Chapter 16

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I'm fat, tired, and uncomfortable

I knew pregnancy was going to kick my ass but damn he been doing me dirty the last couple of days

"You need anything?"

"Yes, may you get me a water? I have to put on my best performance for when my water break"

"You taking this a little too serious"

"Go get my shit"

I laid on my back staring at my nonvisible feet

"How you feeling in there big boy"

I rubbed my stomach on the right in a circular motion. He likes it over there

"Woah slow down in there I didn't ask for a performance"

I reached for my water bottle but couldn't get it

"Angel" I called loud enough for her to hear

No response

"I swear to God if Lani was he- didn't know we had guest"

I looked at a smirking Eli unfazed by his presence

"Hello Moe and baby J"

"His name is actually Euro, not anything with a J" I crossed my legs

"Get her" He ordered the two buff men

"Now sir you know damn well you being too rough" I yanked my arm away

"Just get up big mama"

"I will if you give me a ch-ahh ahh " I held the bottom of my stomach

"I'm not with the fucking games right now Moe" Eli waved his gun around

"I-Im not playing"

"Let me go nigga" Angel escaped from his grip

I managed to get the water wasting it in my inner thighs

"Shit her water broke" Angel hopped to her feet "We need to get her to the hospital fast"

"I have a doctor with m-

"TAKE ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL" I hollered making them jump

"Fine but don't fucking try anything"

Angel helped me up wrapping my arm around hers. We were in front of them leaving us stuck without a way to escape

"When we get near the lobby drop to the floor" Angel whispered

We got on the elevator doing to the first floor. It wasn't a lot of people present but it was enough to draw attention

"I can't make it to the hospital I can feel him coming now" I crouched down forcing myself to cry "It hurts so bad"

"What's wrong with her Angel" A middle-aged woman approached us

"Her water broke"

"Dear can you tell me how far the contractions are apart?"

"Look lady I'm taking her to the hospital"

"I-Im not going to m-make it" I cried more loudly "I want him out of me"

"Are you the father?" She asked Eli

"Yes and I have the right to tell say what goes on with my son"

The sound of sirens caught everyone's attention

"Eli Maritime come out of the building with your hands up" The voice boomed

"Fuck" Eli shouted pacing around."Get up you coming with me" He the lady

"Take me instead and leave Ms. Susanne out of out drama" Angel said stepping in front of the lady

"Bitch get back and you come here" He repeated in a serious tone

"It's okay Angel I'm going to be fine knowing I have God on my side"

He held the gun to her head as they walked out of the building together. The two men caught ghost but were caught my Detective Flowers and another officer

"Jesus Moe you're leaking we have to get you to the hospital"

"It's water" I informed Detective Flowers as he came to my aid

"Oh. Well go through the back and have the remaining people follow y'all'

As we stepped outside I heard gunshots. Ducking down Angel and a man shielded me

Jelani POV

I ran through the thick crowd searching for Moe

"I need to get over there that's my wife" I told the female officer

"I'm sorry ma'am but you can't come back here"

"Let her in Amber"

I ducked under the yellow tape following behind Detective Flower

"I knew Moe and Angel were crazy but I didn't think they were crazy enough to plan all this"

"Is Bri fine?"

"Besides a few cuts and bruises Ms.Jetz is just fine" We walked over to three EM trucks "Get to your friends and family dear"

I crept up on Moe scaring her

"Bro don't do that I could've peed on myself"

"Sorry baby and Euski" I cooed rubbing her belly

"He's sleeping and doesn't want to be bothered"

"How would you know he's sleeping"

"Because his stubborn ass sits right on top of my bladder"

"Attention everyone may I have your attention" Angel politely asked the noisy crowd

"This here woman is who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I know it took me a while but I'm ready now" Angel got down on one knee."Will you marry me Briel"

"Say yes mama" Lay spoke with a mouth full of food

"Yes a million times yes"

The crowd cheered clapped and cheered for them

"Bestie I'm engaged"

"Okay sis this is nice" I checked out the ring

"And fits like a glove.I didn't even know she knew my ring size"

"We can finally make your dream wedding come true"

"I can't wait Lani"

"Bridezilla is in full affect" Moe chimed in

After today our life can go back to normal and we can live our best life


Euski made an appearance

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