Chapter 19

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Today's the day I leave the hospital. I'm going home with my wife and beautiful baby.

My own baby y'all. I have a freaking baby with the love of my life

I had so many visits from my family and co-workers that I couldn't keep count

When Lori and Amanda came we talked and squashed our difference. She isn't so bad after all

"You got everything?" Jelani asked putting Euro in his car seat

"Yeah but let me take a picture of him"

"He has an attitude already" I shook my head

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"He has an attitude already" I shook my head

"Wonder where he gets it from" She said staring right at me

"I can fight you now so watch it" I warned

She rolled her eyes fastening his seat and straighten him

I grabbed his diaper bag and she got him. After we got his pictures we said our goodbye to some of her staff members

"Since we have his pictures we can start the scrapbook tonight" Jelani suggested on our way home

"Sounds like a plan"

We pulled into our driveway.I frowned seeing our neighbors

"I'm about to call 12. There's white people trespassing"

"Be nice"

"But I don't like them"

"Still be nice.You don't know what's going on in there head"

"Fine but the minute I say I'm ready to go inside I'm with or without you"

"Don't say that"

I plastered a fake smile walking up to Emily and Carl

"We heard about the baby and wanted to say congratulations in person" Emily spoke first

"And we brought cookies" Carl held out the perfectly wrapped tray

"Thank you guys so much" I took the plate

"Anything for our neighbors" Emily smiled widely "Can we see him?"

Jelani pulled the cover back and he was woke. I was hoping he was sleep so these hill billies would leave us alone

"Oh gosh look at those beautiful eyes Carl"

"They're a fine shade of grey"

"And he's so cute with a head full of hair"

"Thank you" Jelani put his blanket back over him

"So is the father African American too?"

I tilted my head to the side looking at the white bitch like she was crazy

"Emily" Carl called out

"What I was just wondering. Monae doesn't have grey eyes and I don't know any black men with grey eyes"

"You ol-

"We should be getting inside before he gets cranky" Jelani cut me off

"See you around neighbors" The waved goodbye

I closed and locked the door them went to the kitchen throwing the cookies away

"Can you believe that wrinkle bitch tried to play me"

"Trust me I heard the shade"

"That shit got my blood boiling"

"Don't let her get you so mad" She cupped my face "Think about Euski instead"

"Where's he at anyways"

"In his bassinet sleeping. I'll start dinner while you go shower" She held her nose "You smell like vomit"

"Whatever" I flipped her off

After we both showered and ate we got the materials to start the scrapbook

It was a long long loooong nine months of carrying you but you're finally here.Me and mama loved you with our whole heart even when you were a tail and looked like a beat in coconut.We couldn't ask for a better son than you.You are our blessing and we will love you know matter what.Day 4 with a million more to go

Euro Riley Sanchez-William,our first baby

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