Chapter 13

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"When was the last time you saw Ms. Jetz?" Detective Flower questioned

Angel stood up "We still on these basic ass questions that I've been asked numerous times? Sasha Barnes has my fucking girlfriend"

"Please sit down Angel"

"You sit down"

"I am" He responded

"I'll shove a box of donuts up your ass if you get smart with me again" She threatened

"I understand you're upset but threatening me isn't going bring her back any faster" He calmly told her

"He's right chill out"

"I need some air" She flipped a chair over leaving the room. He shook his head scooting the folder to the side

"Tell me about Ms.Jetz"

"Briel and I have a love-hate relationship but truthfully she's amazing. Great mother to Malaiya and even better girlfriend to Angel. She might be stubborn at times but she'll give you her last if it can help you" I spoke honestly

"Briel has no criminal record. Not even a parking ticket so why might Sasha want her?"

"Wrong place at the wrong time maybe"

My phone went off and an unknown video began to play

"Hello Monae it's your favorite Mexican Eli and I've come to you with a proposition" He pulled a crying Briel into the camera "If you want to see this beauty ever again give me little Malaiya and your baby"

I looked up at a Detective Flower who was writing this down

"I know you haven't had the baby yet but when I get my hands on you he's going to mine. Oh and congrats on marrying Jelani she looks very pretty in her nurse scrubs"

The video ended with him hitting Briel upside her head. I sat my phone down as a million thoughts ran through my head

"Do not leave this room. I'll have an officer get Jelani from work and for them to find Angel"

Just like that Angel walked in the room "Where are my car keys?"

"Angelina you aren't going anywhere. Stay here for your safety" Detective Flower advised

"Fuck my safety I need to get my daughter"

"Where is she?"

"Ms.Yvette, Briel mother's house"

"Write down her address and I'll get her myself. How that sounds?"

"Malaiya isn't going to go with someone she doesn't know"

Signing he threw his hands up "Okay you can come but Moe you stay here"

"I'm not that good at following directions but I'll try"

They left the room leaving me and Ro by ourselves

Before all this happened me and Jelani finally picked a name out for the baby: Euro Riley Sanchez-William. I call him Ro and Jelani calls him Euski because she's weird

I grew bored so I set on an adventure to find a vending machine. When I finally found it the machine wouldn't take my money

"Work you fucking piece of shit" I powerfully kicked the machine

"Let me help you" The unknown person slipped a dollar in the machine. I pressed number seven watching the snicker fall down

"I'll get it for" She retrieved the snicker bar

"Here's your dollar"

"Oh there's no need but thank you"

"I finally found you" Jelani jumped in front the lady touching on me "Is Euski okay? Are you okay"

"We're fine Lani. Don't get to smothering me now"

"Jelani is that you?"

Lani turned facing the lady "Unique?"

"Yeah it's me" Unique nervously laughed "This must be your wife"

"Sure am" I answered for Jelani sending her daggers

"It was nice seeing you again Lani. Maybe I'll see you around"

"You live here now?" Jelani asked

"Yeah I got deployed here like two weeks ago with my fiancé Pilar"

"Congrats on the engagement"

"Congratulations on your wife and baby"

Silence filled the air

"It was nice meeting you Unique. Come on Lani let's see if Angel back"

We walked away hand in hand. She may have just been friendly to an ex but it's not really a big deal. Who can take Jelani from me? Nobody.

Once I led Jelani to the room Angel was back with Malaiya in her arms

"Until we get Ms.Jetz back I think it's best if you guys stay in one house and don't leave it unless you have an officer with you. I'll have at least three of them watching the house when I'm not for you guys safety" Detective Flowers proclaimed

"We can go to my dad condo. He never uses it" Angel suggested

"That's a good idea actually. This Eli dude won't be able to just pop up at you guys house"

"Who's Eli?" Lani questioned

"I'll explain later. Let's get some things from our house then we'll go to the condo" I dodged the question


"Lay sleep?" I quietly asked Angel peaking in the room

"Yeah" She answered coming out the room "What's up?"

"We gotta tell Jelani about Eli"

"We? Nah nigga that's your wife not mines"

"Tell me what?" Lani came from around the corner

"About Eli" Angel confessed "We know who has Briel and why"


Just being generous with a update.It's still on hold tho

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