and I enjoyed myself

"This is really nice of you Lori"

"I can't take all the credit everyone pitched in. Even Amanda"

Lori guided me to the chair specifically for me

"Before we began the games I would like all the moms and dads to say some encouraging words to Moe as she steps into parenthood"

All my co-workers said nice things .Some even made my crybaby ass laugh

"Technically I'm not a mom but I raised my nephew Mason for my dead beat sister" Amanda spoke into the mic "I know Euro is going to have the best mommies because you and Jelani are already good people and he is a blessing for you both. Just be prepared for him peeing on you and laughing about it"

"That concludes the speeches. Time for games and food"


"This is so cute" I held up the onesie with an ultrasound of Euro "Thank you Lori"

"You're welcome"

"Knock knock" I looked up at Marcus confused

"What you doing here?"

"Someone named Lori called me asking if I had any home videos of you"

I shot Lori a really look

"This is from your mom meant for your baby shower. You know she made a video for every damn thing .Sorry I couldn't find it before before Saturday" He slipped the DVD in playing it

"Hey NaeNae it's mama. If you're watching this I'm dead and if not I'm still sick probably in the hospital missing your big day. Soon you'll be welcoming a baby boy or girl inside this world with your wife. Deny it all you want but I know you like coochie" I laughed letting Marcus wipe my tears

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you but I God had other plans for me. Your sister and brother each gave me a different type of love but yours was special. I hope that you do amazing things Monae and strive for anything you put your mind to. Before I go I have a couple name suggestions for the little one. For a boy I like Sakani which means joy and for a girl I like Solana which means sunshine. Babies bring joy and sunshine into your life" She came closer to the camera "Marcus where the button to- oh nevermind I found it" The video cut off with her smiling

"Dad" I fell into his arms

"Don't cry you making her proud"

"Hey! Give them a moment of privacy" Lori shooed everyone out the room

"I wish she was here. Why'd she have to go so early? It's not hair"

"Trust me I know the feeling"

"Do you love Caroliyne like you loved mama?"

"You can never love anyone the same so no. I cherish Carol like I wish I could do with Josie with one more time"

"How would Caroliyne feel about being called granny?"

"Ask her yourself" He pointed forward as she strolled in

"I saw you two days ago but missed you like I haven't seen you in a month"

"I missed you and your cooking"

"Moe wants to ask you something"

"I talk when I'm ready blackie" I mushed him

"Wassup lovebug"

"Me, Kenzie, and Siah been talking and we would like for the kids to call you granny"

"You serious? Please don't play with my emotions now"

"I'm for real"

"Of course I would be honored" She hugged me

"Get off her you don't even hug me that long" Marcus separated us with his arm

"You a hater"

"And you nappy headed"

"Wait until I get up I'm coming for your head"

"By time you get up I'll be home grandma"

When I got done beating Marcus with a breadstick I made him get my gifts while I said my goodbye

"Promise me you going to call when have him. I will drop everything to visit our newest work baby"

"I promise Lori"

"I'm going to leave so I don't cry"

Getting off the elevator me and Amanda made eye contact. She sent me a friendly smile that I returned. Damn I'm really about to be mom in a couple weeks

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